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For the few who still think Fox is . . .

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You look to what some wiseass in the production room does as proof of a networks biased agenda?


Thats like judging a mechanic by what type of hand cleaner he uses.


This is no different that the X over Cheneys face. And that was much ado about nothing, too.



Man, do you get a lot of dirt in your ears when you stick your head in the sand?

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You look to what some wiseass in the production room does as proof of a networks biased agenda?


Thats like judging a mechanic by what type of hand cleaner he uses.


This is no different that the X over Cheneys face. And that was much ado about nothing, too.



How about the fact that they have Republican Pundits delivering the news everyday? That enough for ya?

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That would be...terrorists taking flight lessons, preparing to crash airliners into buildings.


Not so great a thing...


No, now that we got such a good handle on things, and have decisive leaders, we could easily have prevented it. I was talking post 9/11 anyway.

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They can both be biased outlets, you know...  :devil:



Nevermind that the liberal/conservative bias thing is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overstated in the case of the NYT, WSJ, and others (except for the cable news networks, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et al - they don't even friggin try to be in the center, lol).

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The Dow Jones thing is actually great news. But one thing at a time. Maybe six years from now we can get back to where we started from on the War on Terror, too. That would be a major accomplishment, too.




In 6 years, I'll want the 1.5 trillion we will have spent on the disaster that is sure to be Iraq by then.


Money shmoney.

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Pretty smart on their part. The knuckle-draggers here are a good indicator of how stupid and gullible the rest of the country is, so I am sure it works. Foley is an Irish name...Irish live in MA and NY...MA and NY are long-time Democratic states...erego he is a Dem because as we all know Dems like sex (Repigs don't, because they are no good at it I guess.

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Pretty smart on their part.  The knuckle-draggers here are a good indicator of how stupid and gullible the rest of the country is, so I am sure it works.  Foley is an Irish name...Irish live in MA and NY...MA and NY are long-time Democratic states...erego he is a Dem because as we all know Dems like sex (Repigs don't, because they are no good at it I guess.



You will fall down if you continue to spin, blz... :D

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Do you think that it would be best if they lose their FCC license?


I await your belittlement and dismissal.  :D



No, I don't want anyone censored. I would settle for Fox to quit saying "Fair and Balanced" and to replace it with "Biased, and we lie once in a while"

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No, I don't want anyone censored. I would settle for Fox to quit saying "Fair and Balanced" and to replace it with "Biased, and we lie once in a while"


Ah but a good positioning statement sets forth what makes them UNIQUE. This is not unique among media. They are all biased one way or another. It's up to the individual to be informed and sort out the truth instead of swallowing pablum.


How about "This ain't a welfare state - figure it out yourself".



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They are all biased one way or another.  It's up to the individual to be informed and sort out the truth instead of swallowing pablum.








Okay, I admit I've had a few beers so my judgement may be clouded

But the fact that blzrul said something that actually made sense to me is frightening. If anyone has a gun, please kill me and put me out of my misery



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You look to what some wiseass in the production room does as proof of a networks biased agenda?


Thats like judging a mechanic by what type of hand cleaner he uses.


This is no different that the X over Cheneys face. And that was much ado about nothing, too.



Right...this incident is the only one Fox has ever done, there's no bias there. :D Yeah, I know CNN has shown bias. All networks do.

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