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As bad as the offense was, this probably lost us the game.


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Pretty much this. Our season practically rests in Hackett's hands and so far he's showing that he isn't an NFL caliber OC.


To Hackett - Keep pumping yourself up you want to go faster. An Offensive Coordinator has to create a game plan to put his team in the best possible position. Hackett clearly is not doing that. Marrone placed a bet that Hackett was ready to contend with Belichick and Ryan, not to mention Miami's D, and that's just the AFC East. Hackett will also have to play chess vs Zimmer from Cincinnati or KC's Defense. Maybe Hackett will be ready to contend with the best defensive minds in football by 2016. Marrone - as of now, very bad bet.


To Marrone - I don't mind it when a HC gets in the grill of the starting QB. However, you need to pick better spots to do that vs getting in EJ's face after EJ throws a bad incompletion down the sideline (I think it was 4th down) on a badly designed play and terrible play call. You should have lit up Hackett instead EJ.


Back to Hackett - One more thing. On 3rd and 4th downs of at least 5 yards, maybe realize who your opponent is and the situation. This time it was Rex Ryan. You don't anticipate Ryan bringing the house? That's childs play. Run quick slant patterns and give EJ a chance.

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Not much of a surprise when you probably know every blitz the other team is going to throw at you.


Sorry, that doesn't wash in the NFL. The Jets were able to throw wrinkles at us, but we weren't able to throw anything unexpected at them?

That's on the coaching and the game plan


We don't know how limiting EJ is to this offense right now. Maybe the time he missed in camp has set him back further than we realize. I seriously doubt our offense is that bland because Hackett can't think of anything to do.




Bland is one thing, timing of the play calls is something else. You can have a relatively simple offense that is effective, and that calls appropriate plays for down, distance, and the opponent.

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A total lack of QB pressure on Geno Smith. The guy had all day to throw. I'm more pissed at the lack of pass rush than anything. They were supposed to be a strength on this team.




Looks like if Mario can't generate a pass rush, then no one else on the team can. Jerry Hughes has been invisible so far this season. None of the other linemen or LB's have been able to generate a consistent pass rush either.

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If the Bills had their true starting secondary, the Bills would have won the game.


As bad as the Jets D made the Bills O look, they still scored 20 points, and if Gilmore, McK, and Brooks were at corner, with Byrd and A-Will at strong safety where he belongs, the Jets would have been lucky to score 9 points at best.


I think the pass rush and the blitzing went out the window because the coverage was so bad, it wouldn't have been effective anyway.


IF the middle word LIFE

Edited by Shoto
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We don't know how limiting EJ is to this offense right now. Maybe the time he missed in camp has set him back further than we realize. I seriously doubt our offense is that bland because Hackett can't think of anything to do.



I could get there if it was just the passing game, but that same exact run play getting repeated over and over for the 3rd straight week tells me something's not right.

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I agree. Right now Hackett appears to be in way over his head. But isn't this what you get when You hire a college coach who thinks he can bring in a college assistant who has no NFL experience?


He may be, but I'm willing to wait and see what happens when EJ gets himself together - i.e., a few more weeks of game action under his belt so he can get used to the speed of the game. They easily could be limiting things while EJ has more time to develop. I would hope that he does it ASAP.


That said, I also agree with MULARKEY - call a screen or two, run some play action. It looked like EJ was doing the play action later in the game, but he needs to work on that - he wasn't fooling anyone, it was clear they needed to throw the ball, and the running game was not there. You can't do play action unless you've already shown some success running the ball.

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