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Oh god, here we fuggin go again.....


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I wish Brett Favre would blow an Achilles so he could just go away.


I too am sick of the maybe I will, Maybe I won't retirement crap. YOU SUCK! YOU'RE OLD! RETIRE!!!


Why the hell that organization cow-taus to him and doesn't move themselves forward I do NOT understand. What has he done for them in the last 7 years?

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Watched the entire team fall apart around him.  But let's hate a Hall of Famer because the media in this country is filled with idiots.



Agreed, besides he's one of the few ESTABLISHED Qb's who will be in the Hall of Fame, besides would you rather watch about him or Brady? We see enough Peyton in the commercials.

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is this his last game, or isn't it.  He's not sure if he's retiring or not.  This may be his last game at Lambeau or it might not be.


JESUS.  I hope we don't have another off-season of this total BS again. 




How much of this is Favre, and how much speculation by the media?


Reading between the lines of this piece by one of the Packers' beat reporters, it sounds like if the offseason ankle surgery goes OK, he probably will be back...

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Watched the entire team fall apart around him.  But let's hate a Hall of Famer because the media in this country is filled with idiots.


He's living on his past exploits. I in no way question his past greatness or guaranteed future enshrining in the HoF, but the annual Soap Opera of whether or not we get to spend another off season wondering with baited breath to see if we can see him throw more ridiculous interceptions followed by the announcers stating "That's Brett being Brett" :doh:, is getting old.

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I hope he plays another 5 years so y'all can spend it crying about the media coverage that YOU are choosing to watch. If you don't like it maybe you should turn it off instead of squealing about how awful it is. :doh:

As for all his ridiculous interceptions, the last I knew it was Week 13 and he had yet to throw one single interception while GB was tied or leading. Every single one of his picks has come while trying to play catch-up and keep that garbage roster in the game.

Personally I've spent most of the last 3 years wishing he'd get traded to someplace like Baltimore, Chicago(yeah right), Tampa, Carolina or Denver where he'd at least have a fighting chance to play in some meaningful games with some credible teammates.

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I hope he plays another 5 years so y'all can spend it crying about the media coverage that YOU are choosing to watch. If you don't like it maybe you should turn it off instead of squealing about how awful it is.  :doh:

As for all his ridiculous interceptions, the last I knew it was Week 13 and he had yet to throw one single interception while GB was tied or leading. Every single one of his picks has come while trying to play catch-up and keep that garbage roster in the game.

Personally I've spent most of the last 3 years wishing he'd get traded to someplace like Baltimore, Chicago(yeah right), Tampa, Carolina or Denver where he'd at least have a fighting chance to play in some meaningful games with some credible teammates.


they're 10th in offense as well and have a very real chance to end up 8-8 (against minnesota at home; at chicago with the bears presumably resting their starters).

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How much of this is Favre, and how much speculation by the media?


Reading between the lines of this piece by one of the Packers' beat reporters, it sounds like if the offseason ankle surgery goes OK, he probably will be back...


It's just as much Favre as it is the media. He's already starting with his press conference today. The ole....I'm not sure I'm going to retire. It might be my last game, it might not.


Straight from his mouth today.


It's also the media. And this has nothing to do with hating Favre, which I don't. Don't start the chickenshit games again, with this drama. If you arent' ready to decide, just say that. And that you'll talk about it later. The whole GB - Minn game pretty much sucks. But to have to listen to announcers slobber all over Brett every time he's on an undeserved primetime game is annoying to say the least. And he keeps this crap going. Just like his presser today. He causes everyone to speculate.


It's old. And he drags it on himself also.

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Yeah, now that I've had a chance to see that clip myself, I'm more inclined to agree with you.


"And in other news today, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead..."

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I hope he plays another 5 years so y'all can spend it crying about the media coverage that YOU are choosing to watch. If you don't like it maybe you should turn it off instead of squealing about how awful it is.  :doh:

As for all his ridiculous interceptions, the last I knew it was Week 13 and he had yet to throw one single interception while GB was tied or leading. Every single one of his picks has come while trying to play catch-up and keep that garbage roster in the game.

Personally I've spent most of the last 3 years wishing he'd get traded to someplace like Baltimore, Chicago(yeah right), Tampa, Carolina or Denver where he'd at least have a fighting chance to play in some meaningful games with some credible teammates.


Yeah, but the Favre stuff on TV that WE choose to watch is forcefed to us. Think of it kind of like most of your posts. Most of the time they are only made to ridicule people and show just what kind of jackass you can be. We don't choose to have you insult us either, but you do.


It's all kind of the same. And both are very annoying. Of course, though, when you don't like what people say, most of the time, you'll ban them. We can't ban Brett talk or slobber from being on our TV sets.


I don't hate Brett at all. I actually like watching him play. Even today. But the is he or isn't he, is old. Very old.

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It's just as much Favre as it is the media.  He's already starting with his press conference today.  The ole....I'm not sure I'm going to retire.  It might be my last game, it might not.


Straight from his mouth today.


Gee, I hate when people don't make up their minds about their careers. I demand answers. :doh:

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You tell me.  I'm not the one who has a problem with it.  I could care less because I don't watch any shows that aren't about what actually happens on the field.


Well, you're a better man than me then. Cuz I watch sports programming most of time. Especially when killing time. And Favre is not only all over the NFL Network with this crap.....but he's all over ESPN TV today. Sirius satellite radio. PTI. Around the Horn. Front of the ESPN website. Front of the USA Today website. I'm sure there are more and more sites out there. So, it's a little hard to escape.


Even when searching for some info on the Pittsburgh Penguins situation, you have to sit through Brett Favre BS to get it.


It's old. Annoying. Very much so. No one really cares this much.

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