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Best time you ever had at an away game

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Best away game I had was in 1989, at the Jets for the season finale. Somehow a freind got us 4 tickets to a company box, all food, drinks, beer included. It was freezing cold well below -10 degrees.


The Bills kicked the Jets all over the place 37-0. At halftime as we were sitting in the private box, I saw a few Bills fans in the empty seats, I asked the guy who owned the box if I could invite them in, he said why not, most of his guests had left by then anyway, I walked down and brought these frozen guys in. As they warmed up they thanked us and told us that they were the owners of Gabels and (I forget the other bar, something on Elmwood). The box owners daughter had been rooting for the Bills since she was going to Buff State, she immediately befriended the new Bills fans since they were offering free drinks for us since we rescued them from the cold.


The best part was that the box next to us had many of the Jets wives in it. Everytime the Bills scored I was going wild and getting nuts in our box, and I could look over into thier box and see them getting upset, they were saying goodbyes to each other since they knew some of the wives wouldnt be around next year.


I was at that game also, it was great. With the victory, the Bills clinched their 2nd straight Division Title.

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I was there, that was a great game. Lots of fun in Tempe too.

I've been to a few San Diego games, but my favorite away game was last year in Seattle. Great town, cool new stadium and the Bills demolished the Seahawks. I had 50 yard line seats 10 rows up. It was a debaucherous weekend and a total blast.


Was at both of those games and you're right, they were excellent times. Even though I stayed with family and not just Bills fans, Seattle is a great city and the stadium was pretty awesome. It was also a great game to be an away fan at, as the Seahags fans were so arrogant before the game and then we just swatted them.


Speaking of great cities and away games, the No Punt Bowl in San Francisco in the Kelly years was in my top 3-4 away games/weekends, even though I ended up one night barely clothed and in bed with an extremely beautiful 25 year-old French girl who spoke very little English, and she wanted absolutely zero to do with me. :(

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Miami 2002.

Highlights going into a quite upscale hotel in south beach and introduce them to Elmwood ave drunkeness. Topless beaches, crazy clubs, Jai Alai, 80 degrees in October, and Mai Tai's in the pool.


The game it's self was awesome. Nasty Nate 3 picks just dominated that game. My cousin is a Dolphins fan that never shuts his mouth. That day is was sealed shut.

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Miami 2002. 

Highlights going into a quite upscale hotel in south beach and introduce them to Elmwood ave drunkeness.  Topless beaches, crazy clubs, Jai Alai, 80 degrees in October, and Mai Tai's in the pool. 


The game it's self was awesome.  Nasty Nate 3 picks just dominated that game.  My cousin is a Dolphins fan that never shuts his mouth.  That day is was sealed shut.


But look at the toll it took on you.

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Sept 1999 - Invited out to the Colts game and to stay at Jeff Burris house for the weekend. Larry and I had a wonderful time.  At that time the Colts had many former Bills on their side. Bennet, Holmes, Polian, Marchibroda.  It was such a great weekend.  I dare say it is my fondest memory of my whole life.  May sound stupid to many of you but there was such a sense of love and appreciation felt than weekend.  I don't even know who won the game. Thurman tore his liver on one of the first plays. I met Payton and Archie Manning in the players parking lot.  Dinner at Outbacks after the game with many of the Colts players and just an all around good time.




Ironic that you would mention that game as the best. That was my worst. We left in plenty of time to make it there and tailgate but as we arrived in Indy we took the wrong section of 465 and ended up missing the entire first quarter (and Thurman being knocked out for most of the year). They beat us 31-14. I didn't have one thing to cheer about the whole day. On the way back my friend lost his gas cap when he left it on his roof while getting gas.


It was a nightmare.

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Was at both of those games and you're right, they were excellent times. Even though I stayed with family and not just Bills fans, Seattle is a great city and the stadium was pretty awesome. It was also a great game to be an away fan at, as the Seahags fans were so arrogant before the game and then we just swatted them.


Speaking of great cities and away games, the No Punt Bowl in San Francisco in the Kelly years was in my top 3-4 away games/weekends, even though I ended up one night barely clothed and in bed with an extremely beautiful 25 year-old French girl who spoke very little English, and she wanted absolutely zero to do with me.  :doh:



I've been to two games here in San Francisco (and one in Oakland) and both at Candlestick were not too great. The stadium is pretty bad by todays standards. The first game was OK until Derrick Holmes fumbled on the 1 yard line and it was returned for a touchdown. We lost that one, but it was close. The second one was a Sunday night game few years back and we got killed, I was so drunk, I missed the bus and had to cab back to the city and the Northstar and it cost tons of cash.

Seattle was just great all around. It was a lot of fun to stomp the Seahawks in their own stadium. The fans were very quiet in the second half. My only complaint was that there was no tailgating because it was right in the city, and they needed more bars in the vicinty of the stdium. Beer lines inside moved fast, though. San Diego always is very very slow.

The women in Seattle are very friendly too. Had a wild night before gameday. It made for a very debacherous time. I think New Orleans has the potential to top it.

