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All this hub-bub about the Vikings Cruise...

Kipers Hair

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I understand that pro-football players are idolized by the young and old and are, (regardless of what they want or say), role-models to young fans, however, I am a little tired of tuning intot he NFL network and spending the first 15 minutes on the Vikings debocle on Minitonka.


In a nut-shell - you have a boat-load of multimillionaires in ages ranging from 21-30 that chartered a boat for some...male entertainment. I have not read all the news, however, I do not think any of the players in question forced themselves any of these innocent woman of virtue. That said, these players were engaged in what I would bet is going on at this very minute in some Knights or Fire Hall for some lucky, (or unlucky), guys stag. These guys have the means and did what any of us would have done at that stage in our lives.


Peruse the yellow pages in any major city and you'll find 4-5 pages of "escorts". Unless you are REALLY thick, these are prostitutes hired primarily by white coller middle class americans with the white picket fence. Why the media acceptance or looking the other way? Some Joe salesman gets his jimmy waxed for a nickle, no big deal, a pro athlete gets a prime piece of American pie, and he get's chastised. I'll bet the athlete's date had a more memorable time.


Bottom line - 95% of American males in the age range of the players being persecuted would have given their left onion for a ticket on that cruise... And I would bet 95% of the fingers pointing at them have some skeletons they would rather not have known...

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I haven't read everything that happened, but I don't need to to understand that you can't have America watch you on prime time one day, get arrested for ANYTHING the next day, and expect a free pass. You're a moron at that point and you need to be called out.


Things aren't always fair, but generally speaking they're usually fairly understood. Professional athletes. A boat. Strippers. Booze.


We need to know that what would happen to us in a similar situation is happening to them.


Overkill? Maybe. Don't care. Change the channel.

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I have not read all the news, however, I do not think any of the players in question forced themselves any of these innocent woman of virtue.

Living in Minnesota, I hear news reports about this everyday (it's getting old...) However, I figured I should clarify that the players WERE making advances towards people who worked on the ship. In addition, the players never secured the necessary permits to have "adult entertainment" on the ship. Apparantly that's something that needs to be cleared ahead of time.


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Living in Minnesota, I hear news reports about this everyday (it's getting old...)  However, I figured I should clarify that the players WERE making advances towards people who worked on the ship.  In addition, the players never secured the necessary permits to have "adult entertainment" on the ship.  Apparantly that's something that needs to be cleared ahead of time.



I have read that this was the main reason the staff turned it around - the players were offering $ to the female wait staff to join in... :blush:

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I have read that this was the main reason the staff turned it around - the players were offering $ to the female wait staff to join in... :blush:



That's the main hub-bub right now. To me, if they'd been smart enough to do this party in private (like most every other person of at least average intelligence would have done) this would never have been an issue. But the dumb $hits not only did this in a public venue, they are alleged to have offered jing to the nubiles serving drinks on the "luv boat". Not cool nor smart..

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That's the main hub-bub right now. To me, if they'd been smart enough to do this party in private (like most every other person of at least average intelligence would have done) this would never have been an issue. But the dumb $hits not only did this in a public venue, they are alleged to have offered jing to the nubiles serving drinks on the "luv boat". Not cool nor smart..


I've also read that the importation of "talent" across state lines is causing some additional agencies to get involved.



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I've also read that the importation of "talent" across state lines is causing some additional agencies to get involved.





Yep those players involved could end up in deep doo-doo with the Feds. Charges could very well be placed as a violation of the Mann Act.


See Here: http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyjohnso/MannAct.htm


You are right Jay;they are Morons and if it turns out that any of the girls, working as part of the staff on the boat are under 18, the Feds could throw away the key. And if this is the case, I hope they do.

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You are right Jay;they are Morons and if it turns out that any of the girls, working as part of the staff on the boat are under 18, the Feds could throw away the key. And if this is the case, I hope they do.


Most states I've been to require that a person be 18 to serve drinks (21 in many of them).


Also, it is my understanding that you must be 18 years old to work aboard a commercial vessel per USCG regs.

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I understand that pro-football players are idolized by the young and old and are, (regardless of what they want or say), role-models to young fans, however, I am a little tired of tuning intot he NFL network and spending the first 15 minutes on the Vikings debocle on Minitonka.


In a nut-shell - you have a boat-load of multimillionaires in ages ranging from 21-30 that chartered a boat for some...male entertainment.  I have not read all the news, however, I do not think any of the players in question forced themselves any of these innocent woman of virtue.  That said, these players were engaged in what I would bet is going on at this very minute in some Knights or Fire Hall for some lucky, (or unlucky), guys stag.  These guys have the means and did what any of us would have done at that stage in our lives. 


Peruse the yellow pages in any major city and you'll find 4-5 pages of "escorts".  Unless you are REALLY thick, these are prostitutes hired primarily by white coller middle class americans with the white picket fence.  Why the media acceptance or looking the other way?  Some Joe salesman gets his jimmy waxed for a nickle, no big deal, a pro athlete gets a prime piece of American pie, and he get's chastised.  I'll bet the athlete's date had a more memorable time.


