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T Jax released

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I like having insurance. You never want to use it, but when you need it you're glad you have it.




I'm not convinced Whaley was running this past draft.


The clue that Buddy wasn't just a figurehead at the end is this: When Whaley was promoted, he immediately made some changes to the personnel department. Obviously, Whaley wanted to make those changes before but didn't have the power to do so because Buddy was still running the show.


Making changes in staff isn't the same thing as running the draft. Obviously Whaley made his staff choices after he was named GM, and not before.


You've chosen to specifically ignore the statements made by absolutely everyone involved in the front office of the Bills in making these assertions.


If you believe Russ Brandon has that strong of a hold on things he could script everyone to say exactly the same thing (i.e., lie), you have more confidence in his abilities than I do.


You MUST be joking! Yes, I did ignore all of the deferential kowtowing and back scratching that everyone was expected to say. I also ignored this:


"There's a lot of speculation for whatever reason related to that," Bills President Russ Brandon said. "Buddy Nix is our general manager and will be for a long time.

"Doug is a vital cog to the process, but when it comes to football decisions in this organization, one person and one person only makes those decisions, and that's Buddy Nix."


That was a quote from Russ "Svengali" Brandon on April 27th after the Bills made their last pick in the draft. Well, if you believe Brandon, 16 days is "a long time"--that's how long it took him to relieve Buddy of his duties (oh, I mean for Buddy to suddenly decide not to retire, but not to be GM anymore). 3 days later, Whaley is GM.


Pro wrestling is scripted too. (sorry)





Perhaps, but the main reason why changes like Whaley's aren't made is it's beneficial to wait until AFTER the draft before doing so. It's a solid year of work for everyone involved right up until the last UDFA is signed. Take it for what it's worth, but this draft had Whaley's imprint all over it.




I agree that Whaley was likely the acting GM in the draft. I'm simply saying it's impossible to conclude that MArrone simply asked Buddy to "find" (as if MArrone wasn't very familiar with the top 100 prospects already) certain types of players--as though he was sending his wife to Wegmans to pick up his favorite foods for dinner.


It looks nothing like a Buddy draft. Not sure how anyone can argue otherwise.


Cogent like New England signing and cutting Tiquan Underwood 4 times?


Yes, dumping the 256th pick in the draft 4 times is on the same order of magnitude as paying millions and a draft pick for a guy who you refuse to even suit up for a game and then cutting him and then resigning for half a million to stand by for a few months until you inevitably draft a first round QB and take a veteran FA QB...and then cutting him again.


It makes no sense to call TJax an "insurance plan" when the staff never had confidence he would be a starter on this team. You don't need "insurance" in March. If we didn't pick Kolb, Tjax still would have ever been only a backup QB, at best, on this team. He's back in Seattle where his seat on the bench is likely still warm.


Only the good draft picks were Whaley's Buddy's. The bad ones coaching/personnel decisions were Nix's Chan's.


Fixed that for you..

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In case you didn't notice, the Bills cut Tjax -- not the other way around.

Haha, your character here is so funny.


Jackson is a solid backup in this league, and the Bills had to cut him because they have no planning skills. Meanwhile, Seattle used the Bills for a pick. Well run organization vs. poorly run.

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Haha, your character here is so funny.


Jackson is a solid backup in this league, and the Bills had to cut him because they have no planning skills. Meanwhile, Seattle used the Bills for a pick. Well run organization vs. poorly run.


A lot of organizations bring 4 or 5 QBs to camp. The Bills had 4 on the roster and cut one to make 3 they're comfortable with. I'm still not following you -- exactly where was the planning off? They didn't HAVE to cut TJax -- they chose to. You're making no sense.


The Bills traded a 7th round pick last season for a veteran QB as insurance. They didn't use him (for whatever reason) and his contract expired. They chose to re-sign him to a one-year deal (not guaranteed) at a time when they literally had no QBs on the roster. They then allowed him to compete with Kolb and Manuel during OTAs and minicamp -- at the conclusion of which they decided they were good with the other 3 QBs on the roster.


Again -- where was all of this poor planning?

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