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El Salvador: “World’s coolest dictator” wins re election

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El Salvador’s ‘Cool Dictator’ Says He’s Won Re-Election


Nayib Bukele, the millennial authoritarian president of El Salvador, said he had been re-elected to a second term in a widely expected victory on Sunday. 

The official votes are still being counted—but the apparent landslide win by the self-styled “world’s coolest dictator” comes despite the country’s constitutional ban on consecutive terms, as well as international criticism that his administration’s crackdown on crime has allowed a human rights crisis to spiral under his watch.



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Bukele is going to get the CIA treatment at some point because his existence and policies defy every lie that the regime here pumps into your heads. As it turns out:


You DO NOT have to tolerate gangs and cartels 


You CAN reduce violent crime dramatically by simply locking up and humiliating every street gang member and violent criminal you find


You CAN tear down the statues glorifying gay race communism and turn them into sewer covers


All it takes is some will and the favor of God. 

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1 hour ago, LeviF said:

Bukele is going to get the CIA treatment at some point because his existence and policies defy every lie that the regime here pumps into your heads. As it turns out:


You DO NOT have to tolerate gangs and cartels 


You CAN reduce violent crime dramatically by simply locking up and humiliating every street gang member and violent criminal you find


You CAN tear down the statues glorifying gay race communism and turn them into sewer covers


All it takes is some will and the favor of God. 

Biden is not happy with El Salvador for their crackdown on crime and their use of bitcoin to get into the Global market.


Ironically, Biden lauds the Dominican for their crackdowns and completely ignores their much harsher forms of “preventative detention”, particularly of political foes.


So, yeah, there’s is a lot to your point.

Edited by US Egg
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5 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Almost 90% of the vote was for the democratically elected president.


DB trying to create a false narrative with the "Dictator."


Then triggers a dolt to reference the orange dude.







It's illegal to run for re-election in El Salvador 🇸🇻.   Only one 5 year term is allowed by law. There are term limits.


How is he running again? Sounds familiar?  Will another guy in another country try the same thing?


Sure sounds like a dictator/king trying to wrestle power and control in his favor.

4 hours ago, LeviF said:

Bukele is going to get the CIA treatment at some point because his existence and policies defy every lie that the regime here pumps into your heads. As it turns out:


You DO NOT have to tolerate gangs and cartels 


You CAN reduce violent crime dramatically by simply locking up and humiliating every street gang member and violent criminal you find


You CAN tear down the statues glorifying gay race communism and turn them into sewer covers


All it takes is some will and the favor of God. 

And breaking the term limit law by running for re-election. 


Why are there term limits there in first place.


Do you favor term limits here?

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6 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

It's illegal to run for re-election in El Salvador 🇸🇻.   Only one 5 year term is allowed by law.


Not as of 2021.

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A comment from the FOX article on this:


"Did anyone else notice that the article noted that 1% of the population was committing the vast majority of the crime? That's been noted in many studies and it's also noted that the removal of that group drops crime to almost nothing. It's also been noted that the party that controls that 1% can control the population. That's because there's another 15-20% that will do crime if the 1% isn't stopped so if you can control 25% of the population you can control the rest that only want to live in peace and not engage in violence."

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13 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Exiled in Illinois is an excellent screen name.


As that state is one of the top three in people fleeing from it.


Goodwin law included Mussolini.





Going on 20+ years now.  Never changed it for continuity. I can easily change it to: "Eric" and still stay EiL... 


Anything but exiled. It's tongue-in-cheek. Always has been. It was PPP 20+ years ago that enabled it. It fit to mock you clowns out.




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1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

A comment from the FOX article on this:


"Did anyone else notice that the article noted that 1% of the population was committing the vast majority of the crime? That's been noted in many studies and it's also noted that the removal of that group drops crime to almost nothing. It's also been noted that the party that controls that 1% can control the population. That's because there's another 15-20% that will do crime if the 1% isn't stopped so if you can control 25% of the population you can control the rest that only want to live in peace and not engage in violence."

that's how it works here as well.   Why the Dems coddle criminals.



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3 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

1% of the population is in prison.  The other 99% is at our Southern Border. 😆 


Ain't it great people want to throw due process out the window, what are they running from?


Mussolini made the trains run on time, people loved him too.





The people whose “due process” got “thrown out” wear tattoos that testify to their crimes. They’ve confessed. Simple as. 

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7 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

It's illegal to run for re-election in El Salvador 🇸🇻.   Only one 5 year term is allowed by law. There are term limits.


How is he running again? Sounds familiar?  Will another guy in another country try the same thing?


Sure sounds like a dictator/king trying to wrestle power and control in his favor.

And breaking the term limit law by running for re-election. 


Why are there term limits there in first place.


Do you favor term limits here?

You are just trying to come off as stupid as humanly possible aren't you? FDR was elected 4 times which is now illegal, he was not doing anything illegal but apparently you are unaware of that 

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8 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

1% of the population is in prison.  The other 99% is at our Southern Border

Actually, the number of Salvadorans coming thru our southern border has declined very substantially. No doubt this is a consequence of an improved law and order situation.

This is why I'm kind of conflicted on this issue. Yes, I would love to see a perfect rule of law, in which there is strong evidence supporting everyone accused of a crime. El Salvador has clearly rounded up thousands of presumed gang members based on appearance, including tattoos, without evidence of an actual crime being committed.

But on the other hand, gang violence was completely out of control there. I have worked on many matters in which people fled because the gangs continued to extort them - kind of like an Uber mafia in which you can't do anything without gang approval. And yes, anyone getting MS 13 tattoos is clearly advertising to all "I am a member of a criminal cartel and I'm coming for you." 

We'll see what happens. For now, I am inclined to give Bukele a little more leeway, simply because the human rights violations of the gangs themselves far exceed any violation his crackdowns have caused.

(By the way, the Bitcoin thing is pretty much a failure so far)

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19 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

(By the way, the Bitcoin thing is pretty much a failure so far)


Does seem to be the case, but, Biden wants to tax Crypto now and the U.S. presently holds $5 billion worth of it.


Given that, Crypto is a bit of a conundrum.

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1 minute ago, US Egg said:


Does seem to be the case, but, Biden wants to tax Crypto now and the U.S. presently holds $5 billion worth of it.


Given that, Crypto is a bit of a conundrum.

Just finished a really good read on Crypto, SBF, etc. No, not Michael Lewis's latest starstruck profile. It's this one:




Not a dry read. Really entertaining (I listened to the audiobook, only about 6 hours) with lots of things I never knew about crypto and its scammers.


The author talks about traveling around El Salvador and offering to pay for things in Bitcoin. All the merchants just roll their eyes at him. On the other hand, El Sal has for a long time used the USD as their "stable" currency.

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