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Why not go after TO?


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Past history is not indicative of future results...


My bet is that, at least for the upcoming season, this guy is going to be a monster AND well-behaved. He will be out to prove his critics wrong. A contending team would be wise to get him on a short contract filled with behavioral clauses.

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Don't worry about the QB situation.  That will all be taken care of when we draft Marcus Vick.  Then he and T.O. can rip each other.





TO may be a jackass, but Marcus Vick is in another level of jackass. TO causes problems with his mouth, Marcus Vick pulls guns on teenagers while on dates at mcdonalds

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Past history is not indicative of future results...


My bet is that, at least for the upcoming season, this guy is going to be a monster AND well-behaved.  He will be out to prove his critics wrong.  A contending team would be wise to get him on a short contract filled with behavioral clauses.




Actually, for the most part, past behavior IS incidative of future results. It doesn't guarantee them...it doesn't cause them...but it tends to be pertty indicative.


With that said, I kinda agree that he has one fairly clean year coming. I mean, if you were gong to bet on ONE year that he'd work his ass off and play some serious ball, this would be that year, IMO. Still, I wouldn't bet the farm on it.


I would bet the farm against him playing in Buffalo next year.

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Past history is not indicative of future results...


My bet is that, at least for the upcoming season, this guy is going to be a monster AND well-behaved.  He will be out to prove his critics wrong.  A contending team would be wise to get him on a short contract filled with behavioral clauses.



A one year flyer on him might be a nice risk vs. reward option.


Of course, I doubt he'd want to come to a team with no offense, so that'd rule out the Bills...

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