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Tensions HIGH in Atlanta!

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Anyone watching this? Trotter and Mathis just got ejected, and both teams were facing off at midfield in each others faces.....HOT DAMN, MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL IS BACK!!!!

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Pre game fight. as trotter was walking by,him and falcons cb kevin mathis got into a war of words, mathis punched trotter, trotter grabbed mathis's facemask and they were having a tug of war on each others face mask. Refs and teammates try seperating them. Ref throws a flag both get ejected.


Trotter should not be ejected as he never not once did he throw a punch at mathis.

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Pre game fight.  as trotter was walking by,him and falcons cb kevin mathis got into a war of words,  mathis punched trotter, trotter grabbed mathis's facemask and they were having a tug of war on each others face mask. Refs and teammates try seperating them. Ref throws a flag both get ejected.


Trotter should not be ejected as he never not once did he throw a punch at mathis.



I just logged on to comment myself. Craziest thing I've seen in some time.

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Although the ESPN guys didn't see it & are defending Trotter, I thought I saw Trotter jab Mathis in the chest or stomach before Mathis threw a punch.  Any TIVO people out there who can confirm or reject my view?



They're not defending him anymore. They're saying the league told Coleman to go to the film review and confirm Trotter threw a punch...and apparently the review says he did. And from what I saw, it looks like he did. Mathis started it either way...but there's no "he started it rule".


Couple of !@#$ing bozos, too. Mike Tyson had more sense than that, albiet barely.

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Anybody else notice in the second altercation how Philadelphia was stomping on the Falcons logo? I took it as them disrespecting Atlanta, and it appeared that Atlanta took it the same way.


Surprised ESPN didn't pick up on that.


I just hope everyone brought their Valtrex 0:)

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