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One thing worries me about JP Losman


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Jp's size and body type. Can he withstand the pounding of being in the NFL? He kinda looks like an RJ body type of guy. How tough is JP does anyone know?


JP got the ever-lovin crap kicked out of him at Tulane last year and he just kept getting up and passing for TDs. I am not worried at all about his tougness, the kid can really take a beating. I'm just depressed that this leg injury is going to hold him out for so long, I've got this sinking feeling that we'll wish we had him six weeks into the season.

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This guy took a beating in college, and seemed to hold up well. NFL players are bigger and faster, of course, but I'll wait and be worried when he actually shows me a reason to be.

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I'm confident about his staying power.  He's a gym rat, so physically he's very strong, and while he is a little too fearless (taking on linebackers rather than sliding), I love the toughness that mentality shows.



gah...rob johnson did the same thing... :)

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and while he is a little too fearless (taking on linebackers rather than sliding), I love the toughness that mentality shows.



Well as much as he doesn't like to slide, the coaches better get it into his head quickly. As a quarterback you can't continue to put your head down and take on defenders if you want to have a longevity in this league.

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Jp's size and body type. Can he withstand the pounding of being in the NFL? He kinda looks like an RJ body type of guy. How tough is JP does anyone know?



RJ wasn't easily hurt is the thing. That guy took more big hits than any QB I've ever seen, and kept getting up from them. The problem is he wasn't intelligent enough to change his game so he'd STOP taking those hits. Anybody who took as my huge shots as RJ was bound to get injured quite a few times.


If Loseman continues to play like he does, taking on tacklers, he'll get hurt just like RJ...if he's smart and changes his game, he'll be fine. It has nothing to do with body type.

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