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Biden regime gives antisemites the green light to go after Jews.

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9 hours ago, aristocrat said:

Might be time to cancel some student visas and remove the accreditation of the ivy league schools


And no more taxpayer money.  I never knew they were being given ~$8B/year by us. :censored:

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California Governor Newsom Surrenders to Pro-Hamas Terrorists, Cancels Statehouse Christmas Tree Lighting




To say that 'If we do (something) the Terrorists have won' is a phrase that got bandied about a lot after the attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11th of 2001. Sometimes used in jest, sometimes in earnest, it means that buckling to pressures applied by terrorists on our society and culture is giving the terrorists what they wanted in the first place, forcing us to change how we operate through their threats and actions.


California Governor Gavin Newsom would have been well served by heeding the idiom itself, it seems, because it sure looks like in California the Terrorists Have Won.





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Enlightened Jew hatred

By Ben Shapiro


I know a little bit about the kinds of speech that are generally welcomed on campus. I've been banned from a few campuses, including DePaul University; I've spoken at more than a few campuses at which violence broke out over my speeches, including California State University at Los Angeles, Penn State and University of California at Berkeley.


I also know that were I a student at any of these universities — and if I said, as a student, what I routinely say as a speaker — I'd undoubtedly be dragged before the administration and hit with sanctions. I'd be responsible for "microaggressions" by saying things like "Western culture is superior" and "men are not women." I'd be responsible for "harmful language" for stating that human beings ought to be judged not based on race, but on merit.


But apparently, at the top universities in America, all of those sensitivities disappear for one specific group: Jews.


This week, House Republicans held a hearing at which the heads of major universities were grilled regarding the rise of antisemitism on their campuses. That increase ranges from threats of violence to near-riots, from tearing down hostage posters to open Jew-hating slurs.


Now, imagine that instead of antisemitism, there had been a radical uptick in anti-black racism on campus: calls for genocide, celebration of terror attacks against black Americans, physical threats. Does anyone think the respective university presidents would have sat, grinning at the lawmakers quizzing them on their actions?

But that's precisely what happened. Here was Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York questioned the presidents University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University and MIT about genocidal language chanted on campus. None of the three was willing to say directly that calls for genocide against Jews violated university policy. All three said that context was required to answer the question.


One can make the case for free speech on campus — I can and I do — but one cannot pretend that universities protect students against harassment and then soft-pedal Holocaust-level rhetoric. It is difficult to imagine that these icons of sensitivity and diversity, equity and inclusion would be nearly so sanguine about slurs against any other racial or ethnic minority in America.


Simply put, they wouldn't.


So, why are they so sanguine?


There are two reasons.


More at the link:  https://jewishworldreview.com/1223/shapiro120723.php



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