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Negative minds have killed positive attitudes

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We are surounded today by negativity. Every radio show, every news program, every message board is being bombarded by negative news and dissenting opinion. No longer is a positive news story worthy of being discussed, instead we are surrounded only with negative news and talk. All that people want to talk about is the negative, baseball is ruined by sterriods, cheniey has ruined basketball and should be fired, Clarett is a horrible person for running slower than people expect, Syracuse basketball is letting us down, Million dollar baby is not a sports movie and sucked, and oh yeah Chris rock was the worst oscar host ever. These are the only things people want to talk about, it is impossible to inspire hope or a good feeling now a days. Instead every talkshow host of any kind focuses on the worst aspects in sports and society. Rome wants you to have a take and not suck, Rush wants to save gay fetuses, Franken wants you to hate the right, everyone just wants to point fingers at each other.


These message boards are no better. What happened to an untested player having the possibility of being great instead of everyone bashing him before he has even played. People pour over stats not to inform, but to rip anyone who has a different opinion. It is getting to the point where no one can win so why bother trying to be good or honorable; send in your goons to break some arms, inject yourself in the butt, and make fun of the media. What happened to sports and life inspiring the best in people? I feel sorry for the younger generations that will have to grow up with no heroes because we do such a good job at tearing everything down.

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Now that's one way of looking at the world.

But did you ever stop to think that it's the positive attitudes that are killing the negative minds?

I thought so.


Cheer up. Things could get worse.




I like that....

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What a remarkably interesting post. Unfortunately, all of your concerns have a common thread: us.


Some will blame the media, but the media wouldn't feed it to us if we weren't so hungry for it. As long as bad things are what we want to see and hear everyday, there will be people feeding the beast.


That's why you saw America pull together after 9/11, only to go back at each others' throats a scant few months later. Because it wasn't enough that we were all united as one. It's never enough. If we're all united, there's no one to blame for anything, and if there's no one to blame for anything there will be no bad news and if there's no bad news, we'll just be happy.


And God forbid we should all ever be happy at the same time.

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What a remarkably interesting post. Unfortunately, all of your concerns have a common thread: us.


Some will blame the media, but the media wouldn't feed it to us if we weren't so hungry for it. As long as bad things are what we want to see and hear everyday, there will be people feeding the beast.


That's why you saw America pull together after 9/11, only to go back at each others' throats a scant few months later. Because it wasn't enough that we were all united as one. It's never enough. If we're all united, there's no one to blame for anything, and if there's no one to blame for anything there will be no bad news and if there's no bad news, we'll just be happy.


And God forbid we should all ever be happy at the same time.



You are right it is "us" that feed upon this stuff. It is funny that it takes something like 9/11 to bring us together, and even then we could not sustain that feeling very long

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So what do you suggest as some positive topics? You listed all the negatives but didnt mention what you would like to talk about. I was a very positive person until somewhere around my junior year high school and always tryed to look at things with a glimmer of hope, I seriously changed for the worst, but now I am where I am because of that change. I see your point but sometimes when all you see is negative thats all you think, even when the sky looks bright theres a 100% chance a clouds on its way.

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What a remarkably interesting post. Unfortunately, all of your concerns have a common thread: us.


Some will blame the media, but the media wouldn't feed it to us if we weren't so hungry for it. As long as bad things are what we want to see and hear everyday, there will be people feeding the beast.


That's why you saw America pull together after 9/11, only to go back at each others' throats a scant few months later. Because it wasn't enough that we were all united as one. It's never enough. If we're all united, there's no one to blame for anything, and if there's no one to blame for anything there will be no bad news and if there's no bad news, we'll just be happy.


And God forbid we should all ever be happy at the same time.


Shutup. I hate you. :doh:

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You are right it is "us" that feed upon this stuff.  It is funny that it takes something like 9/11 to bring us together, and even then we could not sustain that feeling very long


Those are the times you can turn to these ageless words:


And the only reason I'm singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in a

situation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into the shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say "Shrink, You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an organization.


And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out?


And friends they may thinks it's a movement.


And that's what it is, the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the guitar.


With feeling. So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and sing it when it does. Here it comes.


You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

Walk right in it's around the back

Just a half a mile from the railroad track

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

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So what do you suggest as some positive topics? You listed all the negatives but didnt mention what you would like to talk about. I was a very positive person until somewhere around my junior year high school and always tryed to look at things with a glimmer of hope, I seriously changed for the worst, but now I am where I am because of that change. I see your point but sometimes when all you see is negative thats all you think, even when the sky looks bright theres a 100% chance a clouds on its way.




Everything that i listed could be looked at in a positive light. There are still great athletes out there but when do you hear about them? Loosman could be great, but is being bashed before he even plays. Willis was called the worst pick in recient years until he actually played last season. There are undedeated college sports teams in my area taking a backseat to SU naysayers and barry bond's urine sample. A new baseball season is beginning where everyone is in first place but all we can discuss is an issue that has supposedly ruined the game. If you are surrounded by half empty glasses then where is the fullness in life?

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We are surounded today by negativity.  Every radio show, every news program, every message board is being bombarded by negative news and dissenting opinion.  No longer is a positive news story worthy of being discussed, instead we are surrounded only with negative news and talk.  All that people want to talk about is the negative, baseball is ruined by sterriods, cheniey has ruined basketball and should be fired, Clarett is a horrible person for running slower than people expect, Syracuse basketball is letting us down, Million dollar baby is not a sports movie and sucked, and oh yeah Chris rock was the worst oscar host ever. These are the only things people want to talk about, it is impossible to inspire hope or a good feeling now a days.  Instead every talkshow host of any kind focuses on the worst aspects in sports and society.  Rome wants you to have a take and not suck, Rush wants to save gay fetuses, Franken wants you to hate the right, everyone just wants to point fingers at each other.


These message boards are no better. What happened to an untested player having the possibility of being great instead of everyone bashing him before he has even played.  People pour over stats not to inform, but to rip anyone who has a different opinion.  It is getting to the point where no one can win so why bother trying to be good or honorable; send in your goons to break some arms, inject yourself in the butt, and make fun of the media.  What happened to sports and life inspiring the best in people?  I feel sorry for the younger generations that will have to grow up with no heroes because we do such a good job at tearing everything down.



The reason is simple: people confuse entertainment with real life.


Sports is entertainment. No different than movies or tv shows. Yet, people get attached (for better or worse) to their sports teams and build it up into something greater than it really is...a distraction.


The media knows it's entertainment, thus they prey on the fans by presenting the most conflict possible. That is why on these shows you only see two extreme takes, never the middle ground. Same with political talk shows. You always have someone way on the right and someone way on the left battling, never two people in the middle. Why? Cause conflict IS entertainment.


If people talked things out rationally, or looked at it realistically, it would get very dull very fast.


You just need to step back, smile and laugh at it all. Because in the end all that really matters is your family, friends and what's in your heart. If you can realize that, the rest of this nonsense becomes exactly what it's supposed to be...entertaining.

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