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I believe it's French for lark (the songbird).



Ooooooh, I'll bet that name instills fear into their oponents........oh NO.....not the SONGBIRDS!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine an NFL team with that name? I'd be embarrassed to be a fan. Then again, I'd probably be embarrassed to be from France or Montreal, too :P

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Ooooooh, I'll bet that name instills fear into their oponents........oh NO.....not the SONGBIRDS!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine an NFL team with that name? I'd be embarrassed to be a fan. Then again, I'd probably be embarrassed to be from France or Montreal, too tongue.gif


I dont know....I can honestly say I have never been scared by a dolphin or cardinal either. Dolphins have been on record for saving human lives. Dolphins have a history of saving other teams playoff hopes. Coincidence?

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I dont know....I can honestly say I have never been scared by a dolphin or cardinal either.  Dolphins have been on record for saving human lives.  Dolphins have a history of saving other teams playoff hopes.  Coincidence?



Good point......Cardinals is not the most ominous of nicknames......at least the Dolphins have swiftness and intelligence associated with them.


I remember back when they were trying to come up with names for the Jax and Car expansion teams......once they were almost set on Panthers for Carolina, this one guy went out of his way to lobby for "Puma".......I still think that would have been a really cool name......the Carolina Puma.......


I still can't believe they named the new Charlotte NBA franchise the friggin Bobcats.......how orignial

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Good point......Cardinals is not the most ominous of nicknames......at least the Dolphins have swiftness and intelligence associated with them.


I remember back when they were trying to come up with names for the Jax and Car expansion teams......once they were almost set on Panthers for Carolina, this one guy went out of his way to lobby for "Puma".......I still think that would have been a really cool name......the Carolina Puma.......


I still can't believe they named the new Charlotte NBA franchise the friggin Bobcats.......how orignial


at least its not the wildcats, i mean seriously, how many teams are nicknamed the wildcats?

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Funniest part is that its not named after a bobcat...but rather the owner of the team Bob    Johnson!



Please tell me you're kidding........I honestly would have no way of knowing if you are or aren't lol.......

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I dont know....I can honestly say I have never been scared by a dolphin or cardinal either.



On the other hand, a bill can be pretty scary:


Remember Buffalo Bill, the crazy serial killer from Silence of the Lambs?


Or how about those dreaded "bills" you get in the mail every month or so? That can be pretty scary if you're making around minimum wage.

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I ran into Kwame here in Austin, about a year ago. He is a Longhorn alumni...as far as I know, he is living here. He had not given up on the idea of playing in the NFL somewhere, at the time. He was a very good college receiver, with good hands, but just lacked the speed for the NFL game. He set boat loads of receiving records at UT, around the same time Ricky Williams was playing here....


Incidentlly, another former Bill reciever who had little impact lives here as well. He is Kamil Loud (I think that was his spelling), probably spent time on the bench right around the same time as Kwame, played in a few games, caught maybe 5 passes in his rookie season, was cut, and last played for the Falcons...

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Good point......Cardinals is not the most ominous of nicknames......at least the Dolphins have swiftness and intelligence associated with them.


I remember back when they were trying to come up with names for the Jax and Car expansion teams......once they were almost set on Panthers for Carolina, this one guy went out of his way to lobby for "Puma".......I still think that would have been a really cool name......the Carolina Puma.......


I still can't believe they named the new Charlotte NBA franchise the friggin Bobcats.......how orignial



Cardinals are actually nasty birds. Bird watchers hate them 'cause they kick so much bird-asss that they end up the only boids on the block. It's the sports teams that give THEM a pussyass name.

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