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Sullivan righto n the money.

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Ironically, I think some of the value newspapers still have is not in their reporting of factual news, but in their opinion columns, which seem to get Jerry Sullivan and other "hacks" attacked.


??? newspapers are the *only* outlets that publish well sourced factual news. you ain't gonna get it on tv, and you're certainly not gonna get it in the web or the blogosphere, which is mostly people providing spins on media stories generated by real newspaper reporters.

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And what is Jerry Sullivan's job? I think he's a guy paid to write about the Bills - uncover stories when there is actual news and write columns with a healthy bit of his own opinion in them. Like all other sportswriters, his job is to sell papers and generate talk around the water cooler about the team.




He's a hack because he's the mirror image of Donahoe, who holds fans in contempt and loves to write in the "I'm smarter than you" style. There's a reason that Sully & TD hate each other - it's because they're so similar.


He's a hack because he won't think twice about changing his opinion and twist facts to support his latest thinking, while ignoring pieces that he wrote months before.


He's a hack because he masters in the in-your-face hindsight analysis that can be heard on the nearest barstool, or internet post.


If GW turns into a good NFL coach, you think you'll ever get whiff of a oops, I was wrong commentary from Sully?

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??? newspapers are the *only* outlets that publish well sourced factual news. you ain't gonna get it on tv, and you're certainly not gonna get it in the web or the blogosphere, which is mostly people providing spins on media stories generated by real newspaper reporters.



I disagree. I think most factual news people get from the newspaper (with the exception of local news) is from a large wire service like the AP or Reuters. Once the story hits the wire, the same story, word for word, appears in newspapers acros the country as well as every major news website (CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, Newspaper website). When news happens, everybody reads the exact same story whether you read it 5 minutes after it happens or the next morning in the local paper.

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Vague ideas about how to fix problems? It's not his job to fix the problems - if it was he'd be in line for the GM job and pull in more than 10 times the salary he's currently paid. If he did come up with ideas people would be blasting him as a guy who is a writer, not a GM.




Thank you! Why is this point so hard to understand for some around here??


I constantly here that criticism should be followed by a "Grand Plan" of action, otherwise it has no merit...I just don't get that line of thinking...


So you have to have the answers in order to say the Bills sucked out loud this Season? Why, cause we are Bills Fans? I don't get that at all...


It's Sullivan's Job to write a column by his deadline...It's the Bills Brass' Job to put a Playoff calibre Team on the Field...Looks to me like Sullivan is the one doing his Job in that comparison...


I don't agree with everything the guy says, but in no way shape or form should he, or any Bills Fan be expected to supply answers in order to criticize...It's just a chicken-sh** homer argument...If the Bills did a good Job and made the Playoff's, they would not have to worry so much about all the criticism...


Sorry for the rant... :D

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He's a hack because he's the mirror image of Donahoe, who holds fans in contempt and loves to write in the "I'm smarter than you" style.  There's a reason that Sully & TD hate each other - it's because they're so similar.


He's a hack because he won't think twice about changing his opinion and twist facts to support his latest thinking, while ignoring pieces that he wrote months before. 


He's a hack because he masters in the in-your-face hindsight analysis that can be heard on the nearest barstool, or internet post.


If GW turns into a good NFL coach, you think you'll ever get whiff of a oops, I was wrong commentary from Sully?



You're on a roll today. Couldn't agree more.


Sully was a big proponent of hiring TD, and even gave RW a hard time about taking so long to pull the trigger. Then, when he's called out on this point on his radio gig a few weeks ago, he meekly says he has a "right to change my mind." Yet nowhere do we ever see this mea culpa in any of his columns. Nope, 'ol Jerry knows that whatever he wrote in the past is now landfill and he can safely blow with the wind, whichever direction makes him look the most intelligent...

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Many people here sound like a bunch of women mad at Sullivan for daring say their ass looks too big in those jeans.



The right analogy is that Sully is saying that the ass looks too big today, while giddily recommending that the women buy those jeans yesterday.

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I disagree. I think most factual news people get from the newspaper (with the exception of local news) is from a large wire service like the AP or Reuters. Once the story hits the wire, the same story, word for word, appears in newspapers acros the country as well as every major news website (CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, Newspaper website). When news happens, everybody reads the exact same story whether you read it 5 minutes after it happens or the next morning in the local paper.



I think the most correct answer to the problem you are bringing up is simply: Don't single source for news!


Why do folks seem to insist that there is one single best source of news when actually any one outlet be it a newspaper, TV, radio, blogs etc consists of a bunch of folks.


Some are good and some are bad and no single outlet covering a wide variety of newsbeats is the "best" all the time.


Even tougher for us news "consumers" is that even the best have bad-hair days and do not quite get the story right.


We as news readers (viewers or whatever) have a very different job than news providers. They work for businesses who do want to make you subscribe solely to their outlet and give them all of your nickels. If you do subscribe to one outlet or one point of view they will be happy as they have all your news nuckels but guarantee you are going to be misinformed or at least missing a lot of stuff.


