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BILLS FANS! Can you help me out?

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Ok, i need a little bit of help from some Bills fans. Those who have read my TOS know that a party must have 5 or more members at the very least before i will consider doing business with them. Now i received almost a dozen requests from Bills fans in the past few days, all of them asking me to meet them at the house of one Jonathan Paul Losman. I was about to pack up and leave when i noticed something strange about the messages. I played them again, specifically listening to who was calling me, and now i fear i am trying to be taken advantage of.


Heres where you Bills fans come in to help me. I will list the names of the callers and i would like to know if anyone else notices anything strange about the caller names. Or, if you know that these are real honest to goodness Bills fans, perhaps you fans could verify their identities and i can be on my way. Either way you would be doing me a great favor, and i will reward your help with a discount next time i am needed.


Here are the names of the callers. Once again, thank you Bills fans in advance for your help.


1. Josh D. Gamble

2. Johnny D. Grady

3. Jim D. Gillson

4. Jeff D. Gentry

5. Jorge D. Gomez

6. Scott Law

7. Jill D. Granson

8. Jason D. Gepp

9. Jonathan D. Gundy

10. Jay D. Gee

11. James D. Girk


Thanks for the help Bills fans!

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No, the whole team was so bad that I believe JP get's a pass this week. I belive Nate, Mcgee, the entire Oline, the Dline, the LBers, the safeties, etc... all need to be tossed in there as well. Heck for general GP put the coaches in the pillow sack.

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This person didn't get it.



I know what tar and feathering is... I just didn't get the point of the thread. I figured with Tar and Feathering making a post about going to JPL house that people were calling for the qb to be tarred and feathered, but what I didn't get is the significance of the ten JDG names. Maybe its an inside joke with a couple posters on here, i was just saying it was lost on me

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I know what tar and feathering is... I just didn't get the point of the thread.  I figured with Tar and Feathering making a post about going to JPL house that people were calling for the qb to be tarred and feathered, but what I didn't get is the significance of the ten JDG names.  Maybe its an inside joke with a couple posters on here, i was just saying it was lost on me



JDG has been one of the largest Losman detractors on the board and catches much flak for it

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Ok, i need a little bit of help from some Bills fans. Those who have read my TOS know that a party must have 5 or more members at the very least before i will consider doing business with them. Now i received almost a dozen requests from Bills fans in the past few days, all of them asking me to meet them at the house of one Jonathan Paul Losman. I was about to pack up and leave when i noticed something strange about the messages. I played them again, specifically listening to who was calling me,  and now i fear i am trying to be taken advantage of.


Heres where you Bills fans come in to help me. I will list the names of the callers and i would like to know if anyone else notices anything strange about the caller names. Or, if you know that these are real honest to goodness Bills fans, perhaps you fans could verify their identities and i can be on my way. Either way you would be doing me a great favor, and i will reward your help with a discount next time i am needed.


Here are the names of the callers. Once again, thank you Bills fans in advance for your help.


1. Josh D. Gamble

2. Johnny D. Grady

3. Jim D. Gillson

4. Jeff D. Gentry

5. Jorge D. Gomez

6. Scott Law

7. Jill D. Granson

8. Jason D. Gepp

9. Jonathan D. Gundy

10. Jay D. Gee

11. James D. Girk


Thanks for the help Bills fans!




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Tar and Feathers showed up on the board at the start of the season because of the way Bills fans were changing their mind everyday on who the whipping boy of the last game would be because supposedly that player was the reason we lost.


Since Losman had a bad game (not tar and Feathers worthy though) he showed up and the joke has to do with JDG and how he "loves" Losman

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