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What do you want to bet that most of the "looting" is for water, food, diapers and necessities! I would be looting too since aid has not reached these folks! Survival instincts take over. (footnote: I am sure there are some people taking advantage of the situation - but the vast majority are acting out of desperation to survive.)


The lead story should not be "looting," rather it should be where the hell is the FEMA plan? Where are the National Guard troops? How do we usher the aid into people in an orderly fashion.

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How do we usher the aid into people in an orderly fashion.


You can't. When they issued a mandatory evacuation, they are basicaly saying, we may not be able to help you once the storm hits. Thats why they do it.

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You can't. When they issued a mandatory evacuation, they are basicaly saying, we may not be able to help you once the storm hits.  Thats why they do it.



Admitedly I may be reaching - but I can't help but draw a comparison to the cluster F*&^ that occurred after we invaded Bagdad. There was no plan to restore order, usher in aid, or help the injured.


Here, we knew for decades that a major hurricane striking New ORleans could cause these problems. In fact the Army Corps of Engineers were planning to create a levee system that would withstand a Category 5 storm, but the Fed Govt. gutted that program (that is another story). Yet, there was not a "worse case senerio" plan to be executed? That is FEMA's job (and now the Department of Homeland Security in teh case of a large scale attack). Where was the plan?


It is an honest question that must be answered. It is too early to ask it now in any official capacity because now we have to fix the mistakes on the fly. But after things settle down (whenever that may be) someone better answer these questions.

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Anyone with a gun, what about those defending their property?



Hell with them. The city needs to be evacuated completely, people are dying because it's not being evacuated, it's not being evacuated because crowd control is impossible and armed gangs are interfering...shoot anyone who's armed. Hell, suspend posse comitatus for the next ten days and shoot anyone who's armed. If someone's defending their property...bad luck, but if they had the good sense to evacuate like everyone should be required to do, they wouldn't get shot.


I'm not saying it's a pleasant decision...but it's not a pleasant situation. A lot of people are going to die if they don't get out, and people are hindering that. You can either ask "pretty please with sugar" and watch 50k people rot to death in a swamp, or you can do what's required to save as many as you can. New Orleans, right now, at this moment, is dead. Period. It's a pure, bare-bones survival situation, and survival is a nasty process. I don't particularly LIKE the idea of shooting everyone who gets in the way...don't like it at all, frankly. But I can live with it a hell of a lot easier than the alternative.

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The lead story should not be "looting," rather it should be where the hell is the FEMA plan? Where are the National Guard troops? How do we usher the aid into people in an orderly fashion.



You don't. NO is shattered. You can't get aid to the people, you have to get the people to the aid.


Therein lies the problem: 1) it's bass-ackwards to how aid usually works, so no one's really prepared for it. "There's no precedent" is probably an exaggeration...but there's damned little, for sure. I doubt there's any real institutionalized experience at it. And 2) the people who need the aid are interfering with any attempts at distribution or evacuation in an orderly fashion. Can't blame them, really...but that's what's happening now.

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Plenty of agriculture in LA, MS, and AL.


Plenty of crop duster planes.


Dust with tear gas.


Wadda ya think? :blink:


You sick bastard, these are American people we are talking about.


Rapes, murders, and robbings being reported in plain sight in downtown New Orleans.


That being said, you're right on! I'd consider some of these people "terrorists" and they should be dealt like ones.

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What do you want to bet that most of the "looting" is for water, food, diapers and necessities! I would be looting too since aid has not reached these folks! Survival instincts take over. (footnote: I am sure there are some people taking advantage of the situation - but the vast majority are acting out of desperation to survive.) 


The lead story should not be "looting," rather it should be where the hell is the FEMA plan? Where are the National Guard troops? How do we usher the aid into people in an orderly fashion.



The sad thing is the national government rarely does anything preemptively. They should've prepared for this days before the hurricane hit.


I'm not worried about the looting. If those people are stealing just material things, they're gonna die soon w/o food and water. And even deciding to wade through diseased water is stupid because of greed is dangerous.


Again, you have to wonder why these people didn't evacuate? A false alarm anyone can live with. That lasts only a few hours. Death on the other hand is forever.

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Admitedly I may be reaching - but I can't help but draw a comparison to the cluster F*&^ that occurred after we invaded Bagdad. There was no plan to restore order, usher in aid, or help the injured.


Here, we knew for decades that a major hurricane striking New ORleans could cause these problems. In fact the Army Corps of Engineers were planning to create a levee system that would withstand a Category 5 storm, but the Fed Govt. gutted that program (that is another story). Yet, there was not a "worse case senerio" plan to be executed? That is FEMA's job (and now the Department of Homeland Security in teh case of a large scale attack). Where was the plan?


It is an honest question that must be answered. It is too early to ask it now in any official capacity because now we have to fix the mistakes on the fly. But after things settle down (whenever that may be) someone better answer these questions.



You'd do well to spend a little bit of time looking up about the 30-year history of levee improvements, and the local and congressional delegation opposition...

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