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[OT] So I'm at a customers site today....

Just Jack

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and have to take a stojan, so I head in the bathroom, and see a couple mags on the back of the toilet. "Great, reading material" I think since I hadn't brought any with me. Pick one up, it's a Playboy. Wooo.... Pick the other one up, it's a Penthouse. I gotta schedule more service calls there. :devil:

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and have to take a stojan, so I head in the bathroom, and see a couple mags on the back of the toilet. "Great, reading material" I think since I hadn't brought any with me. Pick one up, it's a Playboy. Wooo.... Pick the other one up, it's a Penthouse. I gotta schedule more service calls there.  :devil:



sue for harrassment and retire like a REAL American...

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and have to take a stojan, so I head in the bathroom, and see a couple mags on the back of the toilet. "Great, reading material" I think since I hadn't brought any with me. Pick one up, it's a Playboy. Wooo.... Pick the other one up, it's a Penthouse. I gotta schedule more service calls there.  :devil:



you were on a job site and found a penthouse on the back of the shitter and actually touched it? I'm no germophobe (sp?), but man alive you probably just touched about 17 guys "kids" ...

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