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How Many Trumptards Will Beat It to This Beautiful Image Tonight?

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On 12/22/2018 at 2:10 PM, RaoulDuke79 said:

Looks effective to me.....how many illegals do you currently have residing at your residence.  How many trespassers do you let mill around your property? 


A wall could easily be circumvented with a ladder, some carpet, and a rope. Also you could just destroy or dig under a wall. Over 50% of illegal immigrants are people who come in legally and overstay their visas. A wall does not address the majority of the problem. I am all for border security but a wall is not the answer. Using technology (Drones, Lasers, and motion detectors) and more manpower is a cheaper and more effective way to secure the border. Also if you want to crack down on illegal immigration you probably are better off cracking down on employers and chocking off the money illegals can make. 


But Trump himself has hired illegals and his big business buddies like to have an influx of cheap labor. So demonize the southern border with an ineffective solution because the visual of a wall makes people in Alabama feel safer. 

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10 minutes ago, peace out said:


Triggered in NJ


Isn't that a question you should ask yourself?


Oh, and I am the last person who would ever get triggered over political crap............. as you can see, I don't post much anyone .


I just sit back and look at the continued lunacy by you leftist nut jobs.

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4 hours ago, njbuff said:


Isn't that a question you should ask yourself?


Oh, and I am the last person who would ever get triggered over political crap............. as you can see, I don't post much anyone .


I just sit back and look at the continued lunacy by you leftist nut jobs.


*Still triggered in NJ

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