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Happy Anniversary To Psycho Ward 86!!

R. Rich

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Well, it comes up in coversation that this guy and his wife just celebrated their 10th anniversary.  Everyone says "Awww" and "congratulations" and the like.  This guy looks like he gets serious for a second, and he puts his arm around his wife and he says, "Ahhh yes, honey...Ten years.  Wow, just amazing.  I'll tell you what, it's felt like ten minutes."  And then he turns his head in my direction and says, "Under water!"  The whole table just started dying laughing, and I almost lost it.  It looked as though this jokester was having a sweet moment with his wife, and then he bursts out the "under water."  His wife was a good sport and looked embarrassed, but even she was laughing.  Classic- one of my all-time fav's.


I will use that line someday.

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