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JP Losman Ran For An 82 Yard TD

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And if I've done that?


Personally - and being totally serious here now - I couldn't care less whether Losman walked on water in camp or not.  I've seen enough footage going back to his play last season to have serious concerns about his technique, in particular his disconcerting habit of throwing off his front foot or, worse, off no feet (I saw footage of about a dozen plays from camp yesterday where he jumped in the air to throw).  He looks like someone trying to do an impression of John Elway and failing at it. 


So in the absence of Mularkey and Wyche stapling Losman's feet to the turf, you'll pardon me if I'm a little bit pessimistic.



Nice job basing your assumptions on JP's performance against N.E. One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Coming off a broken leg, he gets thrown into a National TV game against the champs where the Bills had about 40 yards of offense, and you say he sucks because he looked nervous and didn't lead an 80-yard touchdown drive. You've seen enough footage from last year? He threw five passes man. Get a hold of yourself.


If you think a guy sucks, and you want to pick apart everything, you can find faults anywhere. Would you rather have Bledsoe, or Aaron Rodgers? I wouldn't. But without picking up JP, that's who would be starting this year. So hold your expert analysis for a few weeks instead of basing it on five passes and two practices. Your pessimism, I'm sorry to say, is not contagious. And I hope you'll be the first to say you were wrong when JP has an above-average year.

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Nice job basing your assumptions on JP's performance against N.E.  One of the dumbest things I've ever heard.  Coming off a broken leg, he gets thrown into a National TV game against the champs where the Bills had about 40 yards of offense, and you say he sucks because he looked nervous and didn't lead an 80-yard touchdown drive.  You've seen enough footage from last year?  He threw five passes man.  Get a hold of yourself.


If you think a guy sucks, and you want to pick apart everything, you can find faults anywhere.  Would you rather have Bledsoe, or Aaron Rodgers?  I wouldn't.  But without picking up JP, that's who would be starting this year.  So hold your expert analysis for a few weeks instead of basing it on five passes and two practices.  Your pessimism, I'm sorry to say, is not contagious.  And I hope you'll be the first to say you were wrong when JP has an above-average year.



Enough footage since last year, numbnuts. I've seen a good bit from camp, this year and last, that makes me seriously question his ability.


But hey, feel free to dismiss my opinion because it's based on what I've seen from him. I'm sure your completely uninformed judgement is far superior. :doh:

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Enough footage since last year, numbnuts.  I've seen a good bit from camp, this year and last, that makes me seriously question his ability. 


But hey, feel free to dismiss my opinion because it's based on what I've seen from him.  I'm sure your completely uninformed judgement is far superior.  :doh:


has anyone ever told you that you're a nice guy? Didn't think so... :)

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Enough footage since last year, numbnuts.  I've seen a good bit from camp, this year and last, that makes me seriously question his ability. 


But hey, feel free to dismiss my opinion because it's based on what I've seen from him.  I'm sure your completely uninformed judgement is far superior.  :doh:



I've watched the footage of Losman on BB.com, and Losman's technique, in my opinion, looks solid. Maybe your looking at different footage, but there's really nothing alarming from what I saw.


And he looked extremely solid throwing the ball in preseason last season, before the injury.


Coming out of college, the rap on him was that he left his feet to throw, making him fundamentally unsound. But his college completion percentage was good and interception ratio was low, so his "poor" mechanics didn't seem to hurt his on-field performance.


In your defense, though, maybe he did pick up enough bad habits from that Patriot mess to ruin his career. :)

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I've watched the footage of Losman on BB.com, and Losman's technique, in my opinion, looks solid.  Maybe your looking at different footage, but there's really nothing alarming from what I saw.


And he looked extremely solid throwing the ball in preseason last season, before the injury.


Coming out of college, the rap on him was that he left his feet to throw, making him fundamentally unsound.  But his college completion percentage was good and interception ratio was low, so his "poor" mechanics didn't seem to hurt his on-field performance. 


In your defense, though, maybe he did pick up enough bad habits from that Patriot mess to ruin his career.  :doh:



Crap Thrower doesn't consider college performance. He's seen a lot of practice footage.

My opinion is not uninformed. I have watched a ton of video, and I probably have seen everything you have seen, (unless you have been at camp live, because I have not this year.) Dude, we just had the standard QB, tall in the pocket with a big arm. How well did that work out? I just don't understand why you can't get a little excited about this guy because you saw him jump and throw. As far as mechanics, I've seen him unleash a cannon arm. Chad Pennington has perfect mechanics and his arm is dog****. So I don't know where you are going with this. Perhaps we should just sign Payton Manning and you could cry about that.

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I've watched the footage of Losman on BB.com, and Losman's technique, in my opinion, looks solid.  Maybe your looking at different footage, but there's really nothing alarming from what I saw.


And he looked extremely solid throwing the ball in preseason last season, before the injury.


Coming out of college, the rap on him was that he left his feet to throw, making him fundamentally unsound.  But his college completion percentage was good and interception ratio was low, so his "poor" mechanics didn't seem to hurt his on-field performance. 


In your defense, though, maybe he did pick up enough bad habits from that Patriot mess to ruin his career.  :doh:



I still see him leaving his feet to throw, and consistently throwing off his front foot...and generally, just not planting his feet to throw. That may have worked for him in college, but QBs can get away with a lot of bad habits in college that will get them eaten alive in the pros. I've never been confident about Losman's chances in the NFL...and as of yet, I haven't seen a damned thing that makes me change my mind. Maybe when the season starts...but then again, I believe in the adage "You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of practice", and if he's practicing this "jump ball" throwing technique, what's there to be confident about?

