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Will go to the game tomorrow


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must be nice to be known as an unsafe place to go... theres being crazy fans, there there's the scum raiders fans who get to be out in all their whitetrashness once a week and are only tough when they are in the mob scene known as the black hole. Sober and one-on-one those guys are fat white trash who probably work for $5 an hour and get to go to one game a season.

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A word of advice, don't wear a jersey




I agree, I wouldn't recommend it either. Its not right that a fan can't go and root for their team without worry about their health.(i don'tr condone behavior like that) Fireman ED(jets) came to Oakland two years ago for playoff game and wasn't recieved that well in oakland. Had to watch the game at his hotel room .

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must be nice to be known as an unsafe place to go... theres being crazy fans, there there's the scum raiders fans who get to be out in all their whitetrashness once a week and are only tough when they are in the mob scene known as the black hole. Sober and one-on-one those guys are fat white trash who probably work for $5 an hour and get to go to one game a season.




Dude i don't care what stadium(team) your talking about, as there are bad apples in every team fan base. Alot of that has to do with people tailgatting hours before kickoff and people getting liquored up. You have people on that much alcohol and its going to lead to problems.


I went to Pro Player Park in 2001 to watch Raiders dolphins game. Yes I was wearing my Tim Brown Jersey. Raiders lose ion the last five seconds. This little punk 5'10 who clearly had too much to drink , was with about 25 of his friends. This guy gives me(6'3 245) a push( . Well you can say whatwever you want but once some touches me than its no longer cool. I tell the guy , Yes I might get my arse kicked but not before I knock you out. Than his friends say they don't want trouble. I say maybe you should watch how much alcohol he consumes because next time he gives some a push , he might not be so lucky. You think that little man would have had the balls to come up to me if he was alone.

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In about 2hours I'm takig the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to the game. I am taking my jersey and hat in a bag and putting them on when I hook up with about 50 Bills fans in the parking lot.

Driving 2 miles to the station near my house and taking it 15 miles to be let off right at the stadium.

Surprisingly, I awoke to the sound of raindrops! It hasn't rained since April. There's a low north of here and it is drawing up moisture from the remnants of a tropical storm in Mexico.

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