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Steve Czaban of Fox Sports Radio:


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Czaban this morning spent 10 minutes ripping into the Sunday Night Crew's coverage of the game.

Glad to see other people besides Bills fans were sick of the fan boy gushing of Bruschi. It was even worse than I thought is was going to be. I thought you might hear "Nobody ties his shoes with more passion than Teddy Bruschi.


"Thanks for making me hate Teddy Bruschi, ESPN" Steve Czaban this morning on the Fox Sports Network.

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lol. Good. It was really sickening. I swear not just sour grapes because of the loss. They went WAY overboard.


If the Bruschi lovefest wasn't enough, did you count how many mistakes they made? Damn! They don't correct each other either.





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lol. Good. It was really sickening. I swear not just sour grapes because of the loss. They went WAY overboard.


If the Bruschi lovefest wasn't enough, did you count how many mistakes they made? Damn! They don't correct each other either.


every time they went to commercial, they showed a clip of bruschi and played the "hero" song. i could take the first 2 times, but they showed it every damn time they went to commercial.

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i usually like them. but they do tend to talk about off the field stuff during the game. like they are watching it at their own house.


i want to know who made the catch. who maded the tackle. i want to see a replay of holding calls and personal fouls....

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You know there is going to be a problem when no one even discusses the Bills until the opening coin toss 10 minutes in to the telecast.


Then they start out the opening play by saying "everyone is rooting for Bruschi tonight even the Bills." Please someone freaking gag me. Then he misses the tackle in the backfield on Parrish and it was "Oh My Goodness!!! Did you see that!!! Bruschi is the best freaking LB ever!!!" So what if he blew the tackle!!!


It was disgusting. And if I was Tedy I'd be embarassed.

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I listen to ESPN Radio and every SportsCenter starts with something about Bruschi.  He had 2 tackles and 5 assists .... what a Hero.



It was pathetic. After we had already heard 30 times how he saw 10 doctors, we had to hear Robert Kraft rehash it for the 31st as game-changing plays were occuring.


They talk about Bruschi like he was God's gift, but all they ever showed was him wrapping up McGahee's legs for one tackle, and then swinging and missing on Roscoe. He was invisible other than that (aka doing his best London Fletcher impersonation.)

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How many times did they cut to Bruschi's wife in the stands?


I gave up long ago in hoping that announcers talk about things that matter.




To bad she wasn't that hot.

Jeff Garcia's "girlfriend" is a lot hotter, and he's gay.


I hope the COLTS kill the Patriots next monday.


If the Bills are going to suck this year, I can at least enjoy the suffering of their enemies:

Pats, jets, dolpfags.


Go Panthers in the NFC. Steve Smith = MVP

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Everybody sing along!


Mike Patrick:

Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Bruschi

Looking so down in the dumps

Every guy here'd love to be you, Bruschi

Even when taking your lumps

There's no man in town as admired as you

You're ev'ryone's favorite guy

Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you

And it's not very hard to see why

No one's slick as Bruschi

No one's quick as Bruschi

No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Bruschi's

For there's no man in town half as manly

Perfect, a pure paragon!

You can ask any Tom, Dick or Norman

And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on



Mike Patrick and Chorus:

No one's been like Bruschi

A king pin like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Bruschi



As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!


Mike Patrick and Chorus:

My what a guy, that Bruschi!

Give five "hurrahs!"

Give twelve "hip-hips!"



Mike Patrick:

Bruschi is the best

And the rest is all drips



No one fights like Bruschi

Douses lights like Bruschi


Joe Theismann:

In a wrestling match nobody bites like Bruschi!



For there's no one as burly and brawny



As you see I've got biceps to spare


Mike Patrick:

Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny



That's right!

And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with hair


ESPN Crew:

No one hits like Bruschi


Pats fans:

Matches wits like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

In a spitting match nobody spits like Bruschi



I'm especially good at expectorating!



ESPN Crew:

Ten points for Bruschi!



When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs

Ev'ry morning to help me get large

And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs

So I'm roughly the size of a barge!


ESPN Crew:

No one shoots like Bruschi

Makes those beauts like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Bruschi



I use antlers in all of my decorating!


ESPN Crew:

Say it again

Who's a man among men?

And then say it once more

Who's the hero next door?

Who's a super success?

Don't you know? Can't you guess?

Ask his fans and his five hangers-on

There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down


Mike Patrick:

And his name's B-R-E... W -

B-R-U-S - K -

B-R-U-S-C - oh!

ESPN Crew:


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Everybody sing along!


Mike Patrick:

Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Bruschi

Looking so down in the dumps

Every guy here'd love to be you, Bruschi

Even when taking your lumps

There's no man in town as admired as you

You're ev'ryone's favorite guy

Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you

And it's not very hard to see why

No one's slick as Bruschi

No one's quick as Bruschi

No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Bruschi's

For there's no man in town half as manly

Perfect, a pure paragon!

You can ask any Tom, Dick or Norman

And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on

Mike Patrick and Chorus:

No one's been like Bruschi

A king pin like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Bruschi



As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!


Mike Patrick and Chorus:

My what a guy, that Bruschi!

Give five "hurrahs!"

Give twelve "hip-hips!"

Mike Patrick:

Bruschi is the best

And the rest is all drips



No one fights like Bruschi

Douses lights like Bruschi


Joe Theismann:

In a wrestling match nobody bites like Bruschi!



For there's no one as burly and brawny



As you see I've got biceps to spare


Mike Patrick:

Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny



That's right!

And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with hair


ESPN Crew:

No one hits like Bruschi


Pats fans:

Matches wits like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

In a spitting match nobody spits like Bruschi



I'm especially good at expectorating!



ESPN Crew:

Ten points for Bruschi!



When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs

Ev'ry morning to help me get large

And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs

So I'm roughly the size of a barge!


ESPN Crew:

No one shoots like Bruschi

Makes those beauts like Bruschi


Mike Patrick:

Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Bruschi



I use antlers in all of my decorating!


ESPN Crew:

Say it again

Who's a man among men?

And then say it once more

Who's the hero next door?

Who's a super success?

Don't you know? Can't you guess?

Ask his fans and his five hangers-on

There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down


Mike Patrick:

And his name's B-R-E... W -

B-R-U-S - K -

B-R-U-S-C - oh!

ESPN Crew:





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I love how they glorified how good a play it was when Bruschi Whiffed on tackling Willis, "He was right in there, look at that!" meanwhile if that had been TKO or Fletch, it would have been a big time whiff they were' speaking of, and how he has to wrap up.

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This is why you turn the freaking sound down and listen to the radio guys.


At least Murph and AVP are somewhat objective (read:  Bills fans).  :angry:





Unfortunately, that option is only open to those in range of the radio broadcast, many of us here, maybe most, do not have that available to us. Not since the "No Fun League" decided that even the radio broadcasts had to go on a "pay for" basis (internet)....

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This is why you turn the freaking sound down and listen to the radio guys.


At least Murph and AVP are somewhat objective (read:  Bills fans).  :angry:




Tried to listen to it with Field Pass, but the "Bills" link went straight to the Pats broadcast all night. Everything about that game smelled like a fix.

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