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Kiko was neutralized by the Pats


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Everyone who thinks Kiko got snubbed by not getting picked for the pro bowl should read your post. Kiko may become a good linebacker some day but at this point he can be fooled pretty easily and over runs a lot of plays leaving a gaping holes.


Mosely gets pan caked quite often He doesn't have enough lead in his butt.

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Well said.


NE did most of their damage without Dareus.


Even if the film is now out on how to neutralize Kiko, I don't think most teams have the athletic ability of the NE offensive line. They get to the second level fast.


It appeared to me that Kiko may have worn down over the course of the season. If that did happen it is understandable. I'm expecting the addition of another playmaking LB to really help him, along with another year of experience.

It did look like he wore down, plus he hurt his knee late in the season.


I think in a perfect world he would be an WLB. But he will have a "pro" off-season to bulk up a tad.

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First and foremost, Kiko was an excellent addition to the Bills this year who played great football for a first year MLB, and good football throughout the year. He will be an important and vital piece of this team as it finds future success.


After re-watching the Bills v Pats game from week 17, it became clear that the Pats had a great game plan to neutralize Alonso and had several large running plays right at him. The pats consistently were able to get an O lineman onto Alonso and seal him away from making the tackle. Kiko had great difficulty separating from these blocks.


Kiko was also the target of their FB on several plays. One in particular went for a big gain by L Blount.


IF Kiko is going to be our MLB, he is going to need to add some bulk. He looks about 10-15 pounds lighter now, than he did prior to the pre season. This already on a thin frame. Hopefully, gaining some weight will help him deal with all of the attention he will be getting from the opposing teams O Line.


IF Kiko is going to be our MLB, we may want to consider changing one of our DTs for a "space eater" type rather than a penetration type player. This may help to keep Kiko clean, and allow him to make plays with his incredible athleticism and instincts. This in no way is meant to be construed as a "get rid of Dareus" statement.


Another option would be to move him to a WLB position.


The game tape is there in how to stop Kiko, the Bills need to figure out the counter punch.


My apologies if this belongs in another thread. The other Kiko thread was a lot of fun, but I thought this may generate a separate discussion.

you get any lb blocked with a lineman and you can run the football. I can remember Brian Waters kicking Ray Lewis' ass up and down the field for the chiefs on a Monday night, secondly no rookies make the pro bowl, thirdly all linebackers over run plays and screen themselves from the play, lastly they will move him to weakside and go get a bigger run stuffer

Edited by CardinalScotts
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i'm curious if the plays you describe were 'counters', where the initial 'read' from a defensive perspective is that the RB is coming one way, but ends up going in the other direction.. usually with the addition of a FB leading interference. there was talk in Boston about using our aggressive style against us by baiting our LBs with false 'keys'. they were also discussing how they might overpower our smaller packages with Blount. i read this stuff after the fact, but it was pre-game stuff coming from the Patriot media. looks like they had their finger on that.


anyway, i wouldn't fret over Alonzo. if Pettine is as good as we think he is, he'll review, prepare and adjust the D better next season. he just has to find someone smarter than Hackett to ask "how would you attack this?"


The play involving the FB was just a hat on hat in the hole type of play and block. Excellent play design, Kiko took on the block (as he is supposed to do), no one else home to make a play.


The other play of note was the one where Mankins got to Kiko and they both fell to the ground. Blount ran by on way to long TD.


Kiko was a bright spot on this team all year, and he looks like he will be a great player for years to come.


Good points throughout the post regarding the other LB positions and how Kiko does/ does not fit.





you get any lb blocked with a lineman and you can run the football. I can remember Brian Waters kicking Ray Lewis' ass up and down the field for the chiefs on a Monday night, secondly no rookies make the pro bowl, thirdly all linebackers over run plays and screen themselves from the play, lastly they will move him to weakside and go get a bigger run stuffer


Agree with you on all counts. I remember that game involving Lewis as well, but admittedly I never would have remembered the O linemans name.

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