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Do YOU believe in "God?"

Do YOU believe in "God?"  

225 members have voted

  1. 1. Do YOU believe in "God?"

    • Yes, I do blieve in God/higher power
    • No, I do not believe in God/higher power
    • Really undecided

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If Jesus is everything you say He is, then doesn't it seem like He would gladly forgive a little skepticism?  Or is He, in addition to being Divine, also quite insecure?





Sure he would forgive that little skepticism. We are all sinners. But if you die before believing in him and asking for forgivenss than your playing roulette with your soul.

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John 8:12


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."



John 5:7-9 - The healing of the crippled man at the pool


"Sir", in invalid replied, " I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I'm trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. The day on which this took place was a Sabbath.

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One last thing. In the christian faith Jesus didnt tell us to keep to our selves when we hear the good news. He told us to preach it. So its not judging. Its us putting the good news out there to whoever wants to accept it. If not than fine, we will not judge you, because God is the judge of all things. But dont except us as christians to not tell our side of things and keep quiet. Jesus told us that we would be persecuted just as he did. A passage in the Book of Acts gets me everytime. Its when the apostles were persecuted and flogged because they were preaching in the temple. When they were released they were praising the lord becuase they suffered because of his name.



That should ring in every christians heart. That we should never be ashamed of Jesus and that we should take our beatings, mentally, and physically for the name of the Lord. I pray that I can be that strong if the situation ever arises.

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Are we just going to keep this thread going on indefinitely? I doubt this is going to get anywhere.




Well I have said all that I needed to say. Whever or not people want to take away anything from the words of Jesus that I posted is there choice. If anyone would like a free copy of the King James Bible. PM me and I will be glad to send you a copy.

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Well I have said all that I needed to say. Whever or not people want to take away anything from the words of Jesus that I posted is there choice. If anyone would like a free copy of the King James Bible. PM me and I will be glad to send you a copy.



I am sympathetic to what a lot of people are saying here, but I just think that this thread has just kind of fallen apart. People are just being defensive and angry and it's just being extended by everyone having the last word. Stussy has finished his paper, right?

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I am sympathetic to what a lot of people are saying here, but I just think that this thread has just kind of fallen apart. People are just being defensive and angry and it's just being extended by everyone having the last word. Stussy has finished his paper, right?




I never get defensive and angry. <_<

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I am sympathetic to what a lot of people are saying here, but I just think that this thread has just kind of fallen apart. People are just being defensive and angry and it's just being extended by everyone having the last word. Stussy has finished his paper, right?



Though as religious discussions go, it was a very good one for a while there.

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No, my point was that there are a lot of "I don't knows" who are ignoring their belief, hope or faith because it's convenient, and if push came to shove, you bet your life they'd be saying a prayer.




Not every "I don't know" is ignoring their belief. I hope you realize that.

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I wholeheartedly agree that belief in God and life after death softens the sting of death.  It also might make one more willing to sacrifice his/her life for a cause if need be, but in Christianity at least, suicide is very much looked down upon.  I would not presume to judge the fate of someone who committed suicide, but most Christians would not think suicide is consistent with Christian values.  I did the funeral of a suicide "victim" a couple years ago, and it was one of the hardest funerals I've done.


Good point but I would emphasize that I am not thinking just about christians here, the belief in an afterlife of some sort is fairly universal from religion to religion. I have never studied the notion but I would be willing to hazard a guess that the one common thread uniting most faiths is the belief in an afterlife. Faiths as different as night and day with almost nothing at all in common manage to have this one thing in common.


It makes me wonder what, in human pre-history, so many people might have shared to lead to this common belief. I would think that fear of death would be universal and that it would be a natural inclination for primitive man to try to deal with that fear. A belief in an afterlife of some sort would seem to be almost inevitable. I'm just speculating obviously so please don't hurl any bibles at me. <_<

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Man if thats you in the picture than I dont want you hugging me. You would crush me.



I'd only crush you if I was in still in Oswald State Penitentiary. Thankfully, I am now out and am back to my usual, gentle self. <_<

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I'm not judging you. I'm telling it like it is.

The Bible says that the only way to true life is through Jesus.


You're right. Everyone should believe in your God - because you do. If the standards laid out by organized religion are in fact true, heaven's going to be an awfully lonely place to spend eternity. <_<

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