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OSU BB player Marcus (Notso)Smart pushes fan during game


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Very surprised that he wasn't immediately kicked out of the game (only 6 seconds left), but I think it was wise that the coach sat him. I would expect a lengthy suspension if the NBA is any kind of barometer. I'm certain that something ugly was said, but there was no contact with Smart while he was on the ground (fan didn't kick out at him etc.).



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Very surprised that he wasn't immediately kicked out of the game (only 6 seconds left), but I think it was wise that the coach sat him. I would expect a lengthy suspension if the NBA is any kind of barometer. I'm certain that something ugly was said, but there was no contact with Smart while he was on the ground (fan didn't kick out at him etc.).




I'm curious what the fan said (it looked like his wife was chirping at Smart too), but you are correct, there is absolutely no excuse for that behavior. He really hurt his draft stock last night. Anyone know if Smart has a history of character issues?

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I'm curious what the fan said (it looked like his wife was chirping at Smart too), but you are correct, there is absolutely no excuse for that behavior. He really hurt his draft stock last night. Anyone know if Smart has a history of character issues?

Another article reports that the OSU radio announcer overheard Smart tell the coach he was called the n-word. The fan denies it.



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you can see him mouth something to the fan and it almost looks like he said "...call me" as if to yell, 'what did you call me?" other comments said it appeared maybe the guy stepped on his fingers....either way, while the ute of today do some stupid things, they don't simply go off like that unless something significant triggers it.

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you can see him mouth something to the fan and it almost looks like he said "...call me" as if to yell, 'what did you call me?" other comments said it appeared maybe the guy stepped on his fingers....either way, while the ute of today do some stupid things, they don't simply go off like that unless something significant triggers it.

IMO based on the video there's no way the guy stepped on his fingers.
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After reading up a little bit, it appears that this fan, Jeff Orr, is notorious for berating opposing players and other antics. Texas Tech is aware of this. Marcus Smart will likely receive a suspension for this. Should the fan (given that this is not an isolated incident) receive some type of disciplinary action as well? Perhaps banned from the arena for the remainder of the season?

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I have no doubt that Orr is clearly a crazy fan, and possibly a major d-bag and instigator. But he's immediately being questioned as a racist-- likely because he's from Texas-- which I think is unfair absent absolute proof of what he said.


The NCAA and Big 12 would be better served by just brushing this incident off as a one-off, and suggesting that players be better taught to handle situations like that, and stadiums have better security protocols. There doesn't need to be a "message sent" when one guy pushes an instigating fan; how often does this happen? Once?


I don't know that I entirely agree with your sentiment, but I don't think this should be dragged out forever. The NCAA and Texas Tech should investigate the incident, and if it can be proved that racial slurs were used, then the fan should receive consequences.


With regard to Smart, the NCAA should and will impose disciplinary action. A message needs to be sent here that this crap will not be tolerated (regardless of what took place). I'm not saying let's lock him up and throw away the key, but IMO a suspension is warranted.


The NCAA needs to act quickly and decisively here.

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Here is an article, which details what the punishment options available. The Big 12 can do anything from a private reprimand to public reprimand to suspension.


The fan's punishment is up to the host school.




In my view, I think a public reprimand of both guys, and a mutual exchange of apologies would be sufficient. Maybe some kind of "training" for both guys too.


This is such a unique incident that I think "sending a message" with a suspension would be pointless.


Agree to disagree I suppose. Man, 6pm can't get here fast enough can it? I need to start drinking. LGO Cuse!!

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Spare me the 'can't cross the line' bullsh-- that sports radio will blather about endlessly for the next few days. Where is "the line" for a fully grown man screaming insults and epithets at 19 and 20 year old kids over a f-----g basketball game? I wish Smart had knocked that redneck POS into next week.

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I agree 100% with you, if in fact that is what happened....the fan is a guy with seemingly enough money to make a good living, heck he travels 30,000 miles a year to TTU games, then on the court you have a 19 year old who grew up in less than stellar socio-economic conditions and he's supposed to be the mature one...yeah right


Spare me the 'can't cross the line' bullsh-- that sports radio will blather about endlessly for the next few days. Where is "the line" for a fully grown man screaming insults and epithets at 19 and 20 year old kids over a f-----g basketball game? I wish Smart had knocked that redneck POS into next week.

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Makes me wonder if this guy is going to get singled out by players. I'd love to be up for a free throw and just wing it at the guy. Or maybe block a pass right at him. Or somehow accidentally jump in to the stands and slap his wife across the face. ****Now, I realize that the wife had little really to do with this, but lets see what the big bad man does when you put a hurting on his woman.


I wouldn't have contained myself like Smart did. I would have either gone to the officials and explained exactly what happened and gone to the locker room and made everyone aware of what just happened. Or knocked the dude out cold.

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the fan is saying he called smart a 'piece of crap'

Still, a childish thing to say/do. TTU seems like a rather pretentious school. I hope they do something to punish this fan.


I'd love to be the guy who sits next to him at the next game. I'd make a big sign that says "!@#$" with a big arrow pointing at him.

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