Bottom line - 95% of American males in the age range of the players being persecuted would have given their left onion for a ticket on that cruise...  And I would bet 95% of the fingers pointing at them have some skeletons they would rather not have known...



I guessed you missed the part where most of these "men" were already married!!! Why would you need a whore? :blush:


Do you think adultery is ok? Do you have daughters? Would you like them treated this way?


No wonder this country is going down the crapper.

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Bottom line - 95% of American males in the age range of the players being persecuted would have given their left onion for a ticket on that cruise...  And I would bet 95% of the fingers pointing at them have some skeletons they would rather not have known...



Your statement rings false. :blush:

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Really? I cheat on my wife everyday, don't you?  :(  :blush:



And TWICE on Sunday! :blush:

Oh Boy!

It's Sunday!

It's Sunday!


Honey, I've got an errand to do. Be back in 8 or 9 hours.


These guys were first in line to buy tickets to the retard rollercoaster from Coach Tice.

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I haven't read everything that happened, but I don't need to to understand that you can't have America watch you on prime time one day, get arrested for ANYTHING the next day, and expect a free pass. You're a moron at that point and you need to be called out.


Things aren't always fair, but generally speaking they're usually fairly understood. Professional athletes. A boat. Strippers. Booze.


We need to know that what would happen to us in a similar situation is happening to them.


Overkill? Maybe. Don't care. Change the channel.



I fully agree. Certain jobs come with certain limtations.

For instance, I don't think that someone is necessarily a bad person if they choose to smoke weed. That said, police officers are subject to random drug testing. So, if you want your job (and pension), you do not smoke weed. No questions, nothing. You DON'T smoke weed.

NFL players are in the public eye, and that's all they need to know.


Is the above "fair?" Some would say yes, some would say no, but it is what it is.

Most players have been coddled through high school and college. After they are drafted, they are told about the perils of behaving like this from both league reps and their own union. I wonder how old most of these players were?


I know little about this incident, but apparently they were engaging in public sex acts, and propsitioning young girls working on the boat to perform various sexual acts. Truthfully, this bothers me because these are just kids (some said to be helping pay for college) who do not deserve to be treated like animals. The use of hookers does not. They not I will contact AIDS, etc.

One SI writer said on WFAN that when the Vikes owner got the call about this, he was in a temple working on a "behavior code" for the players. :blush:


Anyway, who is gonna win today? :blush:

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I understand that pro-football players are idolized by the young and old and are, (regardless of what they want or say), role-models to young fans, however, I am a little tired of tuning intot he NFL network and spending the first 15 minutes on the Vikings debocle on Minitonka.


In a nut-shell - you have a boat-load of multimillionaires in ages ranging from 21-30 that chartered a boat for some...male entertainment.  I have not read all the news, however, I do not think any of the players in question forced themselves any of these innocent woman of virtue.  That said, these players were engaged in what I would bet is going on at this very minute in some Knights or Fire Hall for some lucky, (or unlucky), guys stag.  These guys have the means and did what any of us would have done at that stage in our lives. 


Peruse the yellow pages in any major city and you'll find 4-5 pages of "escorts".  Unless you are REALLY thick, these are prostitutes hired primarily by white coller middle class americans with the white picket fence.  Why the media acceptance or looking the other way?  Some Joe salesman gets his jimmy waxed for a nickle, no big deal, a pro athlete gets a prime piece of American pie, and he get's chastised.  I'll bet the athlete's date had a more memorable time.


Bottom line - 95% of American males in the age range of the players being persecuted would have given their left onion for a ticket on that cruise...  And I would bet 95% of the fingers pointing at them have some skeletons they would rather not have known...




You make a good point that these people are not society's finest, and that possibly some of us TBDers would do the same thing under those circumstances. However, i'd like to think that most of us are better than that. The issue isn't that they had a sexcapade, it was how they went about doing it... Which bring me to fez's point:



Living in Minnesota, I hear news reports about this everyday (it's getting old...)  However, I figured I should clarify that the players WERE making advances towards people who worked on the ship.  In addition, the players never secured the necessary permits to have "adult entertainment" on the ship.  Apparantly that's something that needs to be cleared ahead of time.





The fact that they were being inappropriate with the boat staff, didn't follow the necessary procedures for their entertainment, and were THICK enough to not realize that their night of entertainment would get to the public, all was a bad set of ideas. They should pay, just like i'd be forced to pay, if i got caught with a stripper where there shouldn't have been a stripper, and for doing innapropriate sexual things with random people. The difference between Joe Minnesota Viking and Johnny White Collar , is that Joe is famous. They're both an embarrasement to their families and their personal connections, they'll both have to pay the legal price for their actions, but Joe also gets to be publicly humiliated. What goes around, comes around. Just ask OJ... I'm sure he'll be in the black hole today.

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