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To Guffalo. I believe I was at the same game. Boy it was cold. I got free tickets from someone who had season tickets but knew it was too cold to go to the game. We had end zone seats. Giants stadium wasn't sold out. We noticed that people moved from one side of the stadium to the other side of the stadium as the sun moved.


We blew out the Jets but I was sick for several days afterwards. O J Simpson was a tv interviewer on the sidelines. My friend took a picture of him. He was wearing gloves and the Bruni (sp) shoes. I thought of sending the picture in to show proof about the shoes but decided not too. It was a terrific game for us Bills fans.

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It must have been around 40 years ago. It was back when Clevlenad had double headers for pre-season games. My dad took me on a train from Buffalo to Cleveland. Buffalo played in the first game....can't remember if they played the Browns or the Bears. I fell asleep in the second game. I think I remember the train ride more than the game itself.

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there was a Sunday niter here in Tempe, AZ against the Cards a few years ago. it was pretty fun! especially when Henry Jones took their onsides kick back for a TD to ice it.


That was a good game and good times in Tempe.....Stayed in a hotel right off campus,arrived on a Friday and wandered into a place called The Arizona Roadhouse.....Could not believe my eyes, place was full of Bills stuff and fans..Happened to be a backers bar,so I fell in with their group,took their bus to the game (even though I could have walked to the game).Good times from what I remember.


Also had a great time in San Diego (one of my favorite vacation spots anyway,so the game was a bonus).Met up, partied and tailgated with a bunch of Wallers...Great people one and all...



One of the standout memories of these road games was that no matter where you were while in these cities, there were tons of Bills fans everywhere you went.

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I have been to road games in Washington, the Meadowlands (Jets), Dallas and Kansas City (that one was preseason when I just happened to be in KC at the time). Had a blast each time running into displaced WNYers -- except in KC, where my wife and I were the only Bills fans in the place.


Favorite game experience was in Washington, 1999. We pounded them and Flutie probably had the game of his life. By the fourth quarter the only people left in the stadium were Bills fans and they were everywhere.


The Redskins cheerleaders weren't bad to look at either. :D

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Anytime I get a chance to go to a game in New Orleans, it is a great time. New Orleans is a lousy football town, and the dome is kind of a dump, but the city is like one huge tailgate party. I love the fact that the stadium is right in the heart of the city. If you are staying in a hotel, right in New Orleans, you can pretty much walk to the game, and from it. You can get in lots of trouble too! The good kind!


I saw the Bills the last time they played there, the final game of the 1998 season. I had a blast, although was pretty hung over the first half of the game. I went with a very good friend of mine. He was screaming the whole first half of the game, "Lonnie, you suck!" A friend of mine, whose sister works for the Bills, got us the tickets. It didn't dawn on us, at the time, that we were sitting in the section that the Bills players family would be sitting in. At one point, Thurman Thomas' brother, or maybe uncle, comes up to my friend ED, and says "do you realize that Lonnie Johnsons' family is sitting 4 rows in front of you." Ed was really embarassed, and tried to apologize. We moved to some seats right behind the Bills bench, for the second half.


The Bills beat the Saints pretty soundly (RJ was awesome, Flutie pouted like a baby on the sidelines, and the Saints rallied toward the end to make it look closer than it really was), maybe the hightlight, though, was going to the smoking lounge at half time (I don't smoke, but Ed did, he died from it last year!), and standing over in the corner, with his son, was none other than Leon "Dr Sack" Seals, one of my all time favorite, "marginal" Bills players. We talked with him a bit, got a few pictures. It was, all and all, a great time.


Saints fans are not very passionate, on a whole, it seemed like there were as many Bills fans there, as Saints. They are cool though. They seem to have accepted their lot! They are not hostile at all (not like Cowboys fans).


I try to go to New Orleans for a game every year, if the Saints are playing a home game, on the Bills bye week. I went to see the Chiefs and Saints last year. It was a really good time. The only downer was, I went back to the hotel afterwards, to watch the Bills get trashed by the Patriots on the ESPN night game.

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I saw the Bills the last time they played there, the final game of the 1998 season.  I had a blast, although was pretty hung over the first half of the game.  I went with a very good friend of mine.  He was screaming the whole first half of the game, "Lonnie, you suck!"  A friend of mine, whose sister works for the Bills, got us the tickets.  It didn't dawn on us, at the time, that we were sitting in the section that the Bills players family would be sitting in.  At one point, Thurman Thomas' brother, or maybe uncle, comes up to my friend ED, and says "do you realize that Lonnie Johnsons' family is sitting 4 rows in front of you."  Ed was really embarassed, and tried to apologize.


Now why would your friend apologize for speaking the truth? :D

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Now why would your friend apologize for speaking the truth?  :D




Ed always talked big, but was a wuss when it came down to it! What started the whole thing, was LJ dropped a perfect pass, in the endzone, from RJ, right in front of us...he could not have had an easier catch. Then, on the next drive, he dropped another...it all went down hill from there for Lonnie J...

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