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Biden's Foreign Policy Already GettING Results


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President Biden shuts his eyes in Middle East as Iran ascends





The Middle East is currently aflame, thanks to the willed ignorance of the Biden administration.


Ignorance on display in President Biden’s pathetic “I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East” remarks Tuesday after a drone attack killed three American soldiers in Jordan over the weekend.


From his first days in office, Biden sought to pivot away from the Mideast, withdrawing crucial military and intelligence resources and ceding ever more ground to Iran. 


The result: Iran and its proxy armies are now engaged in open warfare against US interests, for which Biden still refuses to properly hold Tehran responsible.


The idea — which Biden’s old boss Barack Obama shared — was that an ascendant Iran would somehow “balance” the region, obviating the need for US involvement.


And for years, Biden & Co. deluded themselves into believing it had worked. 





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20 minutes ago, Coffeesforclosers said:


What a peculiar situation.


So why does every presidential administration since 1979 approach Iran the same way? Which is basically to put up with their nonsense without stopping it.


We've tried everything from negotiations to sinking half their Navy in a day and assassinating their equivalent of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. 


Every new provocation feels like ***** groundhog day with Iran. 


A few points.


Minor edit.

The Reagan Administration did not react to them in the same way.

It is my belief that they offered them an ultimatum after the election, and the offer was release the hostages of we were going ashore.


In my view......First, no administration wants to commit a full scale military response to them.


That is a very big deal, and their pin-prick offensive actions have never pissed anybody off enough to really go after them.

The US deals with an election cycle. That cycle has a huge impact on foreign policy.


To get them to cease, you either destroy them militarily, of work significant internal opposition to the Islamic regime that controls them.

No real motivation on western countries to commit the resources to deal with them militarily, and the internal resistance, though significant, has never reached critical mass, so the regime survives.


They have responded to direct military action. Operation Praying Mantis shut them down for a bit and ended the insanity of them mining and attacking shipping in the Persian Gulf.


A similar response would probably be effective, but we don't have the leadership to do so, though some quite large events are likely in the near future.


Ultimately, unless the regime is removed, they will threaten the world with nuclear weapons.

That will trigger and Israeli action, and the stuff will hit the fan, as that is the course we have been on for decades.

Edited by sherpa
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4 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

OK, try this:

1. Should we have remained neutral in the Israel-Hamas war?

2. Should we be directly attacking Iran now?


You're funny.  I've made this perfectly clear.  Either the US or Israel, with direction from the US, should nuke Gaza, Iran, Yemen, and Syria until they are glass.  But Demented Biden and Third Term Obammy are too busy promoting trans domination of women's sports and assuring Peter is addressed with correct pronouns, and get his/its third trimester abortion. 


Now we have multiple, potential World Wars started on their watch.  Weak.  Didn't happen when Trump was President.  Fact.      


What a mess.  



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14 minutes ago, Irv said:


You're funny.  I've made this perfectly clear.  Either the US or Israel, with direction from the US, should nuke Gaza, Iran, Yemen, and Syria until they are glass.  But Demented Biden and Third Term Obammy are too busy promoting trans domination of women's sports and assuring Peter is addressed with correct pronouns, and get his/its third trimester abortion. 


Now we have multiple, potential World Wars started on their watch.  Weak.  Didn't happen when Trump was President.  Fact.      


What a mess.  



So you will avoid getting into World War III by starting World War III by nuking Gaza, Iran, Yemen, and Syria. Got it.

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That's even funnier.  I thought you were slow, but now you have confirmed it.  Nuke them.  Nobody will step up to challenge us once they see the glass.  Won't have to worry about ****heads in China, NK or Russia again.  Done.    

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2 hours ago, Irv said:

That's even funnier.  I thought you were slow, but now you have confirmed it.  Nuke them.  Nobody will step up to challenge us once they see the glass.  Won't have to worry about ****heads in China, NK or Russia again.  Done.    

Words of wisdom from Il Piatto della Spazzatura.

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18 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Words of wisdom from Il Piatto della Spazzatura.

This is America.  Not Mexico.  Speak American.  Are you some sort of jackass?





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11 hours ago, B-Man said:


More "results"



Must be an election year.









Great.  Third Term Obammy directs Demented Biden to start another war so he can look less demented/tough and get Obammy's fourth term.  What a mess.  




Edited by Irv
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  • 3 weeks later...







Why Biden Is Letting Dearborn Extremists Influence American Foreign Policy.





The day of the Democratic Party’s Michigan primary, White House National Security Advisor John Kirby bragged that the Biden administration was changing its Israel-Gaza war policy to reflect the concerns of pro-Hamas activists in Michigan. The White House, Kirby explained, is “willing to adjust” how they were “approaching the conflict and the way we’re talking about the conflict” to “reflect” the “concerns” of Dearborn.  


Imagine the president sending high-ranking White House officials to Borough Park in Brooklyn to hear out the perspective of Putin-boosters regarding the Ukraine war, then adjusting American policy and rhetoric to better embrace those outlooks. Granted, you’d have to stretch the imagination to its limits to picture Russian immigrants defending terror groups.  






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Michigan votes >  innocent lives



Desperate Biden Signs off on U.S. Military Building Infrastructure for Hamas





Think of this story as you watch the State of the Union address. President Biden has given his ok for the U.S. military to build a port on the Gaza coast to bring relief to the population there.


This is how desperate Joe Biden is to win the state of Michigan in November. The Uncommitted movement has taken him by surprise and a victory in Michigan is not certain for Biden. It is hard for Biden to win in November without winning Michigan. 


Rep. Rashida Tlaib and her sister have organized the Uncommitted movement in Michigan to oppose Joe Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Muslim Arab American voters make up an important bloc and Joe Biden is nervous. The voters in places like Dearborn are telling Team Biden they will not vote for Biden in November. They aren't going to vote for Trump, either. They will probably skip the top of the ballot. Or they will stay home.


During his State of the Union address, Biden will announce his decision to send the U.S. military on an emergency mission for Hamas. 




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