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Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code, Catholicism


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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?

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I dunno, but what he says about 'The Last Supper' by Da Vinci having Mary Magdalene in it next to Christ (with an unhappy disciple shashing her throat with his hand, another holding a knife) surely sounds plausible to me. I don't know whether this is code to imply that Magdalen was Jesus's wife, but it certainly seems within the realm of possibility.


The Last Supper

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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?



He did nothing in that book except pull together a bunch of very old inuendo's and rumor that have floated for years. I was surprised he didn't pull out the old Pope Joan rumor as well. I am sure that will be in his next book.


Remember the Catholic Church was a continuation of a lot of Jewish traditions. Women there also had no role or say in things. Hence the carry over.


As far as covering things up, I doubt it really, else someone would have leaked facts at some point. Think about our government, hell these guys can't even keep code names secret for 6 months. An organization as big as the Church would have been "outed" long ago if they truely were keeping secrets.


Brown did nothing more then write a book that people like because it tears down the big guy on the block. It is nothing more then what people do to Tiger Woods, IBM, big business etc... They are looking for someway to bring the big guy down a notch.


Do you believe this would have sold if he used it to tear apart ome of the inuendos about the Morman, Lutheran, Anglegain Chrurches? Not a chance. They are not the Big Leagues.

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Never read it, but I was under the impression it was about the continuation of Christ's lineage and a Christian thing, but it sounds like you guys read it. It's a Roman catholic based book and not applicable to all Christians?

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Never read it, but I was under the impression it was about the continuation of Christ's lineage and a Christian thing, but it sounds like you guys read it.  It's a Roman catholic based book and not applicable to all Christians?



The meat of the story is very Catholic in nature, but you're right in that anything that pertains to Christ is applicable to all Christians.

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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?



The idea of the book was creatively woven together. The germs of truth in it made it plausible enough that it made a fun read. I believe that the DaVinci Code movie will be far superior to the book, because I thought the writing sucked ass.


As to whether it's true, again, there are germs of truth in it. I didn't see it as an attack on the Catholic Church. It was just a book.

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I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true.

I haven't read it, but the reviews it has received sound like it is a wonderful, well-written story. As far as the truth goes, the best conspiracy theories always contain enough truth to mask the line between fact and fiction.

As far as covering things up, I doubt it really, else someone would have leaked facts at some point.

Which is precisely the 'big lie' about any grand conspiracy theory. That the individuals involved are somehow different than every other human on earth, and never have any motivation or willingness to allow any of the 'facts' about the alleged conspiracy out. The longer the alleged conspiracy continues, the more individuals it touches, the more ridiculous this presumption becomes.

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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?



Saw a documentary on it a few weeks ago. Basically, most of it is nonsense. However, the idea that Mary Magdalene was a far more important figure than has hitherto been realised has more or less been proved to be true by some (fairly) recently discovered manuscripts (I think someone found them in Egypt and was using them to burn on the fire before their importance was realised!). Basically, the church covered up her role (and made her a prostitute).

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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?



I am that "someone".

1)Dan Brown is a very good and especially creative writer.

2)It was engrossing.

3) Dan Brown is a virulent anti-Catholic which is the only discrimination accepted in literary and social company.( as a Catholic I, at once wince and revel in the simple knowledge that it is so cavalierly degraded).

4)"single most powerful"? As a moral force it has trouble convincing its own flock on the sacrament of Penance so just how powerful?

5)"largest funded". for centuries The Church collected a tithe, more or less 1/10 to 1/13 of "income". For that it was until the French Revolution in "Catholic" Europe the Dept of Health, Education, Welfare, Hospitals, Orphanages among others. It is land rich and building rich. Would one suggest selling the Sistine Chapel or your local Cathedral? And then what? go out of business?

6) "deep secrets" Oh, I get it the Church Fathers decided to hide that Jesus loved Mary Magdelene and had children with her and has conspired all this while- 1968 years later-to only some day in the future surprise us with this esoteria because we , mere mortals , are only capable of intellectually consuming such easy to grasp dogma as Trinity, Transubstantiation, Virgin Birth and my personal favorite Transfiguration and ,why in the name of God, did He not ass whip His tormentors on the way to Golgotha which would have caused Mel Gibson to be widely popular.

7)Artwork. the disciple in attendance was St. John, the beloved disciple not Mary Magdalene who along with Mary MOG was at the Cross. It was quite common to androgynize figures in Renaissance Art, viz: Rembrandts "Return of the Prodigal Son" if you note the forgiving fathers hands do not belong to the same person one is female! Leonardos treatment of The Last Supper was unique because he choise the moment after Jesus has said that one of The Twelve will betray Him. It is not the sacramental moment and you can see that Leonardo has chosen to portray the range of human reaction from the guilt of Judas to the horror that could it be me?

8) There were corrupt Popes. Indeed too many. I find it hard to believe that corrupt leaders would sacrifice anything for the joy and interest of perpetuating a scandal which if proven would end their reign. They are consumately self-absorbed.

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OK, someone brought it up in another post and said lets discuss another day. Lets make that day today.


First off I am a practicing Catholic and I am just finishing up reading The Da Vinci Code. It is easily the best book I've ever read even thought it attacks my religion. Obviously Dan Brown is not a fan of Catholicism however some of the points he makes in the book make you wonder.


I for one believe that some of the stuff he says is true. The Catholic Church is the single most powerful and largest funded organization in the history of the world. There are some deep secrets I'm sure the church wants to keep from getting out. Just look at the evidence of famous art works compiled for over 2000 years, you can't disagree.


