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The problem is, he goes out of his way to live his life in front of the camera.


It's hard to feel sorry for people who go out of their way to get attention and publicity. :blink:


He doesn't go out of his way to live his life in front of a camera anymore than you go out of your way to drive to work in the morning. His public appearances, for the most part, have been about his upcoming movies. It is only of late he has taken his personal life fully public, and for that he's acting like an ass. But being in the public life is a part of his job. Yes, he is then to be subjected to the scum that comes with the public world, but I've never known him to have a problem with that. Until people start pulling idiotic pranks to squirt water in his face at an event he is attending to promote his work. And even THEN he acts professionally and doesn't go all INDIANA PACERS on him.


But he lives his life in public, so he sucks. Actually, anyone who lives their life in public sucks. That's the way America is. We hate people who are more famous, richer and better looking than us. It's easier than doing anything about our pathetic lives.


Except when they're on American Idol. They don't suck because that's a real person getting a real shot at stardom.


Until they're famous. Then they suck like the rest of the people who are better tyhan us.<_<

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And if it was any of you folks, you would have been very upset and tried to do the whole plastic cup routine on the guys.  It was complete bull sh--, immature on their part and Cruise is right.  He was being a good guy, offering an interview and people took advantage of him.  Now you know why stars, etc... can be jerk because of people like them and you guys for saying Cruise was being a jerk. 


Grow up morons, it isn't funny, and in fact could have been a very dangerous situation.


OK BF :blink:

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Katie Holmes may have fallen for it, but Tom Cruise’s sci-fi seduction technique scared the bejeezus out of Scarlett Johansson, a source close to the actress says. Weeks before he began wooing his brainwashed bride-to-be, Cruise made repeated phone calls to the 19-year-old starlet—who was then set to co-star with him in Mission Impossible III—imploring her to meet him at the Scientology Celebrity Center in L.A. But when the actress finally agreed, the supposedly professional get-together took an oddly spiritual turn. “[Cruise] took me into this room, which was stifling hot, and was showing me all kinds of info about joining the church,” Johansson told our source. “The whole time he didn’t even offer me a cookie!” Instead, he offered her dinner—and a glimpse into the Twilight Zone.


After two hours of proselytizing, our source says Cruise opened a door to reveal a second room full of upper-level Scientologists who had been waiting to dine with the pair, at which point the cool-headed ingenue politely excused herself. Soon after the meeting, Johansson dropped out of Mission Impossible III, reportedly due to scheduling conflicts. Asked about the incident, Johansson’s momager, Melanie Johansson, referred Radar to a publicist, who did not return calls or emails seeking comment. After striking out with Johansson, Cruise reportedly turned his attentions to 24-year-old Jessica Alba, 22-year-old Kate Bosworth, and 18-year-old Lindsay Lohan, before settling on the 26-year-old Holmes. As far we know, Cruise’s War of the Worlds co-star, Dakota Fanning, was never under consideration.

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I wonder how many of us would be perceived if we lived out our life in front of a camera in this country.


I think Cruise handled himself alot better than I would have.


Every interview he gives is the same stupid questions and the same stupid answers.


"It's great working with Steven Speilberg."

"It's great working on a movie based on H.G. Wells' work."

"We really wanted to do a different take on the source material."

"Dakota Fanning is extremely mature for her age."

"This is an exciting time for me."


You'd think a goofy practical joke like that would be a nice way to break things up.

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You'd think a goofy practical joke like that would be a nice way to break things up.


This wasn't a "goofy practical joke." A goofy practical joke is something your friends play on you. This was designed, plain and simple, to set him off and try to get some video of Cruise attacking the interviewer so they could sell the pics and video for beaucoup buckage. In my view it was just stupid and Cruise handled it about as well as you could expect anyone to.

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This wasn't a "goofy practical joke."  A goofy practical joke is something your friends play on you.  This was designed, plain and simple, to set him off and try to get some video of Cruise attacking the interviewer so they could sell the pics and video for beaucoup buckage.  In my view it was just stupid and Cruise handled it about as well as you could expect anyone to.


I bike 30 miles every day. If I had a nickel for everytime I got hit by a supersoaker... I laugh every time and think good shot! Now if they threw a bottle at me game on but a supersoaker- come on man

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Katie Holmes may have fallen for it, but Tom Cruise’s sci-fi seduction technique scared the bejeezus out of Scarlett Johansson, a source close to the actress says. Weeks before he began wooing his brainwashed bride-to-be, Cruise made repeated phone calls to the 19-year-old starlet—who was then set to co-star with him in Mission Impossible III—imploring her to meet him at the Scientology Celebrity Center in L.A. But when the actress finally agreed, the supposedly professional get-together took an oddly spiritual turn. “[Cruise] took me into this room, which was stifling hot, and was showing me all kinds of info about joining the church,” Johansson told our source. “The whole time he didn’t even offer me a cookie!” Instead, he offered her dinner—and a glimpse into the Twilight Zone.


