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101 things NOT to do on a first date

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Never show your date a list of 101 things not to do on a first date that has 123 responses  and expect a 2nd date.  :blush:


hey that was a pretty good ending. i was wondering how we were going to conclude this thing. how long ago did you think that up?

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another duplicate.. see #28


#2 again...


Tell her you'll be ready in a minute, but have to correct the guys on the football message board because the 101 top things not to do was really 123, but after a good ending it turned out that the replacement #2 item had already been said so you had to post an even better #2 to end on because after all the work the guys on the football message board put in it would be a shame to have it end on a off note so you have to come up with just the right way to end the topic since it had been going for days...


(hello? Where did you go?)

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1b. When your roach of a car starts making previously unheard weird noises while driving to the movies, tell her confidently that you just put in a rebuilt carbuerator "all by yourself."


1c. After her mother, who is a nurse at an OB/GYN starts telling you, just after you meet her for the first time while your waiting for your first date to begin, that teenage pregnanacy is "horrible", turn to your date and say, "well, do you have any condoms or do we have to stop at the drug store"?


The above really happened. 1b is acurate, in 1c I ignored mom.

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12.  End every sentence with "...in accordance with the prophecy."


I don't mind admitting that this made me laugh for quite some time. I tried to share w/ co-workers, but the humor was lost in translation. Oh well...thanks for the laugh. This thread was a blast! :D

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