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Player celebrations


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Stevie Johnson had some good celebrations with us. Baseball players get to celebrate, get paid ridiculous amounts of money, and eat sunflower seeds for 4hrs. NFL players spin a ball and the critics come out.

I totally agree with this...


But on the other hand Baseball popularity has been falling like a rock for generations and boredom is probably why, so I'm not sure we should take cues from them.


For the record: MLB is still the 2nd most popular sport in the USA (behind NFL), but it's lost more fans in the last 30 years than currently follow NHL, NASCAR, NBA, or NCAA Footbal (the next 4 most popular).


But your sentiment remains. Why is it so bad for NFLers to celebrate? God forbid...

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While I have a break in work I was thinking back to the 90's and the players. Thurman Thomas to be specific.


I think it was during his HOF speech he said, when he scored his first touchdown he did a dance or something and when he got back to the sidelines Marv told him to act like he's been there. From that moment on I don't remember Thurman celebrating.


Today players celebrate everything. First downs, sacks, a simple catch and touchdowns are larger celebrations.


Personally I'm not a big fan of the celebrating.


How does everyone else feel?


Could you imaging your co-worker in the next cube over celebrating sending an email successfully?

The NFL is entertainment....

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If my job was done in front of 60,000+ people who paid to see me do it, plus potentially millions more watching me on tv, I would probably celebrate a lot more when I did something well. Likewise, if I plunk down $100+ for a ticket, I don't really want the players to seem disinterested. Some fans prefer the players to be super-intense "warriors", and that's fine, but I prefer to see guys enjoying themselves while playing a game - assuming they're doing well. And god forbid a guy celebrates with his teammate - what will we tell the children?!


The only thing I was ever okay with penalizing was the use of props. It was cool when TO had the sharpie in his sock, but then lame copycats like Joe Horn were inspired to come around with dumb cell phone acts. Not a fan. But I do think they should be allowed to use the ball as a prop again.

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