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Tomahawks Fired At Syria

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Deals with dictators are totally useless, Obama can pretend that even he 1 percent believes in the terms, which hopefully buys time and nothing bad happens, it sure fools a lot of people though...

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Yup, and an aspirin factory was destroyed ...


Actually, I did just flip to MSNBC, to see how badly their diapers were soiled. Maddow may be insufferable, but their analysts are much better than CNNs.


The media looks like they're loving this - the White House press pool is getting briefings, they're getting camera time, the studio personalities are getting to report on facts rather than bull **** for once. And everyone has a look on their face like "God, this is refreshing! It's been so long..."

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Actually, I did just flip to MSNBC, to see how badly their diapers were soiled. Maddow may be insufferable, but their analysts are much better than CNNs.


The media looks like they're loving this - the White House press pool is getting briefings, they're getting camera time, the studio personalities are getting to report on facts rather than bull **** for once. And everyone has a look on their face like "God, this is refreshing! It's been so long..."

I noticed the same thing. I've been watching MSNBC, CNN and FNC and it seemed as if they actually tried to be journalists.

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Actually, I did just flip to MSNBC, to see how badly their diapers were soiled. Maddow may be insufferable, but their analysts are much better than CNNs.


The media looks like they're loving this - the White House press pool is getting briefings, they're getting camera time, the studio personalities are getting to report on facts rather than bull **** for once. And everyone has a look on their face like "God, this is refreshing! It's been so long..."

I don't watch CNN much, but Fox was good. I go back and forth between Fox and MSNBC. Maddow talking about anti aircraft defenses sounds funny. Now we have cool video



Does this remind you of the Clinton adimistion? Guess the cruise missiles were used a lot then

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The US has to lead the world against totally evil acts like chemical weapons inflicted on civilians, a severe warning is hopefully heeded over this. Not sure that regime change is the goal though, or if it should be, watching and waiting...

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CNN's also reporting that the Russians were NOT forewarned. Operationally sensible, since you'd expect them to turn around and warn the Syrians (and warm up their own AD system) immediately. Politically, though...are you !@#$ing kidding me????


The Russians were told. They had to have been. Otherwise their s-300s would have shot down the tomahawks, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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The Russians were told. They had to have been. Otherwise their s-300s would have shot down the tomahawks, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.


Well, we don't know what counter measures have been developed. Maybe the pentagon was showing off its ability to piss on Russian aa systems

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So let me get this straight. Assad was on the verge of victory and decided to use chemical weapons because he thought Trump would do nothing about it? That's what we're buying? So after four years of not using them he decided to use them now? Smells fishy to me.

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So let me get this straight. Assad was on the verge of victory and decided to use chemical weapons because he thought Trump would do nothing about it? That's what we're buying? So after four years of not using them he decided to use them now? Smells fishy to me.


The Deep State thread is covering this side of things (if you care)... though, if what Tom said up thread turns out to be true it'd be a bit of a different story.

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Staged, Isis, deep state, Iran, false flag, Russia???


Is there ever a bad time to blow up some muslim **** hole air base?



Oh I don't know. Maybe you should ask the Iraqis.

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