Is Fox or Cnn better? Is TV or the newspapers better? The answer to these and similar questions is neither.

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I really don't see what the complaint is on TD. Sullivan, like most other people (myself included), said that the TD signing was a good one years ago when it was made. Now that TD has failed to build the organization into a winner and we've been through some painful years, most people look back and say that it was a bad choice. Sullivan says he changed his mind on the pick - I think most people have (I'll admit I have). People aren't satisfied unless he write a giant mea culpa, beg for forgiveness and lets each and every reader extract a pound of flesh for having a different opinion 5 years ago?

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I disagree. I think most factual news people get from the newspaper (with the exception of local news) is from a large wire service like the AP or Reuters. Once the story hits the wire, the same story, word for word, appears in newspapers acros the country as well as every major news website (CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, Newspaper website). When news happens, everybody reads the exact same story whether you read it 5 minutes after it happens or the next morning in the local paper.


but reuters, the ap, knight ridder are news reporting organizations built largely to serve newspapers. moreover, there are the top shelf newspapers like the ny times, the washington post, the LA times, and the wsj that usually get the best and most highly prized scoops. television news is hardly ever first in this regard.

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The right analogy is that Sully is saying that the ass looks too big today, while giddily recommending that the women buy those jeans yesterday.



More like telling the woman she looks great today so he can get into her jeans, then calling her a lard ass to his buddies down at the bar afterward....

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And what is Jerry Sullivan's job? I think he's a guy paid to write about the Bills - uncover stories when there is actual news and write columns with a healthy bit of his own opinion in them. Like all other sportswriters, his job is to sell papers and generate talk around the water cooler about the team.


Vague ideas about how to fix problems? It's not his job to fix the problems - if it was he'd be in line for the GM job and pull in more than 10 times the salary he's currently paid. If he did come up with ideas people would be blasting him as a guy who is a writer, not a GM.


Pointing out that he works in a small market doesn't mean anything. Buffalo is a small market - that's just the way it is. By your logic, everyone who works in the Buffalo media is a no talent hack who doesn't have the skills to work in larger markets - guess WNY is doomed to be without decent jornalism because they aren't New York or Los Angeles. Could it be that there is some decent talent in the Buffalo media because people WANT to work  and live there? For as much as people bash Buffalo, sure seems like people who live or have ever lived there love the place and think of it fondly (I know I do - it's a great place).


I'm tired of people blasting the local media as a bunch of hacks for doing their job. Folks - there is no super journalist out there, in any market, who knows all, reports all (with attributed sources, of course), gives you just the facts without opinion and has a great bit of exciting team news every day. If you don't like opinion, lack of named sources, use of sports statistics and failure to lay out how to fix problems, don't read a column by a guy like Jerry Sullivan. Better yet, write your own damn column and let's see what you have to say.



Holla - the Sullivan blasting is pretty much congruent to all the other crap that gets written about "the playcalling" by people like Sullivan after a loss but not after a win....as if the coach suddenly got dumber this week. But yeah - if I disagree with some hack columnist I'll usually elaborate why instead of coming up with these "Dawgged" vague generalizations.

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People aren't satisfied unless he write a giant mea culpa, beg for forgiveness and lets each and every reader extract a pound of flesh for having a different opinion 5 years ago?



Nope, he doesn't have to beg for forgiveness. Just point out that "sh-- happens," plans and people don't always work out, and that applies to owners, GMs, coaches, players, media, me, you....and columnists for the BN.


Instead, we get shoot-from-the-hip, which way the wind is blowing commentary that lacks perspective and would be right at home coming from the 8th grade boys locker room. Often spiced with more than a dash of personal venom directed toward his targets and, IMO, a large portion of his readers.


"Be honest and stop the [vitriol], then things might actually start to turn around."

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Unfortunately, the owner may be taking the easy way out. Offer up TD to the masses and just shuffle Modrak into his chair, keeping Dunderhead as Coach.


A new DC and OC ?  Mularkey reminds me of GW in his lame duck year. Who wants to come here with a HC on shaky grounds ?  The teams with new HC's will attract the good coordinators, knowing HC's get 2-3 years to show something.


I'm not so sure...if you were a good coordinator who thought he might have a good shot at becoming a head coach, why not go to a team with a shaky HC? He gets dropped after one year, and the coordinator is right there to step in. Maybe?



Mularkey must give up ALL playcalling to someone else. I've seen enough bad swing passes to Shelton to last a lifetime. Wyche may be his only option at OC. Call the plays from upstairs, with the old Benglas playbook from the late 80's, early 90's. ...and get a F#*king TE into the playbook, for the love of God. Everett finally gets to play. Outside of our obvious OL/DL needs, I would draft another TE, since Campbell,Euhus,Nuefeld etc. are complete junk.



If I ever see another swing pass to Shelton, I swear I'm going to break something.

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