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Doing St. Baldrick's again this year


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Last Year I raised nearly $1500 – an amazing sum for which I am so grateful to my friends, family, and co-workers. I have decided to participate again this year even though my inspiration, Sweet Sally Sunshine, completed treatment last August. Her battle is not over, however. She now has to deal with the side-effects of the treatment, most of which is geared towards adults, which took a terrible toll on her body. Being fed through a tube most of her life, she really has no concept of the relationship between food and hunger… and her chewing muscles are barely functional. As a 3-year old, she’s just now barely able to run. You can read all about these and other challenges for her and her family on her parent’s latest blog entry:




Obviously more research is needed to develop treatments geared to pediatric cancer. And so I ask once again for any donation you might be able to make. My page is here:




Here's how it looked last year:



My event will be at Mickey Finn's in Victor, NY on April 17th. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!



Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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How is money raising going? How long do people have to donate?

Slower than last year - currently at $260. My event is April 17th.


I hope y'all haven't forgotten about Pediatric Cancer Research! Go to my page (linked in the OP) and click that Donate button please!

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Quick update for everyone - due to an unfortunate family medical situation for the event organizer, the date of the event has been moved from this weekend to June 12th.


Just gives me more time to bug you guys for sponsorships! :)

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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Bump. My event is next Sunday. I'm currently $60 from my goal, and in 11th place for fundraising in Rochester. For those who have already donated - my sincere gratitude. To those who have yet to give I ask one last time for any donation you can make. I'd love to hit that goal and crack the top 10!


Here's my page:


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