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Scientific Proof Men get Distracted


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Sex cues ruin men's decisiveness




Catching sight of a pretty woman really is enough to throw a man's decision-making skills into disarray, a study suggests.


The more testosterone he has, the vaguer he will be, according to work by Belgian researchers.


Men about to play a financial game were shown images of sexy women or lingerie.


The Proceedings of the Royal Society B study found they performed worse than men who had not been exposed to the alluring images.


The suggestion is that the sexual cues distract the men's thoughts, preventing them from focusing on their task - particularly among those with high natural testosterone levels.


The University of Leuven researchers gave 176 heterosexual male student volunteers aged 18 to 28 financial games to test their fair play.

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In further amazing discoveries- the Earth travels around the sun.



LOL, no sh--, I was thinking the .....wow, look at that blonde over there.....wait, what was I saying ? :ph34r:

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I was playing blackjack in the Bahamas some years ago. I was on a hot streak. This really hot chick came over to me flashing her cleavage and started to chat me up. At the same time, the cocktail waitress made sure to keep the drinks coming.


Needless to say, my hot streak ended. I did have fun though.

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Dear Penthouse,

I was playing blackjack in the Bahamas some years ago.  I was on a hot streak.  This really hot chick came over to me flashing her cleavage and started to chat me up.  At the same time, the cocktail waitress made sure to keep the drinks coming.


Needless to say, my hot streak ended.  I did have fun though.



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If the sight of a pretty woman distracts us, does the sight of an ugly woman makes us work harder?


No. Same result, different reason. Rather than experiencing sexual stimulation, we become nauseous and unable to perform the simplest of tasks.

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In case anyone needs a refresher:




It's as if the lipstick makes it WORSE......if that's even possible.

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