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New Orleans To Remove Excremental Rebel Monuments


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why does anyone care about the removal of statues of men and women that waged war on the US?


its so strange. removing a monument to a traitor does not "erase history", all it does is not give that traitor props.


the events still happened, whether the statue of the villain is there or not.

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47 minutes ago, Thurmal34 said:

why does anyone care about the removal of statues of men and women that waged war on the US?


its so strange. removing a monument to a traitor does not "erase history", all it does is not give that traitor props.


the events still happened, whether the statue of the villain is there or not.


Racists care. That's who they are.



While at the same time, these phks cry about the CRT bogeyman.


F'n idiots.



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9 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:

why does anyone care about the removal of statues of men and women that waged war on the US?


its so strange. removing a monument to a traitor does not "erase history", all it does is not give that traitor props.


the events still happened, whether the statue of the villain is there or not.



What an incredibly simplistic (and incorrect) response.



It goes without saying that your "blinders on" view of this discussion is wrong.


Ask yourself where the removal of the Reconciliation Statue, or the Jefferson, Washington, or Columbus statues fit into your childish take.






Edited by B-Man
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I believe every National Cemetary has a monument to the rebels that died.


before the VA cemetary was built in Pembroke. the closest in western NY was in Bath NY.


The Bath National Cemetary also has a Monument to Rebels.


Notable monuments[edit]

A 40-foot (12 m) high granite "Preservation of the Union Monument" which was dedicated to Civil War soldiers, erected in 1892. Its benefactor was Samuel Dietz.

The "1812 monument" marks the burial place of the 28 soldiers from the War of 1812 who were reinterred at the cemetery.



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Why are you defending Confederates ?



I'm not.


While Confederate statues tend to be at the forefront of the debate, statues of Christopher Columbus and others have also been targeted for removal or defense.


There were 149 monuments to Columbus, according to the Monument Lab, the third most of anyone in the United States with more than Robert E. Lee (59) and Stonewall Jackson (33) combined. 




A smart woman.


The statues do not cause racism and could be used to fight racism if put into historical context.

Author Sophia A. Nelson, who notes she is the granddaughter of a slave, states that she does not ”fear 150-year-old statues of old dead white men.”


Nelson argues that her classmates at Washington & Lee University “didn’t hate [Black students] because there were statues of Robert E. Lee or George Washington (our nation’s first President and a slave owner) on campus. They didn’t like having black classmates because they had racist hearts. They honored racial prejudice. They harbored cultural bias. That, my friends, is what we must work toward eradicating.” [50]







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15 hours ago, B-Man said:



Why are you defending Confederates ?



I'm not.


While Confederate statues tend to be at the forefront of the debate, statues of Christopher Columbus and others have also been targeted for removal or defense.


There were 149 monuments to Columbus, according to the Monument Lab, the third most of anyone in the United States with more than Robert E. Lee (59) and Stonewall Jackson (33) combined. 




A smart woman.


The statues do not cause racism and could be used to fight racism if put into historical context.

Author Sophia A. Nelson, who notes she is the granddaughter of a slave, states that she does not ”fear 150-year-old statues of old dead white men.”


Nelson argues that her classmates at Washington & Lee University “didn’t hate [Black students] because there were statues of Robert E. Lee or George Washington (our nation’s first President and a slave owner) on campus. They didn’t like having black classmates because they had racist hearts. They honored racial prejudice. They harbored cultural bias. That, my friends, is what we must work toward eradicating.” [50]







Did you want to point to the moment Chris Columbus set foot in what is now the US?


Or did you want to go off?


I’m so sorry man…

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9 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:

Did you want to point to the moment Chris Columbus set foot in what is now the US?



Did you you want to divert from the point with your childishness ?


The Columbus statues are being taken down no matter where his "foot touched'  😎


or do you want to address why the Left is pulling down statues.




Of course you don't.

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Feds Fold Like a Cheap Suit, William Penn Statue Will Not Be Removed


Illustrating what a rolling disaster the Biden administration is, the executive-branch-controlled National Park Service decided it'd be a great idea to remove the William Penn statue that stands on the grounds of the founder of Pennsylvania's historic home.


Why? Because "equity and inclusion," of course. You see, "Welcome Park," the site of Penn's historic home didn't give enough representation to Native Americans, and the federal government decided the best course of action would be to remove his statue completely and turn the place into a woke shrine.


No doubt, the fact that Penn owned slaves was also a major factor in trying to erase his existence






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Tearing Down Hatred Where Hatred Doesn’t Exist




It’s laughable that leftists believe that the “woke” culture is enlightened and inclusive. Everything they do eliminates and excludes. Take, for instance, their incessant, nonsensical removal of anything that even slightly offends their shallow, hyper-sensitive sensibilities. 


They seem especially troubled with the past and traditions, discarding the idea that our nation, though not perfect, has evolved and instead embracing the belief that everything about it was, is, and will forever be inherently bad. That is, unless we accept and follow their new world order, which will cleanse us of our ignorance.


In reality, leftists' beliefs will cleanse us of nothing. In fact, they will deepen existing wounds, reopen ones that have healed, and create new deep ones that will take decades to heal. For a moment, consider their paradoxical view of equity. They pretend that DEI is focused on corporations, schools, etc., developing a more diverse workforce or student body, yet they base this diversity on skin color only. Equity to them is tied directly to diversity numbers and percentages, with merit having no bearing in the equation. So under those guidelines, how can true equity exist? As far as their idea of inclusion, it always translates to exclusion. They love to divide and conquer, moving seamlessly between villain and victim to accomplish their immediate goal. 


They point out imaginary injustices along the way to keep the fires of hatred burning. This keeps their woke minions in a frenzied state. A few of their favorites to attack are perceived stereotypes such as Native American names and symbols, as well as statues that supposedly represent something other than the history of our nation.   


Ironically, all leftists do is place storied and beloved names and places into a state of vanishing viability. Think about names such as the Washington Redskins or Cleveland Indians. These names were never meant as derogatory, yet the left campaigned, and the woke factor that had infiltrated the organizations used the chance to change the names. 


Now, those references to Native Americans are gone. Leftists have effectively eliminated any memories of that proud culture and replaced them with generic names that carry no significance. By doing this, they have eliminated Native Americans from the consciousness of American sports fans, and to what end? What have they changed? All they accomplished was a demonstration of their ignorance. The left’s failure to weigh intent, which is extremely important, never comes into play. It strives for change for the sake of change and the opportunity to advance its narrative.      


Another easy target of leftists is statues. These inanimate objects represent everything evil to those infected with the woke virus. They use these to become history revisionists instead of students of history. Many of the statues that are torn down depict slave owners, and that’s all the left can see. Like it or not, slave ownership was an accepted part of society in those times. The other accomplishments of these historical figures are ignored. What’s worse is that the left views the American public as being unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. 


Leftists believe that these statues need to be removed to whitewash history. Why? Because they don’t like what they represent and can’t trust the rest of America to feel the same, so rather than allow you to rationalize your own thoughts, they tear down the statues.       






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4 minutes ago, B-Man said:



A despicable act.


I hope they tar and feather the culprits.



Wichita Community Stunned by Theft of Jackie Robinson Statue






I wonder were they got the idea that it was okay to tear down statues ??





It’s what happens when you empower the right wing instead of making their ideology extinct 

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