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7 Years Later We Have Less Citizens Working Than In 2007


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That would all be in the methodology link.


You are just going over and above your normal stupidity today.

Oh no! Why did you get me to look at that???


Here's the link for "3"

3 Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler, "All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants", Center for Immigration Studies Backgrounder, June 2014.

Supporting themselves.


I have a feeling the CIS is biased up the butt

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Oh no! Why did you get me to look at that???


Here's the link for "3"


Supporting themselves.


I have a feeling the CIS is biased up the butt



They are referencing prior published work so they don't have to recreate it for the purposes of this release.


They then go on to explain that all data comes directly from the BLS, and is not their independent work.


This is used specifically in reference to the disparity in employment figures between immigrants and citizens, immigrants accounting for 45% of job growth, despite making up only 17% of the population.

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Supporting themselves.


I have a feeling the CIS is biased up the butt


In most fields researchers are required to reference prior works if they're relevant to the current work. Even if the prior works are theirs. Not doing so is unethical, and potentially plagirism.

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They are referencing prior published work so they don't have to recreate it for the purposes of this release.


They then go on to explain that all data comes directly from the BLS, and is not their independent work.


This is used specifically in reference to the disparity in employment figures between immigrants and citizens, immigrants accounting for 45% of job growth, despite making up only 17% of the population.



Although you'd never know it to read its materials, CIS was started in 1985 by a Michigan ophthalmologist named John Tanton — a man known for his racist statements about Latinos, his decades-long flirtation with white nationalists and Holocaust deniers, and his publication of ugly racist materials. CIS' creation was part of a carefully thought-out strategy aimed at creating a set of complementary institutions to cultivate the nativist cause — groups including the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA. As is shown in Tanton's correspondence, lodged in the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Tanton came up with the idea in the early 1980s for "a small think tank" that would "wage the war of ideas."

And while Tanton never actually ran CIS, his correspondence shows that as late as 1994, nine years after it was started, Tanton, who remains on FAIR's board of directors today, saw himself as setting the "proper roles for FAIR and CIS." He raised millions of dollars for the think tank and published the writings of top CIS officials in his racist journal, The Social Contract. He maneuvered a friend on to the board of CIS — a man who shared his interest in eugenics and who attended events with Tanton where white nationalists gave presentations. Through it all, CIS pumped out study after study aimed at highlighting immigration's negative effects.




More at the link B-)


In most fields researchers are required to reference prior works if they're relevant to the current work. Even if the prior works are theirs. Not doing so is unethical, and potentially plagirism.

Sure, its also a nice way to drag something down the rabbit hole
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Sure, its also a nice way to drag something down the rabbit hole


Yes, research is nothing more than a method of confirming the researcher's biases.


Except climate research. When an author cites his own work in climate research, he's being completely honest.

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What, pray tell, does a factual accounting of disparity in employment figures between immigrants and citizens, immigrants accounting for 45% of job growth, despite making up only 17% of the population, have to do with racism?


So... you linked an Op-Ed hit piece, produced by an organization which has demonstrated itself to be so unreliable and so zealotus in it's pursuits that it was officially discarded this year as a credible resource by President Obama's Executive Branch, which sources absolutely none of it's claims, and is rife with logical fallacies (the entire piece itself is an attempt to poison the well), as your best effort refutation of actual data provided by the US Census through the BLS?



Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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What, pray tell, does a factual accounting of disparity in employment figures between immigrants and citizens, immigrants accounting for 45% of job growth, despite making up only 17% of the population, have to do with racism?

So... you linked an Op-Ed hit piece, produced by an organization which has demonstrated itself to be so unreliable and so zealotus in it's pursuits that it was officially discarded this year as a credible resource by President Obama's Executive Branch, which sources absolutely none of it's claims, and is rife with logical fallacies (the entire piece itself is an attempt to poison the well), as your best effort refutation of actual data provided by the US Census through the BLS?


ok, why are the illegals getting all the jobs?


*and, can you have clapping Obama in every post? I like it

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Because they represent cheaper labor, and a cheaper labor pool drives down labor costs over-all. This is why all the major corporate lobby groups are in favor of Executive amnesty.

Well we could treat illegal aliens like we treat illegal drugs - when they find them on your property they confiscate everything you own and throw you in jail 5 years for every illegal they find.
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Well we could treat illegal aliens like we treat illegal drugs - when they find them on your property they confiscate everything you own and throw you in jail 5 years for every illegal they find.

I'm in favor of military conscription for every adult illegal caught, and deportation at the expense of the country of origion for all minor children. Countries that don't pay will have all aid stripped away.

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I'm in favor of military conscription for every adult illegal caught, and deportation at the expense of the country of origion for all minor children. Countries that don't pay will have all aid stripped away.


Unless we are going to totally control them by putting them in chains and have them row our aircraft carriers around the globe, I think there would be a definite lack of esprit de corps. Now as far as arm factories go.........................................

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Unless we are going to totally control them by putting them in chains and have them row our aircraft carriers around the globe, I think there would be a definite lack of esprit de corps. Now as far as arm factories go.........................................

Execution for non-citizen deserters or felony crimes, period. Hard labor for non-citizen dissenters.


Make the announcement of said policy very public. Spam it. Give a six month grace period prior to enforcement to allow people time to leave.

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  • 1 month later...

Good news!





(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. labor market leaped forward in January, capping the greatest three-month jobs gain in 17 years and delivering the biggest wage increase since 2008.

Payrolls advanced by 257,000 last month following increases in December and November that were even bigger than previously reported, figures from the Labor Department showed Friday in Washington. The unemployment rate rose to 5.7 percent from 5.6 percent as more than a million Americans streamed into the labor force seeking work.


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