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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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Neither of you seem capable of making actual arguments. Just your typical Ad Hominem logical fallacies out of your mouths.


I'll give you a hint.


While there's no reason for you have read ALL 63 pages of this thread,


this (at least) the tenth time someone has tried to play the Obamacare = Heritage/Conservative silliness.



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Neither of you seem capable of making actual arguments. Just your typical Ad Hominem logical fallacies out of your mouths.


I have made actual arguments. You're not capable of understanding them. You're not even capable of understanding your own. I'm still waiting for the definition of "efficiency" that you're using.


Fact is, I gave you plenty of chances to NOT be an idiot. And you chose...to be an idiot. So pardon me for calling a spade a spade.


From Barack Obama's twitter account.


This is beyond embarrassing now.




Yeah...but the idea for this ad came from the Heritage Foundation back in '91.

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I'll give you a hint.


While there's no reason for you have read ALL 63 pages of this thread,


this (at least) the tenth time someone has tried to play the Obamacare = Heritage/Conservative silliness.




I would add that at this point, you can more quickly identify the Obama knob-gobblers when they bring it up. In fairness, anyone trying to defend ACA at this point is clearly a 'dead dog progressive,' bit the Heritage bit is most telling.

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I'll give you a hint.


While there's no reason for you have read ALL 63 pages of this thread,


this (at least) the tenth time someone has tried to play the Obamacare = Heritage/Conservative silliness.



What is the argument regarding the heritage proposal of an individual mandate about anyway? Personally it doesn't make a lick of difference to me if some of the policies in the ACA were from Heritage Institute or not, I was just pointing it out for interest.



"[N]either the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement...

Society does feel a moral obligation to insure that its citizens do not suffer from the unavailability of health care. But on the other hand, each household has the obligation, to the extent it is able, to avoid placing demands on society by protecting itself...

A mandate on households certainly would force those with adequate means to obtain insurance protection.

Here is link: http://healthcarereform.procon.org/sourcefiles/1989_assuring_affordable_health_care_for_all_americans.pdf check out page 6


Anyway again just a point of interest


What matters is the actual policy on how it affects health markets. But please enlighten me on this issue

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From Barack Obama's twitter account.


This is beyond embarrassing now.





ab71ca2f-477c-4b73-aa26-445e84032b09_normal.JPGDan McLaughlin @baseballcrank



Obama appeals to the core "grown man in a onesie" demographic


https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/413079861922508800 …






6ee453ef3bca19ce0b76c9f8001e5d1c_normal.pngD.W.Robinson @_DWRobinson Follow



Is Testosterone therapy covered?


@ThePantau @VodkaPundit @BarackObama





and after your "Health Care" discussion ? ..........................................................................PILLOW FIGHT !



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What is the argument regarding the heritage proposal of an individual mandate about anyway? Personally it doesn't make a lick of difference to me if some of the policies in the ACA were from Heritage Institute or not, I was just pointing it out for interest.



Here is link: http://healthcareref...l_americans.pdf check out page 6


Just to be clear, you're playing the "But it's a conservative plan!" card while simultaneously whining that other people won't argue with you on merit?


I can't possibly imagine why anyone would believe you're an idiot.


and after your "Health Care" discussion ? ..........................................................................PILLOW FIGHT !


Or just pine for the blonde girl across the hall while your autistic OCD roommate exclaims "Bazinga!"

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Just to be clear, you're playing the "But it's a conservative plan!" card while simultaneously whining that other people won't argue with you on merit?


I can't possibly imagine why anyone would believe you're an idiot.



haha thats all you got? You think I'm idiot cause i correctly stated that some of the Obamacare principles evolved from the Heritage Plan. Note that I was responding to a guy who linked to heritage piece about administrative costs it was and topical and I referred to it as an an FYI.

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haha thats all you got? You think I'm idiot cause i correctly stated that some of the Obamacare principles evolved from the Heritage Plan. Note that I was responding to a guy who linked to heritage piece about administrative costs it was and topical and I referred to it as an an FYI.


I think you're an idiot for many reasons, going back to your earlier posts on this board.


I just highlight this one because I thought you might understand how it demonstrates your idiocy. Clearly I gave you far too much credit.

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I think you're an idiot for many reasons, going back to your earlier posts on this board.


I just highlight this one because I thought you might understand how it demonstrates your idiocy. Clearly I gave you far too much credit.


Haha well lets just end this debate in true message board form, by both calling each other an idiot. You're the idiot!


Anyway like I said many times over I'm interested in watching Obamacare evolve over the next few years and seeing who was right and wrong. I'll check back in here to either face the music or to crow about the improvement in the U.S. health care system thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

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Haha well lets just end this debate in true message board form, by both calling each other an idiot. You're the idiot!


There was never a debate. You presented incorrect information you didn't understand, and wouldn't discuss it. Therefore: idiot.


Anyway like I said many times over I'm interested in watching Obamacare evolve over the next few years and seeing who was right and wrong. I'll check back in here to either face the music or to crow about the improvement in the U.S. health care system thanks to the Affordable Care Act.


"Evolve?" But it's the "law of the land" and can't be changed, unless it's by executive fiat at a press conference of course. Idiot.

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Do you think the premiums will stay the same once they have to account for the actual numbers of the young and healthy who sign up?


Beats me but my former company hasn't had a premium increase of less than 17% a year in 7 years. If this exchange program beats that, it's on par.


Of course we checked the in and out of network providers. I know that I'm supposed to knee jerk hate ACA but the exchange will save me about 6K this year.

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Every single example of "efficiency" you posted, for starters.


see this is my problem with you DC Tom, I ask you to explain how it was incorrect and you don't, or are unable to. Just another vague assertion that my examples don't fit your criteria.


I listed reforms that will achieve cost savings or deliver better services. I argue that they are efficient. Explain to me how they are not? Demonstrate a modicum of usefulness and make an argument please

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Of course we checked the in and out of network providers. I know that I'm supposed to knee jerk hate ACA but the exchange will save me about 6K this year.


I don't think anyone here is arguing that it doesn't help some. A lot of variables go into whether it works for someone, and if it works for you, that's terrific. But don't let your noggin' confuse mindless talking-point 'knee jerk ACA hate' with common sense that the law was born through a lie, depends exclusively on getting people without money to pay for something they don't want so as to pay for older people they don't care about, is wildly unpopular, and hurts more people than it helps.


There were and are a lot of ways for changes to benefit people without being the unbelievably incompetent cluster!@#$ this has clearly become.


But hey...your deal worked out, so good for you. One down. 60 million to go.

Edited by LABillzFan
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