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Coworkers from Hell!

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Melissa could reek havoc, if she wanted to, on both Joe and the old whores with a quick note to HR.  But, perhaps, like me, she realizes there is nothing more vile in the corporate world as HR people.  Except for the administration of benefits, these festering pustules tend to be as useful as breasts on a bull.


The only people worse than the friendly (lying, backstabbing) folks in HR are the cretins who run to HR without first trying to address the problems with co-workers themselves.


I'm not taking a shot at you, you Mad Cap, you.  Her situation is clearly wack.  And of course (here comes the disclaimer) I realize I'm stereotyping and not ALL HR people are suck-up drones without any particular worthwhile skill-set.  So, if you're in HR, I wasn't talking about you...necessarily.  :lol:



Reek??? Hehehehe.

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Nothing too special... but the douche next to me always eats lunch at his desk. Not so bad... but it's this same meatloaf he gets down the street EVERY DAY. It smells like canned dog food. Then he doesn't eat with his mouth closed. It *sounds* like a dog licking a bowl of half-hardened Jello. I've got to put headphones on or get up and leave every day at about 1:00PM.



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I'm not a prude but sometimes their conversation turns very explicit -- like talking about the "ideal size for men" (and I'm not talking about height).  Yes, they use words that rhyme with "sock," "stick," etc. 



rock and brick? :doh:

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Bar the door from the outside - add a cherry bomb down the vent pipe


Works every time  :doh:



I like the more subtle approach. There were three of us on the job-site. Myself and another person rode in one car, the third drove in a second car (long story). This guy was pissing us off. We left about 20 minutes before the third person. We used a fork-lift and hoisted his rental car on top of an adjacent dumpster and took the keys to the forklift. He was not happy. He had to run around the jobsite, looking for another forklift to get his car down from on top of the dumpster. Good times.

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Then there are these two women who sit near me who are actually nice, but they are desperate to get married and are always talking about men like two teenage girls--"oh, you know he didn't call me," etc.  They sound like my 17 yr. old and one is 38 and the other is 42!  I'm not a prude but sometimes their conversation turns very explicit -- like talking about the "ideal size for men" (and I'm not talking about height).  Yes, they use words that rhyme with "sock," "stick," etc. 



Tell them to say these words TO THE MEN at the appropriate time instead of at the workplace. If they take your advice, I am willing to bet that the guys WILL call them back. :doh:

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I worked in a dept that was mostly women....one of my co workers while on company time clipped grocery coupons at her desk while the work was piling up behind her. She was slow in the mind and in efficiency. Yet somewhow she still continued to be employed there even though she had the worst work ethic I ever seen.


Fast Forward 6 years later I heard through an ex-coworker of mine that she left to take a job with the government.....how's that for irony!!!

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