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Offensive Line


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The issue seems to specifically be in road games. Second straight road game they have looked like hot garbage out there...no holes for McCoy, no protection for Tyrod, just getting dominated.


I dont know if its a communication issue, them not feeding off the energy or what it is but they need to get it fixed and fixed fast. There should not be THAT big of a difference between home and road games.

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I think there is a fix on the roster but we are starting players that belong on the bench

I see an improvement but I don't see a fix to create at overall dominant offensive line that we need for the Run game and passing game we have

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Our D giving up countless yards in the air and on the ground was unforgivable, but our O is exactly who we thought they were..........garbage.


You can't neglect the O line year after year and expect different results.

Look at top perennial teams each year and look at one thing in common...........they take good quality linemen in the draft. They don't try to razzle-dazzle the fanbase with big name, sexy players to sell tickets. They shore-up the lines.


It seems that good quality teams can figure it out........and the rest of the league is playing catch-up trying to understand where they went wrong and what do they have to do to become a winner.


The game is won and lost in the trenches, boys.........it seems the Bills either don't know this or simply don't care.

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