After two hours of proselytizing, our source says Cruise opened a door to reveal a second room full of upper-level Scientologists who had been waiting to dine with the pair, at which point the cool-headed ingenue politely excused herself. Soon after the meeting, Johansson dropped out of Mission Impossible III, reportedly due to scheduling conflicts. Asked about the incident, Johansson’s momager, Melanie Johansson, referred Radar to a publicist, who did not return calls or emails seeking comment. After striking out with Johansson, Cruise reportedly turned his attentions to 24-year-old Jessica Alba, 22-year-old Kate Bosworth, and 18-year-old Lindsay Lohan, before settling on the 26-year-old Holmes. As far we know, Cruise’s War of the Worlds co-star, Dakota Fanning, was never under consideration.



Ya, this sounds very "normal"......YIKES

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What a joke this is. This is the EXACT same thing that dozens of you lavishly praised our new savior QB for doing just a few months ago. Everyone (or most people) here thought it was so "cool" that JP stopped and calmly addressed the kid at the PC and basically asked him why he was being an ass. This is EXACTLY was Cruise just did. Someone did something rude or classless to him (whether it was funny or not is not the point) and he handled it in a mature way. All he would have had to do is call the camera guy "Big Cat" and the imitation would have been complete.


If it was a Bills player in this video and not a pretty-boy scientology nut that is everyone's newest love-to-hate target, the reaction would have been much different.



Judge the situation, not the person.

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This wasn't a "goofy practical joke."  A goofy practical joke is something your friends play on you.  This was designed, plain and simple, to set him off and try to get some video of Cruise attacking the interviewer so they could sell the pics and video for beaucoup buckage.  In my view it was just stupid and Cruise handled it about as well as you could expect anyone to.


Why would he attack the interviewer for squiring him with 1/2 cup of water? (Note to BF: you don't have to answer.)


Laugh it off, Tom. You make over $50M a year and have all the boyfriends, ER, Katie Holmes you can get your hands on. Life is good.

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Why would he attack the interviewer for squiring him with 1/2 cup of water?  (Note to BF: you don't have to answer.)


Laugh it off, Tom.  You make over $50M a year and have all the boyfriends, ER, Katie Holmes you can get your hands on.  Life is good.


And he is also a potential target for a nutcase to harm him. Remember Monica Seles? Cruise doesn't know if it's water, sewage, some highly corrosive blood agent that is used on HARM missiles deployed from drones.


This is why a lot of these guys are jerks. Why do you think it is okay to attack anyone in public? This is not a controlled venue where security was all around. The crew should and probably should be tried under current terrorism laws.

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I think this was totally wrong.


It easily could have been acid. Now every star has to worry because some jerks wanted to do a stunt. I hope they are jailed for assult. They did it for the thrill and publicity. Why does Tom make the big bucks? because part of that money is the contact to do these appearances.


I just hope he is happy and his Scientology is what he wants to believe. I wish he was more like Travolta and just slightly mention it.

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Cruise handled the situation very extremely calmly I thought. I don't think I could have handled it as well. I would have the guy by the neck and assisted him over the crowd control fence that separated them. And I wouldn't have worried about being gentle either.


That is just unbelievable that someone would do something so stupid as that. And to those that think it was just fine. The next time you are at your place of work or shopping in WalMart or taking a stroll in the park just imagine if a total stranger came up to you and sprayed something in your face. I bet most of you would have a problem with that.

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Whether it was funny or not (I have never been a Tom Cruise fan) these kind of "pranks" are what pass for humour now, the upshot of "reality tv".


This is sort of like "Candid Camera", without any sense of decorum. CC used to catch people on camera, and elicit honest reactions from people, in bleivable situations. Now, with shows like "Punked" and "Scare Tactics" (or whatever that show on Sci-Fi is called), the situations go way over the line. It is just an ethical thing.


I will admitt, "Da Ali G" show makes me laugh my ass off, but I realize too, the intent of some of these things is to elicit a negative reaction, rather than give any insight into human nature, which "Candid Camera" was masterful at doing. Like most things these days, there is absolutley no restraint of intellect to this type of humour....

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