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I'm bored....


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I don't think it's Mularkey, Frez. I think it's a combination of the players themselves being pussys and not having any heart. You gotta want to win it's like an addiction. Yeah they played ok in New Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!), but they lacked that killer instinct in order to seal the deal so to speak. Not to mention it just doesn't seem like anyone (besides Willis) is stepping it up (ok moulds last week). The team lacks that distinct leader (TKO). And we have no depth on both sides of the line not to mention most of our starters on both sides of the line SHOULD be back ups in the NFL. Thanks TD.

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The players leader starts and ends with Mike Mularkey. I was hoping he was a real tough guy like Bill Cowher, but I guess he's far from that.


I'm starting to think Tom Donahoe picked the wrong guy again to lead this team.

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The players leader starts and ends with Mike Mularkey. I was hoping he was a real tough guy like Bill Cowher, but I guess he's far from that.


I'm starting to think Tom Donahoe picked the wrong guy again to lead this team.


Or you could say Ralph picked the wrong GM.

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frez, i agree. I am also very bored watching this team this year... Any team can score 21 in the first half, but only special teams score 21 in the 3rd or 4th quarter. This team is weak, soft, and full of babies. Eric moulds, leader, calls out his QB, only for him to be replaced by a middle school math teacher with a soft arm. TKO, our uninspiring leader (crazy, and very good, but has yet to perform in the clutch) gets injured. Posey, the player-coach, sucks. Sam adams takes plays off. Willis opens his mouth like moulds. I say get rid of them all and start over. Especially someone like moulds. Yeah yeah, he's been here for a while and put up numbers, but i'm sick of his little p***y attitude he has, and the stupid penalties he gets. I think if this team had someone, anyone, with balls enough to speak up on the refs, playcalling, or to simply appologize for their crappy play, and someone to step up on either D or O line, this team would be ready to play. Till that happens, we'll be soft, beatable, start your backup goalie against us, type of team.

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Ill add even more to this:  Sometimes I feel the NFL as a whole is sometimes boring this year...too many penalties being called...challenges slow up the game....seems like more commericals too.....



yup, i cant stand the TD-commercial-XP-commercial-kickoff-commercial that goes on. And there are waaaay too many penalties being across the NFL this year.

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Ill add even more to this:  Sometimes I feel the NFL as a whole is sometimes boring this year...too many penalties being called...challenges slow up the game....seems like more commericals too.....



You're right about more penalties. There was a syndicated article in my local sports section a while back that pointed it out. IIRC, the presnap penalties went up a fair amount, among others.

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I am all for sending guys like Sam Adams packing. When you are winning, you can put up with players who don't play hard all the time. When you aren't, stuff like that ruins team chemistry. Moulds does complain a lot, but he plays hard all the time so I can live with that. But Adams drives me crazy. Not only does he not play hard all the time, but he is good for at least one offsides penalty a game that extends a drive and leads to points.

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