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Jim Kelly getting into politics?

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I was just flipping through the channels and saw a preview for the 11:00 channel 7 news and they said "Jim Kelly to get into politics?" and that was it.


Anyone hear anything about this? Sorry if its a repost.


It's funny, but I'm pretty sure if Jimbo ran for any office in WNY, he would win by a landslide....

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hope he doesn't run for anything i can vote for- it'll break my heart to have to vote against him...



maybe he'll run for mayor of Buffalo or Erie County executive. Then you (or anyone with a brain) should have no problem voting for him.

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maybe he'll run for mayor of Buffalo or Erie County executive. Then you (or anyone with a brain) should have no problem voting for him.



Sorry, as much I liked Jimbo the QB, this region needs someone with a higher Wonderlic score if we're going to have any chance of turning things around, especially after the mess Tony and Joel (who's combined IQs probably don't equal 100) have made of things.

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Sorry, as much I liked Jimbo the QB, this region needs someone with a higher Wonderlic score if we're going to have any chance of turning things around, especially after the mess Tony and Joel (who's combined IQs probably don't equal 100) have made of things.



Jimbo's a leader. He can take the economy all the way to the brink of greatness. Then he'll get drunk the night before a big vote and end up fumbling all of WNY's money to New York, Washington, or Dallas.

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Given the way he ran his restautrsnt into the ground and stiffed a lot of small local vendors who provided food, washed the linen etc. I thought he was already in charge of the Erie County budget which is running way in the red.




I hope that this is wrong, I'd hate to see him make a fool out of himself!



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This would be sad if true. I always looked at Jimbo as a straight shooter and honest guy. If he throws his hat into the political ring... well, let me put it this way...


He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of effecting any significant change... not in this state. So, his only other motive would be to get in on the "action".... and by that I mean "getting his piece of the pie"... the taxpayers $$$. Albany and NYC is a sesspool of worthless, corrupt politicians... and it sickens me to even think that Jimbo would want to get in bed with these bastards.

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He's dumber than a fence post but I'VE HEARD OF HIM !  His qualifications include his QB skills from 10 years ago and his successful restaurant business. Oops, check that.


DING !  LOST is on TiVo, gotta go ! Vote Jimbo !







I've heard of him!!!


Get 'er done GOP!!!

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This would be sad if true.  I always looked at Jimbo as a straight shooter and honest guy.  If he throws his hat into the political ring... well, let me put it this way...


He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of effecting any significant change... not in this state.  So, his only other motive would be to get in on the "action".... and by that I mean "getting his piece of the pie"... the taxpayers $$$.  Albany and NYC is a sesspool of worthless, corrupt politicians... and it sickens me to even think that Jimbo would want to get in bed with these bastards.



I do not whether Kelly would do well as a mayor or whatever or that he deserves to be in the running for high office, but I do not buy your logic. We should not cede political office to just the greedy and the corrupt. One change might not make much a difference but it would be a start.

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Sorry, as much I liked Jimbo the QB, this region needs someone with a higher Wonderlic score if we're going to have any chance of turning things around, especially after the mess Tony and Joel (who's combined IQs probably don't equal 100) have made of things.


Intellectuals lack the common sense to do the right thing - hence the reason politics is filled with them.

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