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Biden regime gives antisemites the green light to go after Jews.

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On 4/18/2024 at 3:47 PM, Doc said:


She's got a lot of nerve calling anyone else "ugly"...

Man.  She is hideous.  A face like that could make a train take a detour.  What a mess.  

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The Democrat Party’s Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama

by Shawn Fleetwood


For a man who has never been shy about sharing his sanctimonious opinions, former President Barack Obama has been noticeably quiet about anti-Israel anarchists’ takeover of U.S. college campuses.


On Monday, Columbia University — Obama’s alma mater — announced it will not host its university-wide commencement ceremony for this year’s graduating class. That appears to be a response to the pro-Hamas demonstrations that have engulfed the school for weeks. The announcement came days after the university (finally) permitted law enforcement to arrest participants unlawfully occupying a school building.






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Joe has always been a d*ck.




In a November 2020 Wall Street Journal column Tevi Troy recalled “When Biden Met Begin” (posted in accessible form on Pundicity). Tevi recounted how Biden and Begin once clashed in a private June 1982 session with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:


Mr. Biden, 39, lectured the 68-year-old [Israeli Prime Minister Menachem] Begin over Israeli settlements, jabbing his finger at the prime minister and banging his fist on the desk. Mr. Biden warned that eroding support for Israel threatened U.S. aid. Israel was at war in Lebanon and far more dependent on American assistance than it is today.


Begin wouldn’t be cowed. “Don’t threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles,” he shouted back, according to Time magazine. Former Sen. Bob Packwood of Oregon later recalled that Begin went further: “I’m not a Jew with trembling knees,” he reminded Mr. Biden.


In the lore that has since developed, Begin’s response supposedly continued: “I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”


Tevi leaves open the possibly apocryphal nature of the end of the quote. In the Hebrew-language message below, Prime Minister Netanyahu now echoes Begin’s words, apocryphal or not, and responds to the same old Biden:






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Jews are figuring out that Biden and the Democrats are not their friends

by Andrea Widburg


The Bible calls the Jews “a stiff-necked” people. (“The Lord also said to me, ‘I have seen this people, and they are indeed a stiff-necked people.’” Deuteronomy 9:13.)


In other words, they’re stubborn, and nothing has been more stubborn than American Jews’ long-standing refusal to acknowledge the rising antisemitism in the heart of the Democrat party. Donald Trump’s pro-Israel record barely swayed them. However, Biden’s blatant anti-Israel policies, combined with the violent antisemitism in academia, may finally be doing the trick. Traditionally, Jews have been second only to blacks in their fealty to the Democrat party. Many of them came from Tsarist Russia, which was fiercely antisemitic.





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BERKELEY HATEWATCH UPDATE: UC Berkeley building defaced with swastika, other anti-Semitic graffiti.


Just a few years ago, leftists were telling us we should punch Nazis.


Now they’re slapping swastikas up everywhere and calling for Jews to be killed.


Color me unsurprised.






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Anti-Israel uprisings hit dangerous new extreme in Michigan.

ByBrad Polumbo


This is not normal. 


The anti-Israel uprisings at colleges across the country have featured violence (from both sides), vandalism, unlawful occupations known as “encampments,” and many other acts that go well beyond free speech. And now, at the University of Michigan, this radical protest movement just crossed the line into dangerous new territory. 


This week, agitators reportedly showed up at the homes of University of Michigan Board of Regents members in the middle of the night, invading their private property. They chanted on their lawns and brought with them fake corpses, faux bloodied sheets, and lists of demands, including, bizarrely, completely unrelated desires such as “defunding the police.”





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Obama-Biden Have Been Punishing Israel Since 2013

American Thinker, by Edward Davis


Joe Biden’s vicious betrayal of Israel has surprised and alienated some of his supporters, who thought he was a moderate Democrat. In the most recent outrage, his administration sent condolences over the death of Iran’s President Raisi and joined the U.N. in a reverent minute of silence. In stark contrast, Biden disparaged Prime Minister Netanyahu as “a bad f------ guy and “***hole” at a time when Israelis were traumatized and fighting for their lives. It was predictable, considering that Biden brought back much of the foreign policy team of President Obama, whose backstabbing of the Jewish state foreshadowed Biden's hostile policies.






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Fighting back

Examples of courage, decency and sanity at a time of madness





At this terrible time for the Jewish people, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer weight of unreason and hatred and to feel that the entire world is against us. Well, it’s not. There are countless numbers of good people who are appalled by the onslaught within the west against Israel and the Jews. And there are Jews and others who are fighting back for decency and sanity. Here are a few examples.


Just over a week ago, the Phoenix cinema in London screened a film about the massacre at the Supernova music festival during the October 7 Hamas-led pogrom in Israel, when hundreds of young music fans were mown down as they ran from the gunmen. A pro-Hamas mob naturally besieged the cinema in an attempt to stop the screening. But on this occasion, they didn’t have it their own way. The Israel supporters fought back and refused to allow them to control the streets. 



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