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What if Fox ran the forged docs

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Just suppose that FOX News ran a bogus news story about john kerry that stated that he did something that could only be collaborated by the use of forged documents that were given to them by a republican supporter who had previously expressed his complete distain for john kerry.


Then when the fact was exposed that the documents that are the backbone of the story are complete fakes FOX News managing editor Brit Hume came on the air and forcefully defended the story and the documents. Essentially placing his entire reputation on the fact that these documents are real and putting up a stone wall when questioned about the sorce of the forged documents.


Then when the reality of the situation proves that the documents are indeed forged and the story has no basis at all, the managing editor of FOX News (Brit Hume) comes out with a statement that say “ Even though the documents are forged the premise of the story is still true” how much credibility do you think he would still have?


I see it this way. The liberal elite media would be calling for heads to roll at FOX News if not the total elimination of the network based on the facts that they lied, they betrayed us, they played on our fears. They would cover this story 24/7 365 until their eyes started to bleed. It would become part of their advertising campaign, and they would have no problems doing so.


So my question is, why isn’t CBS held to even half of that standard? Why are we not going after the person who provided these forged documents? Isn’t there some law being broken here?

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Don't forget the non-stop screaming for apologies to the American public, the Democratic Party, the UN, Asia, Africa, Europe and the entire Solar System, the calls for a Special Prosecutor, the demand for a Congressional commission, the Black Caucus claiming racism and so on.


It would be claimed to be the true cause of global warming, poverty, AIDS, discrimination, homosexual bashing etc.

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It would be just as wrong....wrong is wrong



Uh, thanks for your insight, but that is not his point. His point is the hypocracy in the way that "wrongs" are handled by the media depending on whether the scam was perpetrated by those on the left or on the right. As it is, this is not in fact being treated as 'just as wrong' because lefty shill Dan Blather was the one pulling the scam.

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FoxNews would be placed under immense pressure by most of the media outlets. It would be ten times more scandalous than what is going on with CBS. At the same time, their rankings would only take a minimal hit because their audience is far more loyal and dedicated to the channel.

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That would be par for the course. FoxSnooze had precious little journalistic credibility to begin with, and a philosophy of "Ready, fire, aim" when it comes to investigating before reporting. Dan Rather and CBS did nothing more than stoop to their level, really...

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I agree with DC Tom AND Adam on this one...


Bad journalism is bad journalism, regardless!



Let me expand on my post a little:


I have seen Fox pull precisely the same stevestojan CONSTANTLY! "Oh, we've got a story! Let's air it! If we're wrong we can always retract it."


It's not a question of "I don't like Fox, therefore I consider their standards tabloid-esque." It's "I ignore Fox because their standards are tabloid-esque." And although I never paid much attention to "Gunga Dan" and 60 Minutes before...I won't pay any attention to them now. The only difference is that I'm surprised CBS pulled this stunt; if Fox had pulled it...SSDD, yawn.

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Part of the issue here is that Dan Rather is percieved to have alot more credibility than Brit Hume. Walk down the street and ask people if they know who brit hume is. Then ask them about dan rather. Brit, though no less of a journalist, does not have the name recognition, and therefore could be criticized at will by the media. You cant take dan rather to the woodshead, as much as he may deserve it, because the american people have been watching him for 95 years, and have grown to a certain comfort and trust level with him. This certainally damages his reputation, but he wont be destroyed over it in the way a brit hume could be.


I will say this though. Democrats are much better at crying loudly when things dont go their way. Trent lott makes one comment, gets taken out of context, and next thing you know its all over everywhere, meanwhile Senator Robert Byrd was a former leader in the KKK, and nothing ever gets said about that.


I think, in some twisted way, behavior like this (forging of a letter, releasing bush DWI records on the evening of the election, etc.), is expected from the democratic party. So the republicans treat it as the status quo. Meanwhile, the republicans are supposed to be the more "moral party", and whenever they do something even close to questionable, the democrats make sure to blow it up in their face, in an effort to destroy their base.

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Just suppose that FOX News ran a bogus news story about john kerry that stated that he did something that could only be collaborated by the use of forged documents that were given to them by a republican supporter who had previously expressed his complete distain for john kerry.



Maybe we could call the Swift Boat Captains in to analylze these documents. They seem to know the military background and actions of men they never served with or met.

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That would be par for the course.  FoxSnooze had precious little journalistic credibility to begin with, and a philosophy of "Ready, fire, aim" when it comes to investigating before reporting.  Dan Rather and CBS did nothing more than stoop to their level, really...




Um tom, can you give me one example please. Just one little example of anything that even comes close to this level.


personally I think that you are being dishonest, and lieing by making such a claim and not backing it up with some facts. Geezz and you chasitise me for half truths and lies. PULEEESE

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Um tom, can you give me one example please. Just one little example of anything that even comes close to this level.


personally I think that you are being dishonest, and lieing by making such a claim and not backing it up with some facts. Geezz and you chasitise me for half truths and lies. PULEEESE



Yes. Their whole "expose" on the UN Oil-for-Food program. And that's just this week. Give me another week, and I'm sure one or two more of Fox's "exclusive stories" will turn out to be stevestojan as well.

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Yes.  Their whole "expose" on the UN Oil-for-Food program.  And that's just this week.  Give me another week, and I'm sure one or two more of Fox's "exclusive stories" will turn out to be stevestojan as well.




That show sunday night was excellent, what are you talking about. What lies have been exposed from that show? Can you please elaborate?

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"Fox is biased to the Right"




Just about every other major news organization outside of the WSJ is biased to the LEFT. And they "hide" thier bias just as much...or worse....than Fox hides theirs.


I always say, nothing worse than watching some maroon scream about Fox's bias while reading the NY Times and tuning in to NPR.

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The liberal elite media would be calling for heads to roll at FOX News if not the total elimination of the network based on the facts that they lied, they betrayed us, they played on our fears. They would cover this story 24/7 365 until their eyes started to bleed.


Funny, but this is how FOX News is handling the situation. They seem to have forgot about the situation in Iraq and the lack of job growth and have made this their lead story for discussion for the past week, especially on Brit Hume Reports and the Fox All-Stars roundtable.


But it was nice of you to finally admit that Fox News does have a right wing bias.

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Like Richio did, whenever FOX had an article that said WMDs had been found in IRaq, he (and FOX) would never post the articles that stated he and FOX were wrong.


So, if it was FOX, they would simply give the original story and ignore the (after-the-fact) truth. :D:D

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Like Richio did, whenever FOX had an article that said WMDs had been found in IRaq, he (and FOX) would never post the articles that stated he and FOX were wrong.


So, if it was FOX, they would simply give the original story and ignore the (after-the-fact) truth. :D  :D



Richio runs for cover when confronted with the facts? That's his trademark move.


To the person who asked if I was joking when I mentioned Republiucan-run NPR, of course I'm joking. That's the point- they spent a pretty good amount of time today bashing CBS, and if they are doing it, what liberal media outlet is ignoring it?

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