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[OT] Workplace theft


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...and a good way to get acquainted with the justice system.


I disagree. You aren't forcing anyone else to consume it. If they decide to steal what isn't their's, it's their fault.


I know a guy who used to get his lunch stolen by a bully in high school. So one time he put some chemicals from his home chemistry kit in his lunch. Sure enough the bully stole his lunch, and got sick from it. The guy had to explain what happened, but in the end it wasn't his fault, and the bully stopped taking his lunch.

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I disagree.  You aren't forcing anyone else to consume it.  If they decide to steal what isn't their's, it's their fault.


I know a guy who used to get his lunch stolen by a bully in high school.  So one time he put some chemicals from his home chemistry kit in his lunch.  Sure enough the bully stole his lunch, and got sick from it.  The guy had to explain what happened, but in the end it wasn't his fault, and the bully stopped taking his lunch.




I think (not sure) that there are laws against setting traps like that. I mean, no one has a right to go into your home when you aren't there, but if you boobie trap your front door with a .12 gauge and someone breaks in and it kills them, i think you still might get in trouble...

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Seriously?  Then how do you still have a job?




There's currently 4 cameras that I can see. I get done what needs to get done. Simple as that.


When I took over this spot, the guy that worked here complained how hard it was. I took a program that he was using and made it basically work for me... So long as the reports that need to be finished by 5:00 are done, and done well, I'm good. They actually give me sh-- all the time too. Mainly Heat Tickets (courtside) cause I'm "So dedicated"... 11,000 posts worth of dedication.

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There's currently 4 cameras that I can see. I get done what needs to get done. Simple as that.


When I took over this spot, the guy that worked here complained how hard it was. I took a program that he was using and made it basically work for me...



Didn't realize Howard had found a replacement for 'Gary the Retard'. :devil:


Did you see Dwayne Wade's place on 'Cribs'?

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Happens all over.


We have a driver's ED teacher who comes in and takes hands full of candy at a time. Getting tired of replacing the candy I finally said something to him. It's not up to me to furnish candy to you and your students. You never bring in a bag to share stay out of ours.


Then the secretary filled it up with tootsie Rolls and he took two hands full - She got upset and told him it was for the office not for him.


Then he did it again so the other girl taped the lid shut. He has never touched it again and we have another place for the chocolate stash.



IF you always eat candy from the office dish - Be nice - buy a bag once in awhile.

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A quick way to make it stop would be to put a container in there and mix in a diarrehtic.  Then watch to see who makes a run for the bathroom.


I know someone who left ex-lax in a candy dish and had two of her night shift co-workers end up in the hospital.

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Could be worse.....


We have a guy in our berthing space taking craps and hiding them in the vents, overheads, showers, air unit, some guys sea bag while inport, and once in a blue moon, he puts it in your dirty laudry bag where you get a phone call from ships laundry to come claim and wash your own crap covered uniforms.


Every ship has a Phantom Shitter

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Could be worse.....


We have a guy in our berthing space taking craps and hiding them in the vents, overheads, showers, air unit, some guys sea bag while inport, and once in a blue moon, he puts it in your dirty laudry bag where you get a phone call from ships laundry to come claim and wash your own crap covered uniforms.


Every ship has a Phantom Shitter



That is about the nastiest, filthiest thing I've ever heard of.

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That is about the nastiest, filthiest thing I've ever heard of.




man, you have ZERO idea.



This is the funny part


My Division Officer would make us take pictures of it and he would make posters to hang in the berthing spaces. It had the same effect and hanging a sign in the stall asking people not to wipe boogers or write on the wall.

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I had a lunch taken out of the fridge at a previous job. I ended up going around to various people on the manufacturing floor begging for change so I could get something from the vending machine to eat.

If it's happened to you, you'd realize it's not funny.



I have a box of Cheez-it's I eat with my lunch and keep it behind my desk. A couple days ago I went to get it and it was gone. I looked EVERYWHERE and couldn't find it. Finally, I went over to my coworkers and was blaming the janitors when one of them started laughing, she hid it in my desk. I was soooo pissed and still am.


You can mess with anything you want. Just don't mess with my food.

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man, you have ZERO idea.

This is the funny part


My Division Officer would make us take pictures of it and he would make posters to hang in the berthing spaces.  It had the same effect and hanging a sign in the stall asking people not to wipe boogers or write on the wall.



I just can't believe someone would do that. I wouldn't do it to my worst enemy let alone a friend. That's some messed up sh--.

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