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Someone give me odds on the Bills non-playoff streak

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On a purely mathematical basis-

If you assume we don't make it this year (which I assume the odds are greater than 98% at this juncture)

and that each yr there's a 62.5% chance of NOT making the playoffs (6 of 16 AFC teams make it each yr)


there's roughly a 15% chance of the streak extending another 4 yrs (625 out of 4096).

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On a purely mathematical basis-

If you assume we don't make it this year (which I assume the odds are greater than 98% at this juncture)

and that each yr there's a 62.5% chance of NOT making the playoffs (6 of 16 AFC teams make it each yr)


there's roughly a 15% chance of the streak extending another 4 yrs (625 out of 4096).


I'll take those odds.

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I could see it going 20, maybe even longer.


Yep, because after four more years of Rex, the team would hire some new flunky who would need 1-2 seasons to implement "his system" only to realize after the first year that that system sucks.


We know the story all too well.

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On a purely mathematical basis-

there's roughly a 15% chance of the streak extending another 4 yrs (625 out of 4096).


Wait, so that's for a random team, right?


But since we are talking the Bills, it's an 85% chance that they DO extend the streak, do I have that right?

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Extending to 20 years. 20's a nice round number don't you think? And I have GREAT faith in their ability to make it.


Gimme odds.




This iteration of the Buffalo Bills are the WORST at showing up for big games than any team I've ever seen. Until that changes, there is a 100% chance that the bills will finish out of the playoffs. I'm not sure what part of the team this culture comes from but it's clear as day. You watch a good team, they show up for big games. Buffalo shows up small.

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Yep, because after four more years of Rex, the team would hire some new flunky who would need 1-2 seasons to implement "his system" only to realize after the first year that that system sucks.


We know the story all too well.



Yep, because after four more years of Rex, the team would hire some new flunky who would need 1-2 seasons to implement "his system" only to realize after the first year that that system sucks.


We know the story all too well.


Well you have witnessed this scenario for the past two decades you don't think anything is going to change do you? Buffalo is destined to remain a bottom dweller. It's in their DNA.

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SO I did a little research. The longest historical playoff droughts in NFL history are 25 years, shared by the Foreskins and Cardinals.


In other words, we have 9 years to go to be #1.


But at least we'll be #1 at something. FWIW, we're 9th overall on the historical list currently, and on schedule to pass by the Lions into 8th.

Edited by joesixpack
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Extending to 20 years. 20's a nice round number don't you think? And I have GREAT faith in their ability to make it.


Gimme odds.



Even money because Brady and Belichick don't seem like they are ready to retire anytime soon. As long as those two are in New England Buffalo's chances are 0 to none.


Even money because Brady and Belichick don't seem like they are ready to retire anytime soon. As long as those two are in New England Buffalo's chances are 0 to none. And with the 0 to none chances I'm being optimistic.

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