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[OT] Broke my own record yesterday

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Yesterday, I received in the mail my fifth Capital One credit card application in the past week. :o


That breaks my old record of four, set only last year.



You can take the pre-paid envelopes and fill them with your junk mail and return it to CaptialOne. It may not stop it, but you get at least a little satisfaction in knowing that you are making them pay for you sending them your junk mail.

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You can take the pre-paid envelopes and fill them with your junk mail and return it to CaptialOne. It may not stop it, but you get at least a little satisfaction in knowing that you are making them pay for you sending them your junk mail.



If you have scrap metal lying around, even better. They'll have to pay more... :o


Make sure you return them all, even if they are empty.

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My wife found a way that you can, through the credit reporting agencies refuse to allow your credit information to be sold. Once the credit card companies can no longer buy your data they stop sending the applications.


We now receive maybe one or two applications every two weeks or so and those are from the companies we already have cards from.


I can't remember the exact way of doing it, but a google search or even some enligtened soul out here probably know.


Before we did this we always used to fill the envelopes with junk and send them back. We took quiet satisfaction in knowing we were costing them money to receive an envelope full of my kids old homwork, valpak coupons and the like.

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I may have that record beat. I got one nearly every day (barring Sundays of course) for two weeks last summer.


How come the environmentalists never go after these damn credit card companies and their mailings? Damn they gotta be killing a lot of trees for nothing...



Well, the ones I get do come on recyclable paper...you do recycle the shredded offers, don't you...?

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If you have scrap metal lying around, even better.  They'll have to pay more...  :o


Make sure you return them all, even if they are empty.



You are correct. Scrap lead works well. Very heavy.

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Yesterday, I received in the mail my fifth Capital One credit card application in the past week. :o


That breaks my old record of four, set only last year.



Maybe you should write a letter to their C-E-NO!


Haha.... oh wait those commercials are about as funny as nails on a chalkboard.

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My MC issuer sends me at least two "Last Chance" mailings per month, exhorting me to use their handy checks to transfer my non-existant other balances to them. They have as of late been playing games with the due date, trying to bang me with a late charge since I carry no balance with them. Naturally, the billing is sent with one of the pre-printed envelopes that arrive without a postmark date...an increasing practice these days.


Such concern for their fellow man is touching.


Cross-cut shredders are useful things - I take a stirred handful of shreddings and stuff them into the business reply envelopes and mail them off.

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You can take the pre-paid envelopes and fill them with your junk mail and return it to CaptialOne. It may not stop it, but you get at least a little satisfaction in knowing that you are making them pay for you sending them your junk mail.



This is also referred to as "Mail Fraud".


Just a thought.....

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This is also referred to as "Mail Fraud".


Just a thought.....


How so??? I put stuff in the envelope and mail it to them. I am not putting someone elses name on the envelope, or filling in the form with an other person's personal information.

I could just as easily send the envelope back empty, where is the attempt to deceive that would constitute fraud???


Perhaps I could put an invoice in the envelope demanding payment for some small amount as a charge for the amount of time that it took me to open the envelope and sift through its contents. Is this fraud???

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I dont see how that would be construed as mail fraud







Release date: 2004-08-06

§ 1341. Frauds and swindles

§ 1342. Fictitious name or address

§ 1343. Fraud by wire, radio, or television

§ 1344. Bank fraud

§ 1345. Injunctions against fraud

§ 1346. Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”

§ 1347. Health care fraud

§ 1348. Securities fraud

§ 1349. Attempt and conspiracy

§ 1350. Failure of corporate officers to certify financial reports

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I dont see how that would be construed as mail fraud







Release date: 2004-08-06

§ 1341. Frauds and swindles

§ 1342. Fictitious name or address

§ 1343. Fraud by wire, radio, or television

§ 1344. Bank fraud

§ 1345. Injunctions against fraud

§ 1346. Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”

§ 1347. Health care fraud

§ 1348. Securities fraud

§ 1349. Attempt and conspiracy

§ 1350. Failure of corporate officers to certify financial reports




I saw that and I saw other definitions of mail fraud (I owe GG $0.02). I do not see how they would be able to charge you with mail fraud. If they did, it would be such a stretch that there is no way a judge would allow it to go beyond saying, "don't do it again, now both of you get out of my courtroom."

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