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Crap Thrower doesn't consider college performance.  He's seen a lot of practice footage. 

My opinion is not uninformed.  I have watched a ton of video, and I probably have seen everything you have seen, (unless you have been at camp live, because I have not this year.)  Dude, we just had the standard QB, tall in the pocket with a big arm.  How well did that work out?  I just don't understand why you can't get a little excited about this guy because you saw him jump and throw.  As far as mechanics, I've seen him unleash a cannon arm.  Chad Pennington has perfect mechanics and his arm is dog****.  So I don't know where you are going with this.  Perhaps we should just sign Payton Manning and you could cry about that.



Oooooh...he's got a cannon arm. That's going to do him a hell of a lot of good when his feet are twelve inches off the ground. I can't wait to see a lot of 80-yard bombs that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. :doh:


But I love these arguments. I give my opinion, I give my reasons for my opinion, and the counter-argument I get is "Losman is the savior! Shut up! You're a stupid-head!" Does anyone who believes Losman will be successful have a reason for their belief that doesn't involve sounding like a giddy little schoolgirl?

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I still see him leaving his feet to throw, and consistently throwing off his front foot...and generally, just not planting his feet to throw.  That may have worked for him in college, but QBs can get away with a lot of bad habits in college that will get them eaten alive in the pros.  I've never been confident about Losman's chances in the NFL...and as of yet, I haven't seen a damned thing that makes me change my mind.  Maybe when the season starts...but then again, I believe in the adage "You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of practice", and if he's practicing this "jump ball" throwing technique, what's there to be confident about?




Where have you seen this? As I said, I'm judging my opinion the camp footage from BB.com and last year's preaseason, where his mechanics look solid.


I saw one "jump-ball" throw in the camp footage, and that was to get a pass over a D-lineman. Where are you getting your info?


I just don't see these phantom throws on which you're basing your opinion.

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Where have you seen this?  As I said, I'm judging my opinion the camp footage from BB.com and last year's preaseason, where his mechanics look solid.


I saw one "jump-ball" throw in the camp footage, and that was to get a pass over a D-lineman.  Where are you getting your info?


I just don't see these phantom throws on which you're basing your opinion.



Camp footage. If I could specifically identify the plays (i.e. this tape, this many seconds in to this specific play) I would. If you have any ideas how I can identify them to you over a message board, feel free to share them...

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I still see him leaving his feet to throw, and consistently throwing off his front foot...and generally, just not planting his feet to throw.  That may have worked for him in college, but QBs can get away with a lot of bad habits in college that will get them eaten alive in the pros.  I've never been confident about Losman's chances in the NFL...and as of yet, I haven't seen a damned thing that makes me change my mind.  Maybe when the season starts...but then again, I believe in the adage "You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of practice", and if he's practicing this "jump ball" throwing technique, what's there to be confident about?



I get excited about the 30 throws that he fires downfield on a rope- I don't get nervous about him jumping and throwing once. You're the jerkoff who's going to cry when JP escapes the rush and runs for 40 yards, saying he shouldn't be running.

Who should be the quarterback, if not JP? Bledsoe, or someone in the '04 or '05 draft? Maybe Jay Fiedler, he was a free agent this year. You knocked JP, so who would you like in there?

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Camp footage.  If I could specifically identify the plays (i.e. this tape, this many seconds in to this specific play) I would.  If you have any ideas how I can identify them to you over a message board, feel free to share them...



Well if you got it off BB.com, I've seen them too, and I completely disagree with your assessment of his mechanics. I watched the 30 or 40 throws of Losman's, and he almost never left his feet.


You're full of crap, but judging by your moniker, you probably already knew that. :D

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How about someone who can plant and throw.  Rob Johnson threw frozen ropes in practice, too...when game-time came, his footwork killed him.  Even today's "mobile" QBs, when they run, plant their feet before they throw...if they're any good.



Ok bro. I think you've got it stuck in your mind that JP throws that way, and you choose not to see/remember his other throws. But we shall see soon enough. And I don't understand "throwing off his front foot." I thought throwing off your back foot was what gets qb's in trouble. If you step into a throw, wouldn't you be throwing off your front foot? Not being a prick, just trying to understand what you're saying there.


Before he broke his leg, I thought he looked very good in preseason games last year. Both throwing and passing. But obviously the N.E. pick and the three passes you've seen him throw in practice have pulled the woll over your eyes. I'm not blindly predicting the savior, but I have seen enough to be optimistic.

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How about someone who can plant and throw.  Rob Johnson threw frozen ropes in practice, too...when game-time came, his footwork killed him.  Even today's "mobile" QBs, when they run, plant their feet before they throw...if they're any good.


Oh come on now, why does a QB need to set his feet, or throw step into the throw back foot to front foot. Hell or even stop dancing with the ball. Accurrancy isn't a big deal when ypu have good speed and can outrun a lot of 350 dlinemen. Hell it works for Vick all the time. He throws about 45% completion rate but damn he looks good running the ball, an he can throw 80 yards downfield. Of course the ball may not be in the same area coe as the receiver but who cares, he looks real athletic doing it and that's all that matters. If a receiver can't catch a ball throw 20 feet over his head or 10 yards in front or back of him because Jp's footwork sucks, then its the receivers fault. Don't you know anything?


Of course the whole dancing/happy feet got Herrington, Ramsay, Couch and a bunch of other QB's benched but JP is the savior so he will overcome it.

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