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Satisfied with close loss? You may be a low information fan


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Kyle Williams isn't


"This year started in March, you know?" Williams said at his locker stall in Ralph Wilson Stadium. "You go through a lot to get ready to play. Just because all of y'all said we're going to get beat by 50 and we get beat by three, that doesn't make me feel any better.

"I'm here to win. I've been here a long time. I just want to freaking win. We've got to find a way to make the plays at the end of the game."


"Listen, if I had a dollar for every tough one with those freaking guys," Williams said after the Bills lost their opener to the Pats, 23-21, on a late field goal. "It makes me vomit."


"Coach said hopefully we're going to learn from it and keep pushing and wake up better for it tomorrow," Williams said. "But it doesn't seem like it now."

Edited by reed83 4th Rounder
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I'm not satisfied. it just feels like the same freaking losers finding new ways to lose...finding new opportunities not to make plays when we need a play. do nothing Mario with his foot boo boo....Dareus snoozing away while we repeatedly get ripped for 15+ yards up the middle...Stevie with another awesome drop with the game onthe line...Cordy Glenn with the dumb penalties. it was right there for us and the same guys gave it away that always do. I watch a game like this and i hate Buddy more than ever...not on a personal level of course, but man what a horrible batch of personnel decisions that guy presided over. I'm feeling like this is gong to be another long season.

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Bad teams lose a lot of close ones. Until we start winning these regardless of the opponent reputation,the playoff drought will continue. That being said its too early to know what kind of team is wearing Bills laundry right now..


Brady's cadre of receivers has never been worse.


NE is once again lucky that they'll be in the worst division in the NFL.

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Johnny me boy, How goes the battle?


Agree with you 100%. This game was soooo winnable it makes me sick. Poor coaching and play calling did our lads in today. And there are no more moral victories at this point (13 years into suckitude and counting).


Keep after it my friend. Drop me a pm and let me know how you are doing.

Edited by Tony P
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Bad teams lose a lot of close ones. Until we start winning these regardless of the opponent reputation,the playoff drought will continue. That being said its too early to know what kind of team is wearing Bills laundry right now..

So let me get this straight... If you're satisfied with the loss today, you're presumably a "low information fan," and yet you, OP, conveniently back out of this assertion with the "That being said" comment. Personally, I'm frustrated as hell to watch another game that I know the Bills could have won if they hadn't spotted NE* 14 points via turnovers in the red zone, only to see them lose in the last meaningful drive of the game by 2 points. At the same time, there was more fight in this team today, the third youngest team in the league, than there has been in years. I get that NE* is lucky to go 9-7 this year with this receiving corp... but for the love of Jebus, would posters please get off their "I'm smarter than you" soapbox. Am I a "low information fan" because I feel that this team didn't take a giant dump on the season like they did in last year's opener, and therefore might have expectations of seeing a team develop over the course of a season? Or are you, OP, opening yourself up to the "low information" tag by backpedaling in your own comments after starting a thread with such a stupid title... At times I love this board for the info that I can't get elsewhere being that I'm out of town, but at other times... JFC... I can't take the holier/smarter than thou snark! Edited by transient
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A low information fan would think that the good teams win the close games. A high information fan would realize that even the best teams have difficulty having a better than .500 record for close games for very long. In fact, a team's good record in close games in one season is a good indication that they will fall off the following season. Similarly, a team that has a poor record in close games one season will often turn it around the next.

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A low information fan would think that the good teams win the close games. A high information fan would realize that even the best teams have difficulty having a better than .500 record for close games for very long. In fact, a team's good record in close games in one season is a good indication that they will fall off the following season. Similarly, a team that has a poor record in close games one season will often turn it around the next.


True. It's why a 4-12 team was favored vs a 10-6 team today (one team was a lot luckier than the other last yr).

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I'm actually very excited after this game. Don't get me wrong, I'm frustrated with the outcome, but Brady was under duress. The whole game. The young part of our team (offense) made far to many mistakes. They also made bone head turnovers. But I don't feel we got beat. I also think every mistake made can be corrected.


I thought we could win this one, I know we can win the rematch.


To be clear, it looked like a competitive loss. Not a Bills loss.


If we play like as a team like we did today every week, with the exception of Spiller's performance, we can beat anyone. Our defense played very well even without our 2 backfield studs in Gilmore and Byrd and the offense will continue to grow and gel.


Very excited for this year and the years to come.

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Do non-competitive wins trump a competitive loss?


You mean the rematch at the end of the season where the Pats rest their starters for the upcoming playoffs?

relax, were one game into the season. Everybody knew that our offense was going to have youth issues. Without arguably our two best defenders on the field we held NE to 23 points, and kept Brady under duress for most of the day. If the offense can learn, and grow quickly enough, maybe that next game would mean somthing.



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I for one am satisfied with this close loss. I expected a blow out. I saw a Rookie QB who didn't wilt. I saw a better defense but the usual big names were somewhat absent in run defense.


Kiko is going to be a very serviceable player, Carrington sucked (I was hoping for him to block the game winning FG). Mario put some pressure on Brady but really doesn't come close to his pay grade performance wise. WTF is up with McKelvin? He looked like a professional cornerback give or take a few plays. Hughes? Meh. Searcy looked well OKAY!


Fed-Ex may end up winning his starting job back , unless Marrone can figure out how to use CJ.

But, even with pedestrian numbers EJ was showing he can do this NFL football thingy.

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