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Does POTUS Really Think We Are This Stupid?

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You're an idiot. (note: I'm using copyrighted material without the author's consent).

The point of my original response was to point out, one, we are past the trillion dollar deficits; and two, throwing out big numbers without some type of normalizing is a way to make a blow-hard point--which you are good at. I used Reagan to give you an example from someone you probably idolize. The deficit in 1983 was 6% of gdp, which would generate a trillion dollar deficit based on 2013 gdp. You want to change the subject and play "mines better (bigger?) than yours," which has nothing to do with the point I made. If you'd like to move to that subject, fine; though the majority of the current large deficits (and Reagan's) have more to do with revenues than spending.


You were comparing deficits and I brought up the subject of what the deficit spending consisted of. You then went WAWAWAWAWAWAWA. Reagan's deficit spending got the economy going and brought down the Soviet Union, eliminating our need to spend more money in an arms race. Obama's deficits have done what?

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Bull. This "economy" is nothing more than a shell game that's getting ready to implode. Any "momentum" is a false promise.

yeah but it's been a shell game for at least 25 years and you can't predict when the economy will implode any better than Harold Camping could predict the return of Jesus.
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yeah but it's been a shell game for at least 25 years and you can't predict when the economy will implode any better than Harold Camping could predict the return of Jesus.

Only because the Fed keeps moving the goal posts. Just remember that it's coming and it's not going to be long.

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