I think what the church wanted to hide was the larger role of women in the establishment of the religion. The corrupt leaders and popes of long ago saw this as a threat. Either way, this book hasn't changed me as a Catholic, I go to church to pray to God. What popes and church leaders of long ago did doesn't really matter to me.


If you read the book, what are your thoughts on everything?




I read the book as well and I found it to be an excellent read. Dan Brown is a good writer and there is a good reason why the book has sold like a gazillion copies.


I differ with you in one respect. I did not see the book as "Attacking" the catholic church so much as I saw it as offering another viewpoint. I actually see nothing wrong with the entire premise. Men are human, not devine and we often do things that at the time seem to make perfect sense. I am sure that if this story has any truth to it, then that is what happened. I also believe that revealing such a truth now at this time, would be extremley difficult for the very same reason. What we see as truth has been there for so long even in the face of overwhelming evidence a new truth is unlikely to emerge.


Having said all that I look forward to seeing the Movie because Tom Hanks will be playing Robert Langdon, and I think he will be excellent in that role. However, I have not heard who will be playing Sopfia and I would like everyones opinion on who that should be. My vote goes to Penelope Cruz.

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Except that in this case the man IS divine. it is entirely understandable that someone who does not believe in the jesus story would find the subject trifiling.

The problem is really important to someone who believes. If this tripe that Dan Brown peddles is true then Jesus was a dissembler, duplicitous and other other-wise libelous description. Again if you do not believe nor care it matters not.

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Dan Brown is Catholic. I loved those books and on my trip to Europe I visited alot of the sights. I met a couple guys from West Point in Rome that were doing the Angels and Demons tour. I saw the Bernini hotel, Victor Hugos tomb, the Pantheon, the obelisks, the louvre, a bunch other stuff. I wish I reread those books before my trip so I would of known more what to look for

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Do you believe this would have sold if he used it to tear apart ome of the inuendos about the Morman, Lutheran, Anglegain Chrurches?  Not a chance.  They are not the Big Leagues.




Don't look now, but the Mormons are catching up fast. "Under the Banner of Heaven" sold pretty well, I think.

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Dan Brown is Catholic.  I loved those books and on my trip to Europe I visited alot of the sights.  I met a couple guys from West Point in Rome that were doing the Angels and Demons tour.  I saw the Bernini hotel, Victor Hugos tomb, the Pantheon, the obelisks, the louvre, a bunch other stuff.  I wish I reread those books before my trip so I would of known more what to look for



Entertaining writer but for someone so precise about Art his book is full of factul points which are not incidental to his thesis.

1) the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.

2)The "Star of David commemorates David it did not begin with him- it is only a few hundred years at most.

3)He claims there were 5 million witches burned/ executed while there were only 50,000- 50,00 too many to be sure. Not all women. not all by churches. not all by catholics. not all burned

4)Pyramid of Louvre has 673 panes not 666. 666? Now whatever could have prompted that mistake?

5)Opus Dei has no monks. Albino's are color blind and eye challenged.

6)Olympics celebrate Zeus not Aphrodite.

7)Knight's Templars had nothing to do with building Cathedral .

8) all in all sloppy preparation


I could go on and on but by this time you are probably saying what is the difference ; it is a piece of fiction. If so it is a dangerous fiction because it strikes at the very root of Jesus' message.

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Entertaining writer but for someone so precise about Art his book is full of factul points which are not incidental to his thesis.

1) the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.

2)The "Star of David commemorates David it did not begin with him- it is only a few hundred years at most.

3)He claims there were 5 million witches burned/ executed while there were only 50,000- 50,00 too many to be sure. Not all women. not all by churches. not all by catholics. not all burned

4)Pyramid of Louvre has 673 panes not 666.  666? Now whatever could have prompted that mistake?

5)Opus Dei has no monks. Albino's are color blind and eye challenged.

6)Olympics celebrate Zeus not Aphrodite.

7)Knight's Templars had nothing to do with building Cathedral .

8) all in all sloppy preparation 


I could go on and on but by this time you are probably saying what is the difference ; it is a piece of fiction. If so it is a dangerous fiction because it strikes at the very root of Jesus' message.


thanks for the info. I would like to read one of those books the debunk The Davinci Code. Even so- many things presented make sense. The founder of Opus Dei was cannonized after making a large contribution to the church. Many Pagan rituals are similar to catholic rituals. Mary Magdeline perhaps was not a prostitute. BTW I am Catholic

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Entertaining writer but for someone so precise about Art his book is full of factul points which are not incidental to his thesis.

1) the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.

2)The "Star of David commemorates David it did not begin with him- it is only a few hundred years at most.

3)He claims there were 5 million witches burned/ executed while there were only 50,000- 50,00 too many to be sure. Not all women. not all by churches. not all by catholics. not all burned

4)Pyramid of Louvre has 673 panes not 666.  666? Now whatever could have prompted that mistake?

5)Opus Dei has no monks. Albino's are color blind and eye challenged.

6)Olympics celebrate Zeus not Aphrodite.

7)Knight's Templars had nothing to do with building Cathedral .

8) all in all sloppy preparation 


I could go on and on but by this time you are probably saying what is the difference ; it is a piece of fiction. If so it is a dangerous fiction because it strikes at the very root of Jesus' message.




All due respect....what you are right and he is wrong? What a fool you are. I you know so damned much why not stop be critical and write a few books.


Show us some facts to back up your comments, and maybe...just maybe they will have a thread of credibility.

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