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The Price of Happiness


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Didn't Michael J Fox do a movie about that?




Yeah, he did. I just watched that again about two weeks ago.


I liked the part where ( later to find out, his Aunte ) The CEO's wife is putting the moves on him, and the music in the backround is: ( GUY WITH A DEEP VOICE)





Funny shiit....

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You mean like graduating from College and expecting to move into that corner office on the 45th floor as a VP?




See now, my first corner office after college was only on the 12th floor but did I B word and moan about the view? No. I sucked it up and kept working.



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This may mean little at this juncture, but...


Just under 2 1/2 years ago, I left a great-paying job to start my own gig, but still in the same industry. I went from a great paycheck to nothing, and the week I quit my job my wife told me she was pregnant.


Once I was out and on my own, I started calling people I had done business with in my previous life to drum up business.


I called one account in particular on the Friday of my first week on my own. I gave him the pitch of my new business and our plan and I have to tell you, I was on fire with the spiel. When I finished, there was a long pause on the other end of the phone, and the guy said this:


"Let me get this straight. You left a cush job with a great company earning six figures so you could go out on your own? Are you a !@#$ing moron? You have to be a !@#$ing moron because no one leaves a set-up like you had to start their own gig."


When I hung up the phone, I was miserable. Not only did I expect to get some business from this guy, but the phone wasn't ringing all week. My first week on my own, and I was starting to think I set my expectations too high.


I spent the weekend second guessing myself, but got up Monday and was getting ready to hit the phones again when a potential client called with a job they wanted us to handle for them. No sooner did I hang up the phone, then it rang again. And it rang again.


This year we are expected to do close to a million in sales. Of software. And we're about to hire our fifth employee. And having my own gig with my own rules has made me happier than any job I've ever had.


To this day I have a little post-it taped below my computer monitor that says "You are many things, but a !@#$ing moron isn't one of them."


I tell you this not because I think I know what you and your wife should do, but rather to tell you that I questioned myself, and I shouldn't have. So my advice is for you and your wife to trust your guts, give it everything you have, and if your instincts are any good, the rest will work itself out.

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"Let me get this straight. You left a cush job with a great company earning six figures so you could go out on your own? Are you a !@#$ing moron? You have to be a !@#$ing moron because no one leaves a set-up like you had to start their own gig."



I can't believe Fabio spoke to you that way. What a jerk!



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I can be almost sure that part of my path will be in exposing the evil nature of Capri Sun and its servants here at TBD.  It will probably get more of my posts deleted.  It may have a mind control drug in it.



Did I miss something?

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My wife is contemplating leaving her current place of employment, which she loathes, to return to her former job.  The only problem with this is that it's a 20% paycut.  In my eyes, her happiness is worth way more than any money we would sacrifice.  I think we can make the finances work.  Anybody ever do anything like this?



My wife and I did this about two years ago. We were unhappy living in south fl. The people, the heat,the cost and my in-laws all played a part. It took us four years of trying to get to north carolina and it is awesome. We took a huge pay cut to come here.(about 40%). But with careful planning we are able to survive. It probably set us back 3 years finacially...and when I get down in the dumps about the lack of funds, my wife says"But we are where we want to be" And you know what? She is right. Best move we ever made. It isn't always about the $. Wish you luck.

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