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Sabres in trouble?

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There are several potential teams that could be sold and moved mentioned in this article (Nashville, Carolina, Pittsburgh, Washington) plus I'd add 3 that ought to be included (Islanders, Coyotes, and Atlanta.) But the Sabres have been drawing very poorly, despite having a decent team (until lately.) Gary Bettman has said the NHL will not expand. No need to with so many weak franchises around.


What's Tom Golisano to think? Buffalo and Rochester aren't supporting the team he helped bail out. (And he got a raft of crap from Jerry Sullivan needlessly, as well) If some Houston billionaire "shows him the money," what does he owe Buffalo?


Maybe we can hold a "Name 'Buffalo's New AHL Team' Contest!" Or just dust of the Pepsi Cap jerseys and call 'em the Bisons again





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Game 7 of the 2008 cup and the Buffalo Sabres are down 8-0 to the Houston OilDemons. With 10 minutes remaining in the 3rd, Buffalo storms back and pulls off the greatest comeback in NHL history to win its first cup! The City of Buffalo goes nuts! The Sabres then fold and move and Ralph sells the team to a bomb jacket maker company in Syria.......

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last thing the NHL needs is another "Southern" team.  Most teams down there are hurting!  I went to one Florida/Detroit game down there during fleet week and there were about 200 people there.  All these people want these teams is for a huge tax write-off!




I agree. Kids up north play hockey in the street after school. It just isn't natural to have a hockey team in a city that doesn't naturally ice over. Next thing you know, they'll want to move inbreeding up North! :)



(Little bit 'o humor there, relax)

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If the Penguins can't get a new arena, they're outta Pittsburgh, I don't care who's on their roster. Not to mention, the Sabres are outdrawing New Jersey, St. Louis, Anaheim, New York (Isles), and Washington.


You are right about the Pens. Above all else, Mario wants his money! (It's why he bought the team in the first place.) Devils just signed a deal to move into a new Newark NJ arena, so they are locked up. Hard to imagine the Blues or Ducks leaving.


Islanders may be ripe to go. The NY Metro area does not need 3 teams. They have arena and attendance issues on the island. Most of them were Ranger fans anyway. How secure are the Panthers?


A fellow on the Center Ice board did bring up an excellent point about Gollisano and the Sabres. If Tom wants to be Governor of New York, how would he look if he caused Buffalo to lose it's beloved hockey team?



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Kansas City is also exploring the possibility of adding an NBA or NHL franchise. they are building this new arena downtown, that should be ready sometime next year I believe. They would love to bring in another sports franchise.


Except the last two experiments (NBA Kings, and NHL Scouts) were both failures in KC...

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Kansas City is also exploring the possibility of adding an NBA or NHL franchise.  they are building this new arena downtown, that should be ready sometime next year I believe.  They would love to bring in another sports franchise.


Except the last two experiments (NBA Kings, and NHL Scouts) were both failures in KC...


Even the KC Blades of the IHL went under. It would be a hard sell to put an NHL team, or even an NBA team in KC. At least Houston has $$$ and the population to carry it off. The only other NHL "white area" is the Pacific Northwest. I could see either Portland or Seattle getting a team. Winnipeg and Hamilton? Fugget-abaht-it!



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Even the KC Blades of the IHL went under.  It would be a hard sell to put an NHL team, or even an NBA team in KC.  At least Houston has $$$ and the population to carry it off.  The only other NHL "white area" is the Pacific Northwest.  I could see either Portland or Seattle getting a team.  Winnipeg and Hamilton?  Fugget-abaht-it!






I don't see it working either. B-ball would have to compete with the Jayhawks, and KC and Lawrence are about as loyal to the hawks as much as almost any NBA team.


And I can't see the NHL succeeding here either.

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What's Tom Golisano to think?  Buffalo and Rochester aren't supporting the team he helped bail out.  (And he got a raft of crap from Jerry Sullivan needlessly, as well)  If some Houston billionaire "shows him the money,"  what does he owe Buffalo?








Personally, I don't see it happening. I remember when Golisano purchased the Sabres, he went out of his way to point out that he was not only doing it as an investment in Buffalo hockey, but as an investment in his other business interests in WNY. Golisano is very entrenched in WNY, has political aspirations, I don't think he would dare make himself into a villan, unless the financial struggles of the Sabres were just so awful, he had no other choice.


I was under the impression, when he took over, he was sort of acknowledging the fact that the franchise, and the leauge were in pretty bad financial straits, and he would wait for the leauges financial woes to stabilize (the new CBA!) before making his imprint on the team.


I realize that Sabres attendence is down a bit. Part of that may be because of the strike, competition from the Bills, and the fact that as fun as this team was to see the first few weeks of the season, they are kind of an unknown still. A big name free agent may have helped out, but I think, come January, if the Sabres are in the hunt for the divisional lead (or christ, a playoff spot, it is still the NHL aferall!), the attendance will pick up...tough times or not, Buffalo still has a rich hocky history, I wouldn't think the NHL would want to lose it. A big contributing factor to the NHL's decline over the last 15-20 years, was over expansion, and running after cities with money, as opposed to those who appreciate, or understand hockey. Buffalo is still one of only a handful of cities in the US that has consistantly supported hockey. It's proximity to Ontario and the Canadian market, should be exploited more...

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There are several potential teams that could be sold and moved mentioned in this article (Nashville, Carolina, Pittsburgh, Washington) plus I'd add 3 that ought to be included (Islanders, Coyotes, and Atlanta.)  But the Sabres have been drawing very poorly, despite having a decent team (until lately.)  Gary Bettman has said the NHL will not expand.  No need to with so many weak franchises around.


Not good, Sabres attendence usually doesn't pick up until after the football season ends though.

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Sabres-Montreal game was a sellout on Friday. Next Friday against Toronto is a sellout. Attendance picks up around the Holidays and after the Bills season. After all the Sabres fans have been through, give them a damn break. The economy sucks in the area and tickets are still about $5-$10 too high. If Golisano worried more about having a good hockey team instead of qualifying for revenue sharing and finishing in last place for the third time in the govenor's race, the team would be better and more people would decide to go to the games. Bettman has stated numerous times that no teams are moving and no expansion is in the near future. Houston can suck it.

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Game 7 of the 2008 cup and the Buffalo Sabres are down 8-0 to the Houston OilDemons.  With 10 minutes remaining in the 3rd, Buffalo storms back and pulls off the greatest comeback in NHL history to win its first cup!  The City of Buffalo goes nuts!  The Sabres then fold and move and Ralph sells the team to a bomb jacket maker company in Syria.......


Houston OilDemons is a cool name for a team.

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This whole thread is stupid.


The Sabres have one of the most secure owners in the league. Golisano would NEVER sell and/or move it. His roots and pride for WNY run deep.


Like Ralph Wilson always say's - if the product on the field is good - the place will sell out. Golisano can learn a lot from Ralph.


The NHL is coming off a strike - it will take time to rebuild the fan base.

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