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A Great Article About Trent Dilfer

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I had a tear in my eye from reading this.


Maybe I should go back to being a full-time Browns fan. 


Honestly, it made me think of Gus and Thirdborn and how they're doing.




I watched Trent for years here in Tampa. Early in his career he spent more time working on his golf game than he did football. If he had JP's work ethic he would have had a great career. Still he is a likeable guy, I'm sorry for his loss. I'm glad he turned his life around and think he will do a great job for the Browns.
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Another note:


I live only about 15 minutes from the Browns training facility, which is also where they hold camp. It is in Berea, a college town of about 20,000.


I decided to go to the afternoon session today. You park your car about a half-mile away and walk through a residential neighborhood next to Baldwin-Wallace College. There were kids with stands set up selling refreshments and candy (nice touch).


I got to see Trent Dilfer. It seems that the biggest crowds at camp were around him. Dilfer seems to have a fairly strong arm, but overthrew a few receivers.


I thought it was remarkable that a team that hasn't won more than 9 games in a season since their rebirth had about 4,000 people at camp.


The Browns will be better this year, but it won't show up in the record -- yet. Pencil them in for 4-12, but poised for bigger and better things in the future.



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So far, Trent Dilfer's doing everything right. He seems to be a good influence not only on the field, but in the locker room as well.


Ironically, he just bought a house not too far from where KWII decided to play Evel Knievel. Suffice it to say Dilfer's gonna be a better influence in the community than Winslow.


The Browns are slowly starting to win me back, I'm afraid. :doh:


That's not a bad thing, though. I guess you can't say that "nobody circles the drain like the Cleveland Browns" any longer.


It will be interesting to watch.



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What is it about QBs and tragedy with their children?  Wow.



Seriously, this is concerning. I know of Hunter's Hope, of course. Marino has an autistic son. Any others out there?

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